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2023 Summer Highlights

  1. We recently received funds to start a new collaboration with colleagues at the Rutgers Center for Pharmaceutical and Treatment Science using SEER-Medicare to study geographic and sociodemographic patterns of diffusion of prostate cancer treatments in New Jersey and other US States
  2. Our new article titled “Influence of neighborhood social and natural environment on prostate tumor histology in a cohort of male health professionals”, in collaboration with colleagues at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology – read about it here.
  3. Dr. Iyer will be presenting research on multilevel neighborhood environment and genetic pathways involved in prostate cancer at the following meetings:
    1. Society for Epidemiologic Research – Portland, Oregon, June 12-16
    2. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology North America Chapter Meeting – Corvallis, Oregon, June 19-21