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All choirs are open to all students of any major!

You do not need to sign up for a time. Attend an audition date and time that is good for you. The three conductors of the choirs will hear you sing – you only have to audition once. We will discuss the choir placement with you. Our goal is to make every student feel comfortable about their singing in the audition, whether you are an experienced chorister or auditioning for the first time. Singing at Rutgers is about joy and community as well as beautiful concerts!

We will have you sing a few scales and then we will ask you to sing a few pitches back to us. You do not have to bring any prepared music. The audition usually lasts about 5 to 8 minutes.

We will have a form for you to fill out that will assist us in your placement and to help us stay in communication with you about audition results.

Regarding class conflicts – we will have a group of experience juniors and seniors at the registration table to help you with registration and to assist you in working out any class conflicts. In almost every case we are able to help you work out class conflicts. If you have a successful audition for a choir that might conflict with say, an Exposition Course or a 101 level course of any kind, we can usually assist you on WebReg to find a different section right at the audition. In some cases, the faculty can work with departmental faculty or administration to assist in working out conflicts with unusual classes or closed classes.

Auditioning early makes it easier to work with your schedule.

The Choir descriptions, meeting times and places are all described on the Choirs at Rutgers site:

Please email Dr. Gardner – if you have any questions.