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For the CBT study, recruitment is currently closed. Enrolled participants are currently being followed up for 12 months. Thank you for your interest!


CBT for PTSD in Supported Education Study

*Receiving $10 upon completing the initial eligibility screening procedures*

*Eligible participants will make up to $130 over 16 months*

*Half of all participants will receive 12 FREE SESSIONS of Telehealth CBT and Supported Education*

You may view the full flyer by clicking here.



Focus Group Study


Would you like to contribute to a research study about PTSD?

*Upon finishing the interview, you will be compensated for $30 through Amazon gift card!*

Are you a college student who has experienced trauma? Are you a family member or advocate of someone with mental illness? Are you a mental health practitioner who has supported college students with a mental health condition and/or trauma history?


Researchers at Rutgers are looking for volunteers who have supported college students with mental health conditions PTSD, or experienced trauma.

  • Trauma is associated with stress and can negatively affect ones health and adjustment to post-secondary education.
  • Your participation can potentially help researchers discover ways to improve educational outcomes for those with PTSD.

Once enrolled, you will have an opportunity to participate in a focus group interview which will inform the development of a new CBT treatment manual for college students with PTSD. There may be no direct benefit to participating in the study, however some participants may find it gratifying knowing that the information from this study will benefit future students with PTSD.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact:

Project Coordinator Jeganee Srijeyanthan:

Co-Investigator Amy Banko: