Laugier, E. J., Casana, J., & Cabanes, D. (2022). Phytolith evidence for the pastoral origins of multi-cropping in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq). Scientific Reports, 12(1), 60–60.
Burguet-Coca, A., Del Valle, H., Expósito, I., Herrejón-Lagunilla, Á., Buitkute, E., Cabanes, D., Cáceres, I., Carrancho, Á., & Villalaín, J. J. (2022). The Fumier Sequences of El Mirador: An Approach to Fire as a Sociocultural Practice and Taphonomic Agent. In Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology (pp. 89–110). Springer International Publishing.
Daura, J., Sanz, M., Demuro, M., Arnold, L. J., Costa, A. M., Moreno, J., Freitas, M. da C., Lopes, V., Egueez, N., Hoffmann, D. L., Benson, A., Cabanes, D., Garcia-Targa, J., & Fullola, J. M. (2021). A new chronological framework and site formation history for Cova del Gegant (Barcelona); implications for Neanderthal and anatomically modern human occupation of NE Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 270, 107141-.
- Laugier, E.J., Casana, J., Glatz, C., Sameen, S.M., Cabanes, D., 2021. Reconstructing agro-pastoral practice in the Mesopotamian-Zagros borderlands: Insights from phytolith and FTIR analysis of a dung-rich deposit, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38.
- Daura, J., Sanz, M., Demuro, M., Arnold, L.J., Costa, A.M., Moreno, J., da Conceição Freitas, M., Lopes, V., Égüez, N., Hoffmann, D.L., Benson, A., Cabanes, D., García-Targa, J., Fullola, J.M., 2021. A new chronological framework and site formation history for Cova del Gegant (Barcelona): Implications for Neanderthal and Anatomically Modern Human occupation of NE Iberian Peninsula, Quaternary Science Reviews.
- Sanz, M., Daura, J., Cabanes, D., Égüez, N., Carrancho, Á., Badal, E., Souto, P., Rodrigues, F., Zilhão, J., 2020. Early evidence of fire in south-western Europe: the Acheulean site of Gruta da Aroeira (Torres Novas, Portugal), Scientific Reports 10.
- Esteban, I., Marean, C.W., Cowling, R.M., Fisher, E.C., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2020. Palaeoenvironments and plant availability during MIS 6 to MIS 3 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (south coast, South Africa) as indicated by phytolith analysis at Pinnacle Point, Quaternary Science Reviews 235.
- Burguet-Coca, A., Polo-Díaz, A., Martínez-Moreno, J., Benito-Calvo, A., Allué, E., Mora, R., Cabanes, D., 2020. Pen management and livestock activities based on phytoliths, dung spherulites, and minerals from Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Southeastern pre-Pyrenees), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12.
- Wroth, K., Cabanes, D., Marston, J.M., Aldeias, V., Sandgathe, D., Turq, A., Goldberg, P., Dibble, H.L., 2019. Neanderthal plant use and pyrotechnology: phytolith analysis from Roc de Marsal, France, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 4325-4346.
- Mallol, C., Hernández, C., Mercier, N., Falguères, C., Carrancho, Á., Cabanes, D., Vidal-Matutano, P., Connolly, R., Pérez, L., Mayor, A., Ben Arous, E., Galván, B., 2019. Fire and brief human occupations in Iberia during MIS 4: Evidence from Abric del Pastor (Alcoy, Spain), Scientific Reports 9.
- Esteban, I., Marean, C.W., Fisher, E.C., Karkanas, P., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2018. Phytoliths as an indicator of early modern humans plant gathering strategies, fire fuel and site occupation intensity during the Middle Stone Age at Pinnacle Point 5-6 (south coast, South Africa), PLoS ONE 13.
- Zilhão, J., Anesin, D., Aubry, T., Badal, E., Cabanes, D., Kehl, M., Klasen, N., Lucena, A., Martín-Lerma, I., Martínez, S., Matias, H., Susini, D., Steier, P., Wild, E.M., Angelucci, D.E., Villaverde, V., Zapata, J., 2017. Precise dating of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Murcia (Spain) supports late Neandertal persistence in Iberia, Heliyon 3.
