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Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Art History Graduate Student Symposium 2023-24

Uncovering the Senses: Immersion, Performance, and Sensoriality in Art

Call for Papers: Uncovering the Senses: Immersion, Performance, and Sensoriality in Art

14th Annual Art History Graduate Student Symposium

Organized by the Rutgers University Art History Graduate Student Organization (AHGSO)

Updated Submission Deadline: Friday, February 2, 2024
Symposium Date: Friday, April 19, 2024

Keynote Speaker: Distinguished Professor Cynthia Hahn, CUNY Graduate Center

The discipline of art history has only recently evolved to include not only the visual, but also the other senses, such as touch, taste, sound, and smell. This sensorial turn has led to innovative ways of experiencing and analyzing art, architecture, and cultural practices. Multi-sensory approaches have allowed us to reassess assumptions of past material culture, while providing new directions for contemporary artistic production. Uncovering the Senses aims to foster conversations about multi-sensory perceptions and reactions to art beyond its visuality.

Abstracts are welcome from all historical periods, disciplines, and methodological perspectives. Submissions will be considered for 20-minute presentations in English. After the symposium, one paper will be selected for possible publication in Volume 41 of the Rutgers Art Review, a peer-reviewed, open access journal produced by graduate students in the Department of Art History.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

● Sensory reactions to material culture
● Interactive exhibitions
● Aural/Olfactory experience of spaces
● Art and accessibility
● Performance art
● Intangible heritage preservation
● Immersive experiences
● Materiality of images
● Architectural sensoriality
● Religious art and reactions
● Art and pilgrimage
● Art production/processes
● Digital/Sensorial art
● Relational art and aesthetics
● Food in art
● Science of perception

Please send your abstract and a current CV to by Friday, February 2. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by February 28.

CFP – Rutgers Art History Symposium 2024