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“We, as specimens, grow comfortable with the systems and structures that our society projects for us.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, adaption is necessary for progression. Transformation is inevitable, regardless of your participation.

But adapting is not the difficult part.

As conscious, spiritual, self-reflective, and connected beings — WHY we are adapting is the impetus.


We are not just instinctual organisms.


We can not help but be hopeful creatures, searching for purpose, meaning, passion. No matter how shallow or deep ones search.


This project serves as a visual, multi-media letter, addressed to the audience. Serving as a reminder to breathe. To reground. To silence the insistent waves of sound and energy that bombard our own fields of energy. Liberate yourself from drone mentality. For a smug moment of clarity.


The cup overflows. The kettle scream. The flowers bloom and die. The ice melts. The material world burns.


Binaries do not exist here.


Only beauty.


What does that make of the light inside of you?” (Lana Eve)