- Sanz, M., Daura, J., Égüez, N., Cabanes, D., 2017. On the track of anthropogenic activity in carnivore dens: Altered combustion structures in Cova del Gegant (NE Iberian Peninsula), Quaternary International 437, 102-114.
- Rodríguez-Cintas, Á., Cabanes, D., 2017. Phytolith and FTIR studies applied to combustion structures: The case of the Middle Paleolithic site of El Salt (Alcoy, Alicante), Quaternary International 431, 16-26.
- Esteban, I., Vlok, J., Kotina, E.L., Bamford, M.K., Cowling, R.M., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2017. Phytoliths in plants from the south coast of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (South Africa), Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 245, 69-84.
- Esteban, I., De Vynck, J.C., Singels, E., Vlok, J., Marean, C.W., Cowling, R.M., Fisher, E.C., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2017. Modern soil phytolith assemblages used as proxies for Paleoscape reconstruction on the south coast of South Africa, Quaternary International 434, 160-179.
- Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Bruins, H., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Cabanes, D., Horwitz, L.K., Neumann, F.H., Osband, M., Porat, N., Weiss, E., Maeir, A.M., 2017. Ancient environment and human interaction at Tell es -Sâfi / Gath, Near Eastern Archaeology 80, 244-246.
- Vergès, J.M., Burguet-Coca, A., Allué, E., Expósito, I., Guardiola, M., Martín, P., Morales, J.I., Burjachs, F., Cabanes, D., Carrancho, Á., Vallverdú, J., 2016. The Mas del Pepet experimental programme for the study of prehistoric livestock practices: Preliminary data from dung burning, Quaternary International 414, 304-315.
- Stutz, A.J., Shea, J.J., Rech, J.A., Pigati, J.S., Wilson, J., Belmaker, M., Albert, R.M., Arpin, T., Cabanes, D., Clark, J.L., Hartman, G., Hourani, F., White, C.E., Nilsson Stutz, L., 2015. Early Upper Paleolithic chronology in the Levant: New ABOx-SC accelerator mass spectrometry results from the Mughr el-Hamamah Site, Jordan, Journal of Human Evolution 85, 157-173.
- Regev, L., Cabanes, D., Homsher, R., Kleiman, A., Weiner, S., Finkelstein, I., Shahack-Gross, R., 2015. Geoarchaeological investigation in a domestic iron age quarter, Tel Megiddo, Israel, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 374, 135-157.
- Cabanes, D., Shahack-Gross, R., 2015. Understanding fossil phytolith preservation: The role of partial dissolution in paleoecology and archaeology, PLoS ONE 10.
- Balbo, A.L., Cabanes, D., García-Granero, J.J., Bonet, A., Ajithprasad, P., Terradas, X., 2015. A microarchaeological approach for the study of pits, Environmental Archaeology 20, 390-405.
- Asscher, Y., Cabanes, D., Hitchcock, L.A., Maeir, A.M., Weiner, S., Boaretto, E., 2015. Radiocarbon dating shows an early appearance of Philistine material culture in Tell es-Safi/Gath, Philistia, Radiocarbon 57, 825-850.
- Shahack-Gross, R., Boaretto, E., Cabanes, D., Katz, O., Finkelstein, I., 2014. Subsistence economy in the Negev Highlands: The Iron Age and the Byzantine/ Early Islamic period, Levant 46, 98-117.
- Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Boaretto, E., Bruins, H.J., Cabanes, D., Horwitz, L.K., Neumann, F.H., Porat, N., Weiss, E., Maeir, A.M., 2014. Using palaeo-environmental proxies to reconstruct natural and anthropogenic controls on sedimentation rates, Tell es-Safi/Gath, eastern Mediterranean, Anthropocene 8, 70-82.
- Mallol, C., Hernández, C.M., Cabanes, D., Sistiaga, A., Machado, J., Rodríguez, T., Pérez, L., Galván, B., 2013. The black layer of Middle Palaeolithic combustion structures. Interpretation and archaeostratigraphic implications, Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 2515-2537.
