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Dr. Shridar Ganesan, MD, PhD

As Associate Director for Translational Research since 2013, Shridar Ganesan, MD, PhD facilitates the translation of laboratory discoveries into clinical research studies and helps bring clinical study results and clinical care observations to laboratory scientists for further exploration. Ganesan has also been a Co-Leader of the CIPT Program since 2014. He received an MD and PhD at Yale University. He underwent Residency in Internal Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he served as Chief Medical Resident, and fellowship training in Medical Oncology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He joined Rutgers CINJ in 2005 and now serves as the Associate Director for Translational Research and as a scientific leader of the Molecular Tumor Board and holds the Omar Boraie Chair in Genomics Science. He is a physician/scientist with a strong background in clinical oncology, basic molecular cancer research, and translational science. His laboratory works on characterizing DNA repair abnormalities in cancer with a focus on the biology of BRCA1, molecular and image-based classification of breast cancer, and investigating mechanisms of response and resistance to both targeted therapy and immunotherapy. He collaborates closely with computational biologists in analysis of large-scale cancer genomic data and works with biomedical engineers on application of image analysis algorithms to cancer classification. He has a solid track record of research funding from NIH R01s, Department of Defense (DoD), and serves on many national and international grant review boards, is an Associate Editor for JCO Precision Oncology, and served on the ASCO Provisional Clinical Opinion committee for solid tumor sequencing. He coordinates the weekly Precision Medicine Oncology Molecular Tumor Board, positioning him well to identify opportunities for clinical investigation, as well as for questions that can be moved from the clinic to the laboratory. He has an international reputation as an expert in cancer genomics and precision oncology. In his role as Associate Director Translational Research, he works closely with other program leaders and ADs to promote clinical collaboration with CIPT members.