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Whether you’re seeking updates on meetings, events, tournaments, or simply want to connect with fellow cricket enthusiasts, we offer multiple channels of communication to keep you in the loop.

1. GroupMe – Stay in the Know in Real Time

Joining our GroupMe chat is the quickest and most direct way to stay connected with the Rutgers Cricket Club. In this chat, you’ll receive immediate updates on club meetings, match schedules, tournament details, and other important information. It’s also a great platform for engaging in discussions about upcoming matches and tournaments.

Join the Rutgers Cricket Club GroupMe: Click here to join

2. Instagram – Explore the World of Rutgers Cricket

Our Instagram page is your visual gateway to the world of Rutgers Cricket. We use this platform to share captivating posts and stories about our events, players, news, updates, and much more. Follow us on Instagram to get an inside look at the exciting world of cricket at Rutgers.

Follow Rutgers Cricket Club on Instagram: Click here to follow

3. GetInvolved – Join the Mailing List for Weekly Updates

GetInvolved is your ticket to staying informed about all things Rutgers Cricket Club. By signing up on GetInvolved and joining our organization, you’ll be automatically added to our mailing list. This means you’ll receive weekly emails containing important updates, event notifications, and news about the club. It’s a convenient way to stay in the loop and not miss out on any of our activities.

Join the Rutgers Cricket Club on GetInvolved: Click here to join

4. Contact Our President – Reach Out Directly

If you have specific questions, suggestions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our club president, Fauzan Amjad, at Fauzan and his team are here to assist you and will do their best to respond to your inquiries as promptly as possible. Your feedback and engagement are vital to the success of our club, and we encourage you to reach out whenever needed.