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Dr. Tim Eatman

Guest Speaker, Rutgers University Newark

Dean of the Honors Living-Learning Community Timothy K. Eatman, Ph.D., is the inaugural dean of the HLLC. Most recently, he held an appointment as Associate Professor of Higher Education

Wintress White

Guest Speaker, Red Thread Collective

Wintress White has been an active member of Red Thread since 1992. As a survivor of domestic abuse, White stumbled upon Red Thread when she mistakenly attended one of their

Twuile Braga

Invited artist

Tuwilê Jorge kin Braga is a geographer, art-activist, researcher and popular educator.  He has a Master’s degree in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP) and is a

Bruno Lopes do Nascimento

Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

Bruno Lopes do Nascimento, Fisherman and Quilombola. Resident of Ilha de Maré, in the quilombo community of Bananeiras, I act as a coordinator of the Quilombola Association of Fishermen and

Franciele Silva

Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

Franciele Silva, 24 years old, was born and raised in the quilombo community of Rio dos Macacos in Simões Filho, Bahia, and is coordinator of the Association of Quilombo Rio

Olinda de Souza Oliveira dos Santos

Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

Olinda de Souza Oliveira dos Santos is 64 years old, born and raised in the quilombo community Rio dos Macacos in Simões Filho, Bahia and is coordinator of the Association

Elisabeth Lopes dos Santos

Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

Elisabeth Lopes dos Santos belongs to the fishing and quilombo community of Bananeiras (Ilha de Maré) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. She is a young, 24 year old fisherwoman and activist,

Sou Marilene Novais

Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

I am Marilene Novias. I am baiana that is part of the traditional culture of the people of my state. I belong to Quilombo Rio dos Macacos, I am a


Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

Born on January 24, 1986 in the Alto do Tororó Quilombo Community to a small mother, when she became an adult took her place as a leader among a historically


Quilombola Organizer | Speaker

IG: sambasdasmatriarcas Maria de Fátima Lima Ferreira is a Black Woman and granddaughter and great granddaughter of fisherpeople, coming from three generations within Quilombo Alto do Tororó, whose principal activity