Shiflett, M.W., Riccie, M., DiMatteo, R. The effects of amphetamine sensitization on conditioned inhibition during a Pavlovian-instrumental transfer task in rats. Psychopharmacology 230(1):137-47 (2013)
Shiflett, M.W. The effects of amphetamine exposure on outcome-selective Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in rats. Psychopharmacology 223(3) 361-70 (2012)
Natsheh, J.Y., Espinoza, D., Bhimani, S. and Shiflett, M.W. The effects of the dopamine D2/3 agonist quinpirole on incentive value and palatability-based choice in a rodent model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychopharmacology 238, 3143-53 (2021)
Natsheh, J.Y., and Shiflett, M.W. Dopaminergic Modulation of Goal-Directed Behavior in a Rodent Model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 12, 45. (2018)
Natsheh, J. Y. and Shiflett, M. W. The Effects of Methylphenidate on Goal-Directed Behavior in a Rat Model of ADHD. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9 (2015) doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00326.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Eisenberg, C., Subramanian, D., Afrasiabi, M., Ziobro, P., DeLucia, J., Hirschberg, P.R., Shiflett, M.W., Santhakumar, V., Tran, T.S.. Reduced hippocampal inhibition and enhanced autism-epilepsy comorbidity in mice lacking neuropilin 2. Translational Psychiatry 11, 537 (2021).
Assous, M., Martinez, E., Eisenberg, C., Shah, F., Kosc, A., Varghese, K., Espinoza, D., Bhimani, S., Tepper, J.M., Shiflett, M.W., Tran, T.S.. Neuropilin 2 signaling mediates corticostriatal transmission, spine maintenance, and goal-directed learning in mice. Journal of Neuroscience Nov 6;39(45):8845-8859 (2019) doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1006-19.2019
Shiflett, M. W., E. Martinez, H. Khdour and T. S. Tran Functions of Neuropilins in Wiring the Nervous System and Their Role in Neurological Disorders. The Neuropilins: Role and Function in Health and Disease. Neufeld and Kessler. Berlin, Springer-Verlag (2017).
Shiflett, M.W., Gavin, M., Tran, T.S. Altered hippocampal-dependent memory and motor function in Neuropilin 2-deficient mice. Translational Psychiatry e521 (2105) doi:10.1038/tp.2015.17
Kaminer, J., Espinoza, D., Bhimani, S., Tepper, J.M., Koos, T., Shiflett, M.W. Loss of striatal tyrosine-hydroxylase interneurons impairs instrumental goal-directed behavior. European Journal of Neuroscience 2019 Aug;50(4):2653-2662. (2019) doi 10.1111/ejn.14412
Shiflett M.W., and Balleine B.W. Molecular substrates of action control in striatal circuits. Progress in Neurobiology 95(1): 1-13 (2011)
Shiflett, M.W., and Balleine B.W. Contributions of ERK signaling in the striatum to instrumental learning and performance. Behavioral Brain Research 218(1): 240-7 (2011)
Shiflett, M.W., and Balleine, B.W. At the limbic-motor interface: disconnection of basolateral amygdala from nucleus accumbens core and shell reveals dissociable components of incentive motivation. European Journal of Neuroscience 32(10): 1735-43 (2010)
Shiflett, M.W., Brown, R.A., and Balleine, B.W. Acquisition and performance of goal-directed instrumental actions depends on ERK signaling in distinct regions of dorsal striatum in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 30(8): 2951-9 (2010)
Shiflett, M.W., Mauna, J.C., Chipman, A.M., Peet, E. and Thiels, E. Appetitive Pavlovian conditioned stimuli increase CREB phosphorylation in the nucleus accumbens. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92(3): 451-4 (2009)
Shiflett, M.W., Martini, R.P., Mauna, J., Foster, R.L., Peet, E. and Thiels, E. Cue-elicited reward seeking requires Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase activation in the Nucleus Accumbens. Journal of Neuroscience 28(6): 1434-43 (2008)
Zanin, J., Verpeut, J., Li, Y., Shiflett, M.W., Wang, S.S., Santhakumar V., Friedman, W. The p75NTR influences cerebellar circuit development and adult behavior via regulation of cell cycle duration of granule cell progenitors Journal of Neuroscience (2019) 13;39(46):9119-9129 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0990-19.