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February 15, 2024

The Hammers and the Nails: Connecting Data Scientists with Domain Experts
CASS Incubation Workshop

A convergence is happening across applications where a wealth of data is becoming accessible to scientists and domain experts at the same time that machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly capable at extracting insights from data. Oftentimes, however, the domain expert with data in-hand would benefit from a collaboration with a data scientist to help design and apply the right suite of machine learning tools.

We would like to announce an upcoming CASS-supported workshop aimed at bridging the divide between domain experts with valuable datasets (“nails”) and data scientists seeking important applications of their machine learning innovations (“hammers”). The workshop is planned to be a half-day event comprised of a series of overview talks from machine learning experts (hammer talks), followed by short talks from domain experts on the nature of their research problems and data (nail talks). The target is to hold the workshop on Friday, April 19th from 10am-2pm at the Rutgers New Brunswick campus.

To begin organization of the event, we are soliciting the Rutgers community to gain a sense for who would be interested in taking part in the workshop. If you are interested, please complete this form.  We will follow up in about a month with next steps for organization of the workshop.

For questions, please contact workshop organizers, Ryan Sills ( and Aziz Ezzat (