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By Sylvia Yong


Taylor could not adjust well

and Ruby was not a gem of any sorts,

at least in her eyes.


But the two still rendezvoused

at Barry’s Brunch Bar

because of Hope’s persistence


and the promise of free pancakes.

So the pair debated over their

respective insecurities


as Taylor squirmed silently

in his borrowed dress pants

and button-down.


A shared Rocky Road cone

over an episode of Saturday Night Live

was enough to make them fall;


so Taylor picked out a size six ring

and asked Ruby near Fairview Court

if she could be his crimson companion.


The couple held hands

on their walk down Jupiter Bay

and debated “Faith” over “Harmony.”




Sylvia’s Bio:

Sylvia Yong graduated in spring 2020, majoring in Communication and minoring in Psychology. She enjoys writing poems and short stories in her free time, and possibly wants to take up writing as part of her career.

Sylvia wrote this poem in Joanna Fuhrman’s Poetry course during the spring 2019 semester.  Fuhrman selected the piece as a WHR featured poem.