- Mallol, C., Hernández, C.M., Cabanes, D., Machado, J., Sistiaga, A., Pérez, L., Galván, B., 2013. Human actions performed on simple combustion structures: An experimental approach to the study of Middle Palaeolithic fire, Quaternary International 315, 3-15.
- Cabanes, D., Gadot, Y., Cabanes, M., Finkelstein, I., Weiner, S., Shahack-Gross, R., 2012. Human impact around settlement sites: A phytolith and mineralogical study for assessing site boundaries, phytolith preservation, and implications for spatial reconstructions using plant remains, Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 2697-2705.
- Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2012. Erratum to “Microarchaeology of a collective burial: Cova des Pas (Minorca)” [J. Archaeol. Sci. 38 (5) (2011) 1119-1126], Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 1911.
- Allué, E., Cabanes, D., Solé, A., Sala, R., 2012. Hearth functioning and forest resource exploitation based on the archeobotanical assemblage from level J, Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology, pp. 373-385.
- Albert, R.M., Cau, M.Á., Cabanes, D., 2012. The international workshop on site formation and post-depositional processes in archaeology (Barcelona, 2-4 June 2010), Quaternary International 275, 1-3.
- Namdar, D., Zukerman, A., Maeir, A.M., Katz, J.C., Cabanes, D., Trueman, C., Shahack-Gross, R., Weiner, S., 2011. The 9th century BCE destruction layer at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel: Integrating macro- and microarchaeology, Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 3471-3482.
- Cabanes, D., Weiner, S., Shahack-Gross, R., 2011. Stability of phytoliths in the archaeological record: A dissolution study of modern and fossil phytoliths, Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 2480-2490.
- Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2011. Microarchaeology of a collective burial: Cova des Pas (Minorca), Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 1119-1126.
- Mallol, C., Cabanes, D., Baena, J., 2010. Microstratigraphy and diagenesis at the upper Pleistocene site of Esquilleu Cave (Cantabria, Spain), Quaternary International 214, 70-81.
- Katz, O., Cabanes, D., Weiner, S., Maeir, A.M., Boaretto, E., Shahack-Gross, R., 2010. Rapid phytolith extraction for analysis of phytolith concentrations and assemblages during an excavation: An application at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel, Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 1557-1563.
- Cabanes, D., Mallol, C., Expósito, I., Baena, J., 2010. Phytolith evidence for hearths and beds in the late Mousterian occupations of Esquilleu cave (Cantabria, Spain), Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 2947-2957.
- Cabanes, D., Burjachs, F., Expósito, I., Rodríguez, A., Allué, E., Euba, I., Vergès, J.M., 2009. Formation processes through archaeobotanical remains: The case of the Bronze Age levels in El Mirador cave, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain, Quaternary International 193, 160-173.
- Albert, R.M., Bamford, M.K., Cabanes, D., 2009. Palaeoecological significance of palms at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, based on phytolith remains, Quaternary International 193, 41-48.
- Albert, R.M., Shahack-Gross, R., Cabanes, D., Gilboa, A., Lev-Yadun, S., Portillo, M., Sharon, I., Boaretto, E., Weiner, S., 2008. Phytolith-rich layers from the Late Bronze and Iron Ages at Tel Dor (Israel): mode of formation and archaeological significance, Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 57-75.
- Albert, R.M., Cabanes, D., 2007. Fire in prehistory: An experimental approach to combustion processes and phytolith remains, Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 175-189.
- Bamford, M.K., Albert, R.M., Cabanes, D., 2006. Plio-Pleistocene macroplant fossil remains and phytoliths from Lowermost Bed II in the eastern palaeolake margin of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Quaternary International 148, 95-112.
- Albert, R.M., Bamford, M.K., Cabanes, D., 2006. Taphonomy of phytoliths and macroplants in different soils from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and the application to Plio-Pleistocene palaeoanthropological samples, Quaternary International 148, 78-94.