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ALMA has two independent laboratory areas fully dedicated to research and education. Both spaces are located in the Biological Science Building, within Douglass campus.

Wet laboratory

Sample extraction and experiments are conducted in the wet laboratory. This space has been recently renovated. Apart from the standard instrumentation, the laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation for processing loose sediment samples. This includes a Millipore water system, semi-analytical balance, precision balance, muffle furnace, pHmeter, spectrophotometer, a shaker-incubator, and a -20C refrigerated storage unit.

Dry laboratory

The dry laboratory is equipped with a Nicolet iS5 FTIR Spectrometer from Thermo Fisher Scientific. The dry laboratory is fully equipped to prepare KBr pellets for FTIR analyses, but we can also use the iD7 ATR accessory which does not require sample preparation. In addition, we count with two Nikon High-Resolution polarizing microscopes that can work with transmitted or reflected light. Combined together we have an almost uninterrupted observation scale from 1.5x to 600x. The microscopes are equipped with a Nikon Fi3 high-resolution digital camera and NIS-Elements software for basic image acquisition, automatic measurements, and 4D imaging.