Tuwilê Jorge kin Braga is a geographer, art-activist, researcher and popular educator. He has a Master’s degree in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP) and is a member of NEPEN – the Nucleus of Black Students and Researchers in the Department of Geography at USP. He is currently a PhD student in geography at USP where he has been studying the use of Hip-Hop and Graffiti as a pedagogical tool for teaching Geography.
Intersciplinarity guides his scholarly and artist work. For Tuwilê, his creative work using the stencil, seeks to reveal how geographic graphics relate to an urban aesthetic, ethnic-racial issues and allows for the re-creation of urban visualities. Internationally, his art work has feature in the StencilArt Prize exhibition in Sydney – Australia and the “Afro-Brazilian Culture” project at the SparksSchool network in Soweto, South Africa (2019) among others. Some of the community-engaged work he is proud of includes being an art educator on the project Virada de Cores – Favela do Heliópolis (2019) and on the murals Grafias Negras at the Enzo Antonio Silvestrin Municipal School in São Paulo, (2017), and painting murals inside Ballet Paraisópolis, with representations of dancers from the ballet community ensemble.