11:680:390 (F,S) General Microbiology (4)
This course is a comprehensive study of the field of microbiology for science majors. Dr. Zylstra gives a basic overview of microbial genetics (25% of the course).
11:680:480 (S) Microbial Genetics & Genomics (3)
16:682:504 (S) Microbial Genetics and Molecular Biology (3)
Genetics of bacteria and phage, focusing on replication, repair, transcription, translation, gene regulation, genetic networks, microbial and phage interactions, and different types of phage and their lifestyles.
16:682:521 (F) Seminar in Microbiology (1)
Introduction to the breadth of microbiology research at Rutgers.
16:682:522 (S) Seminar in Microbiology (1)
Informal discussion of student research projects and of current microbiology literature.