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Financial Aid for Rutgers Cricket Club

At the Rutgers Cricket Club, our mission goes beyond just playing cricket; we aim to make this beloved sport accessible to all students. We understand that financial constraints should not be a barrier to pursuing your passion for cricket. To ensure that cricket remains within reach for everyone at Rutgers, we offer various financial aid options:

Standard Dues

The standard dues for joining the Rutgers Cricket Club are $50 per person. These dues help cover essential expenses associated with the club, including equipment, uniforms, and field reservations.

Pell Grant Recipients

We are committed to inclusivity and affordability. If you are a Pell Grant eligible or recipient, we offer a reduced due amount of $25. Our goal is to make cricket affordable and enjoyable for all students.

Financial Hardship Assistance

We understand that some students may face pressing financial circumstances that make it challenging to cover the standard dues. In such cases, we are open to negotiating a lower due amount that suits your financial situation. Your passion for cricket should not be hindered by financial difficulties.

Participate in Fundraising

Another way to offset your dues is by actively participating in club fundraising activities. Our club frequently organizes fundraisers to support our cricketing endeavors. By contributing to these efforts, you can lower your dues or even eliminate them entirely.

Work with Rutgers Recreational Department

For students seeking additional financial aid opportunities, working with the Rutgers Recreational Department can be a viable option. Opportunities may include part-time employment or participation in department initiatives that can help cover your dues. We encourage you to explore these options in collaboration with the Recreational Department.

Contact Us for Financial Aid

If you are interested in exploring financial aid options or have questions about dues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Club Sports Office. You can contact Adam Shanley at They are here assist you in any way so we can ensure that your passion for cricket is not hindered by financial constraints.

At the Rutgers Cricket Club, we believe that every student should have the opportunity to experience the joy of cricket. We are dedicated to working with you to make this a reality. Join us in pursuing your cricketing dreams!