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Information for Students Interested in Applying to Rutgers’ Social Psychology Graduate Program to Work with Me

(Last updated 2-10-23)

Go to my Congratulations! page to see some recent extraordinary accomplishments of graduate and undergraduate students in my lab.

Go to my Social Perception Lab (SPL) page to see a list of SPL alumni and where they have ended up.

Diversity Statement


Work in Progress


My current work addresses issues in scientific integrity/better practices, stereotypes&prejudice, bias, and political radicalization.  These might seem completely different but, to me, they are not. Political biases distort social psychology much like stereotypes and expectancies sometimes distort judgments.  Also, politics is a great arena for studying stereotypes because people are usually quite ready to tell you what they think about the “other” side (not always true with demographic groups).  Last, the politics of social psychologists seems to distort the conclusions the field routinely reaches about stereotypes and prejudice. Got your attention? Read on or check my select publications page