Principal investigator
PhD students
Xin Ai (BS, Huazhong University of S&T 2014; 17f -)
Brianna Rodriguez (BS, Rowan University 2020; 20f – IMSD/Biotech fellow)
Tanner Clifford (BS, Rider University 2015; MS, Delaware State University 2019; 21f – Biotech fellow)
Matthew Morris (BS, West Chester University of Penn; 23f -)
Jaeyoon Yi (BS GIT; MS JHU 2024; 24f – Biotech fellow)
MS students
Miriam Escott (MS candidate; 24S -)
Merna Ibrahim (MEng candidate; 24F-)
Undergraduate students
- Senior Design:
- Augustine George; Lekha Rakundlia; Svar Shah; Kayvus Trjano
Jonah Simone (Honors Academy-SOE; 23f-)
- Aman Saini (24su -)
Diana Nejand (RDELLC, 24f-)
- Kacey Yuta Chen (RDELLC, 24f -)
- Michelle Zhao (25s-)
- JJ Slades:
- Project Super:
- Summer students:
- Vinny Huang (2024 su – Cornell U)
- David Hoyt (REU/RiSE: 2024 su – Drew U)
- Andrea Yan (2024 su – Columbia U)
- Ying Li, Ph.D. (Mar 2016 – Jan 2017) – Transcription factors in spinal cord development and Top2b function in retinal development.
- Hailing Hao, Ph.D. (Mar 2008 – Jun 2014) Regulation of gene expression in neural stem/progenitor cells
- Mythily Ganapathi, Ph.D. (Jul 2008 – Dec 2008)
Zachary Finkel (BME 19f – 24s; Gene therapy for spinal cord injury. NJCSCR grad fellow) – R&D Associate at TG Therapeutics Inc.
- Misaal Patel (BME PhD Candidate 2016f – GAANN fellowship – 2017s – GAANN/NIH Biotech – 2018f – Defense Date: 8/22/2019) – Associate Principal Scientist/Associate Director at Merck
- Jeremy Anderson (BME PhD candidate, 2015 – NIH Biotech fellow; Defense Date: 6/17/2019) – Associate Director, Quality Control (QC), Cell Therapy, Kite Pharma – Thesis: Transgenic mouse model for the study of traumatic brain injury
- Ying Li (BME Ph.D. Jan 2016, Jul 2010 – Mar 2016; NJCSCR Fellow 2012-14) – Transcription factors in spinal cord development and Top2b function in retinal development. Current position: Associate Professor, Xi’An JiaoTong University (China)
- Shannon Smith, Ph.D. (MBS Jul 2008 – Aug 2013; NSF IGERT fellow) Thesis: Regulation of CD44 expression in breast cancer stem cells. Current position: postdoc at CHOP, Philadelphia, PA
- Evangeline Tzatzalos, Ph.D. (BME Sept 2008 – Nov 2012; NSF IGERT fellow; NJCSCR fellow) Thesis: Regulation of Notch1 expression in retinal development. Current position: MSAT Principal Scientist in the cell and gene therapy group at J&J
- Mohammed M. Islam, Ph.D. (Molecular Pharmacology Jul 2009 – May 2012) Thesis: Regulation of Foxn4 expression in retinal development. Current position: Assistant Professor at King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia)
- Sungtae Doh, Ph.D. (BME Dec 2006 – May 2010) Thesis: Computational prediction and experimental verification of gene regulatory elements in neuronal development and Retinal development. Associate, Steptoe
- Atharv Kulkarni (22f MS candidate)
- Kenneth Lindsley (22f-24s MS)
- Hani Alostaz (22-23f MS): Single cell transcriptomic analysis reveals molecular differences in mouse models of spinal cord injuries
- Mridul Dalmia (22-23f MS): scRNA-seq Analysis of Gsx1 Gene Therapy Reveals a Restoration of the Pre-Injury Spinal Cord Environment and Reduction of Neuroinflammation
- Adelina Joseph (22-23f MS): Gsx1 promotes neurogenesis in acute phase of spinal cord injury in rodents; Current position: Associate Scientist at Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Mohammed Hussain (22f-23s MEng): literature review on single cell RNA-seq analysis. Current job: Bioinformatician at Regeneron
- Tianyue Fu (MS candidate 19s; PhD candidate 19f – 21f; MS 22s): Tafa3 in retinal development
- Fatima Esteban (MS candidate 20f – 22s): PIP reduces neuroinflammation and reactive gliosis in SCI
- Tajim Ahammed (MEng candidate 21s – 22s): Current advances in SCI research
- Ryan Skinner (MS 19f – 21s): In vitro study of TF in neural differentiation
- Joseph Decker (MEng 21s): iPSC review
- Sofia Castro-Pedrido (BME MS 2019f – Aug. 2020): Delayed treatment for SCI
- Dylan Forenzo (BME MS 2019f – 2020s): Computational study of gene expression
- Nikita Kelkar (BME MS program 2017s – nonthesis MS Dec 2018)
- Rani Satya Pavitra (BME MS 2017s-2018):
- Alexandra Pinto (BME MS 18s)-(BME PhD program 2018f – May 2019) Computational Biologist/Bioinformatician at Helomics
- Nirali Patel (BME MS 18s)
- Jingjing Shi (BME MS 2017s)
- Shivani Patel (BME BS/MS 2017s)
- Nikhil Kumar (BME MS 2017s)
- Rameshwari Rayaji (BME MS 2016) Current position: Research Associate II, SRI International
- Jennifer Kim, MS (BME Sep 2007 – May 2010) – Law School
- Jennifer Forino, MS (BME Dec 2009)
- Samuel Zhang (2023 su – 2024s BS – JJ Slades)
- Hafize Petekci (2023s su – Project Super)
- Alexander Suponya BME 22s
- Faizah Rahim RSA 21f-22s
- Vighnesh Raja (Honors College 20f – 22s)
- Shivam Garg (20f – 22s)
- Harshil Trivedi (20f – 22s)
- Ariella Savitz (21f – 22s)
- James Lin (20f – 22s)
- Muskan Jawed (Project SUPER 21s, BME RSA 21f)
- Victoria Percoco (21s)
- Veronica Farag (19f -) BME RSA 21s
- Ami Patel (19f – 21s) Stem cell gene expression in breast cancer
- Pooja Gupta (UG; Project Super 19s – 20f) RNA-seq data analysis of SCI models
- Hanna Brancaccio (2019f – 2020s) works with Zach Finkel
- Sofia Castro-Pedrido (BME Slade Scholar / BS 2018f – 2019s):
- Dylan Forenzo (BME Slade Scholar / BS 2018f – 2019s): Photoreceptor Gene Expression
- Alex Milojevic (2018s – 2019s)
- Rebecca Risman (Aresty 17s – 2019s)
- Mihir Shah (SOE Honors Academy 17s – 18f)
- Brandon Lungo (BME Slade Scholar BS 17f – 18s) Computational analysis of retinal gene expression
- Shunyao Lei (Aresty 2017f – 2019s) SCI project with Misaal
- Nirali Patel (BME Honors Academy & Slades Scholar BS/MS 16f – Aresty 16f) – Computational analysis of biologyical data
- Quinn Wade (BME Honors Academy 15f -) – PhD program at PSU
- Tristen Wallace 2016s
- Nikhil Kumar (BME BS 2016)
- Neda Kabi (BME Honors Academy 2013-2015)
- Yuying Tan 2015
- Shivani Patel (BME Honors Academy 2014f)
- Katherine Lau (Spring 2014)
- Nikhil Agarwal (BME Honors Academy 2010-2013)
- Jordana Gilbert (BME Honors Academy 2011-2013); Johns Hopkins University
- Dhara Zala (BME Honors Academy 2011-2013)
- Alson Wu (BME Honors Academy 2010-2012)
- Haim Tawil (BME Honors Academy, 2008-2010) U Penn – Dental student
- Stephanie Loh (BME Honors Academy, Senior Design 2008-2010)
- Tapan Patel (BME Honors Academy, 2008-2010)
- Eric LaBouff (BME Honors Academy) 2007-2009; LifeCell; MD/Phd student Temple U.
