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RELI Volunteer sign up

Rutgers English Language Institute (RELI) offers RU Pathway Program for international students. These students are not Rutgers students yet; however, they are learning to improve their English so that they will become RU students in the future. One of their classes offered this semester is called “Exploring American Identities”, and in this class, students learn English through reading and discussing American culture. The instructors of the class are looking for some English speaking volunteers who can be an interviewee. English language students will ask you about basic American culture, and you will answer their questions in English. There are about 20 students enrolled in each class, and we are looking for 3-4 volunteers per session. If you are willing to be an interviewee, please sign up. The interview is informal. If you are thinking about applying to the JET Program and do not have any teaching experience, this might be a wonderful opportunity for you to put down something on your resume. If you would like to know more about this opportunity, feel free to e-mail us: or