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Causation and Free Will

OUP, 2016 (Paperback: 2019)

(Amazon) (Oxford)

The book connects debates about the metaphysics of causation with the problem of free will. I argue for a view according to which all that matters to freedom is the actual causes of our behavior. Although this simple view of freedom clashes with most theories of responsibility, including the most prominent “actual sequence” theories currently on offer, I argue for its truth. The key lies in a correct understanding of the role played by causation in a view of that kind. Causation has some important features that make it a responsibility-grounding relation, and this contributes to the success of the view. Also, when agents act freely, the actual causes are richer than they appear to be at first sight; in particular, they reflect the agents’ sensitivity to reasons, where this includes both the existence of actual reasons and the absence of other (counterfactual) reasons. So acting freely requires more causes and quite complex causes, as opposed to fewer causes and simpler causes, and is compatible with those causes being deterministic.


Philosophical Studies (2018) Participants: Randolph Clarke, Alfred Mele, and Derk Pereboom.

Teorema (2018): Participants: Peter Graham, Carlos Moya, and Ann Whittle.


Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Christopher Franklin, 2016).

Journal of Philosophy (Neal Tognazzini, 2016).

Ethics (Stephen Kearns, 2017).

Australasian Journal of Philosophy (Helen Beebee, 2018).

Mind (Horacio Spector, 2018).

Analysis (Peter Graham, Andrew Law, and Jonah Nagashima, 2018).

Journal of Moral Philosophy (Taylor Cyr, 2018).

Philosophical Review (Sara Bernstein, 2018).

Criminal Law and Philosophy (Alex Kaiserman and Daniel Kodsi, 2019).

Do We Have Free Will? A Debate

(with Robert Kane)

Little Debates About Big Questions Series, Routledge, 2021

(Routledge) (Amazon)

An introduction to the problem of free will in the form of a debate with Kane. I argue for compatibilism and Kane argues for incompatibilism.

Causalism: Unifying Action and Free action

OUP, 2023

(Oxford) (Amazon)

The book advances big-picture causalism: a naturalistic conception of agency and free agency that unifies the two phenomena under a common thesis. This is the thesis that actions/free actions are behaviors that have the right kinds of causes or explanations. The book discusses how a causalist view of action and free action fit together—the latter as a natural extension of the former—and how they are motivated by similar considerations having to do with causal control. The result is a compelling “package deal” view of our practical agency, one that is put forth as the default view (the view that deserves to be regarded as the starting point of our theorizing). The book discusses both the skeleton of the causalist view as well as potential enrichments that result from exploiting the grounds of the relevant causal facts. The discussion itself is enriched by an account of the role played in causalism by key metaphysical notions such as causation, grounding, absences, and powers.