- Joe Maffei (BME Honors Academy) 2007-2009; Boston U
- David Chen (Aresty) 2007-2008; New Jersey Medical School
- Anna Pashkova (Aresty) 2007-2008; Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Abdullah Rasheed (Aresty) 2008-2009; Medical student
- Michael Lazar (Aresty)
- Arvin Zabalerio (Aresty)
Senior Design Team
2023-24: Mohamed Elsherbiny, Anvita Patwari, Ghassan Slim
2022-23: Vinay Giridhar, Faizah Rahim, Victoria Percoco, Alana Martinez, Julian Ong
2022-23: Krish Choksi, Tawe Tawe, Miriam Escott, Dhruv Patel
2021-22: Hani Alostaz (RSA 20f -), Mridul Dalmia (20f-), Adelina Joseph (SOE HA, RSA 20f), Sreya Kilambi
2020-21: Aolani Colon, Rishabh Hirday, Ami Patel (team leader), Amrita Poddar, Emma Tuberty-Vaughan: A computational pipeline for novel gene discovery (Scientific Reports 2021)
2019-20: Tajim Ahammed, Gavriel D. Kruman(team leader), Joshua Monserate, Srinidhi Sudhir, George W. Wadsworth
2018-19: Virginia Quiros-Barboza, Sofia Castro-Pedrido (team Leader), Jordan Eckhoff, Shaun Porwal, Michael Taenzer
2017-18: Samr B. Atieh, Mrudula M. Chakravarthy, Patrick R. Doran, Omkar A. Joshi, Vikash Patel. A novel normalization method for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis.
2016-17 (Computation): Trevor J. Alston, Steven Q. Nguyen, Miguel vivar Lazo, Cori Lichter, Justin Chen
2016-17 (Device): Aizeem Paroya, Luis Fabionar, Shashank Alladi, Vivekkumar Patel
2015-16: Ana Covic, Monica Chan, Talia Greenstein, Teerapad Jindachompthong, Nikhil Kumar, Monika Nandi. Peak Finder.
2014-15: Conner Quintero, Jake Cotton, Yana Oganesova, Michael Wu, Mike Conforti, Jay Shah (Winner of 2015 Senior Design Conference)
2013-2014 (paper): Paul Jang, Tim Holleran, Michael Burn, Kenan Gebizlioglu, Alex Governle
2012-2013: Jordan Ash, Brian Osler, Henry Yu (Winner of 2013 Senior Design Conference)
2011-2012: Darshan Bhatty, Timothy Keough, Dipen Patel, Alson Wu, Brian Yoo
2010-2011: Ryan Chando, Samantha Citron, Olapeju Odusola, Scott Sivco
2009-2010: Stephanie Loh, Alvin Chen
2008-2009: Andy Shen (2006-2008), Pankit Shan
Summer undergraduate students
- Aimee Straka (Virginia Tech – 2023 su)
- Juan Gutierrez (UCSB – REU summer 2022) – Gsx1 Reduces Glial Scar Formation at Chronic Stage of Spinal Cord Injury
- Kelly Reid (Cedar Crest College – REU summer 2021) – Spinal Cord Injury Promotes Neural Stem Cell Properties in NG2 Cell Populations
- Phinu Philip (Wright State University Daytn, Ohio – REU 2020 Summer) RNA-seq Analysis of Various Types of Spinal Cord Injuries
- Mohammad Fauzan (New Jersey City University – RiSE Summer 2019)
- Nathalie Groot (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University – REU Summer 2019)
- Brenda Okereke (BME 2018 Summer -)
- Audrey Hao (UC Berkeley 2017 RiSE REU)
- Yanira Gonzales Rodriguez (REU 2016 summer) Effect of Topoisomerase II-beta Inhibitor on Neuronal Migration in vitro
- Dylan Richards (NSF-REU 2012 summer undergrad)
- Nilsa La Cunza (NSF-REU 2012 summer undergrad)
- Eva Nelly Rubio-Marrero (RISE student, summer 2010); Graduate student, Rutgers
- Eduardo Gonzalez (RISE Summer 2008); Graduate student, Washington U
Summer high school students
- Rockie Jiang (2019 summer) Transcriptomic analysis of spinal cord injury
- Catherine Cai (2019 summer) Transcriptomic analysis of spinal cord injury
- Victoria Li (2017 summer)
- Daniel Wang (2016 summer – Attending Yale U)
Other contributors
- Nicole Katchur (MD/PhD candidate 2019 summer lab rotation)
- Michael D’Ecclessis NSF IGERT fellow) – (Co-advisor, Primary advisor: R. Hart)
- Daniel Lee (Medical Student) Summer 2008; RWJ medical school
- Xiaorong Zhu (Feb 2011 – Jan 2012) – East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (Visiting Scholar)
- Kate Fitzgerald (BME Fall 2011) BME rotation student
- Yandi Li (2009/12-11/12) – MBS rotation student
- Richard Carmona (Neuroscience)