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Dr. Stephen K. Burley, MD, DPhil

Burley has served as CP Program Co-Leader since 2016. He is a University Professor and Henry Rutgers Chair, Director of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank, Founding Director of the Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine (IQB), Member of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and a CINJ non-resident Full Member. Burley received his MD degree from Harvard Medical School and, as a Rhodes Scholar, received a DPhil degree from Oxford University. Burley previously served as the Furlaud Chaired Professor at The Rockefeller University and as a Full Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He is an expert in structural biology, structure-guided drug discovery, and clinical medicine/oncology. Burley co-founded Prospect Genomics, Inc. In 2002, he resigned from Rockefeller/HHMI to become Chief Scientific Officer of SGX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. following acquisition of Prospect by SGX. At SGX, Burley led the discovery of highly selective, drug-like protein kinase inhibitors, two of which went on to successful US FDA Investigational New Drug Applications. After going public on the NASDAQ, SGX was acquired by Eli Lilly and Company. As a Distinguished Lilly Research Scholar, Burley contributed to the discovery of the CDK4/CDK6 inhibitor abemiciclib, which was approved for treatment of early and advanced or metastatic breast cancer by US FDA in 2017. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Crystallographic Association. Burley is supported by NIH/NCI, NSF, and DOE.