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Cluster Affiliate
Area of Study/Expertise
Integration, Housing, Inequiality

Matt Mleczko

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Matt Mleczko, PhD, is a Housing and Health Equity Cluster Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the Center for State Health Policy at Rutgers University. Matt studies integration, housing, and inequality, with a particular focus on the role of housing policies and practices in fostering integrated communities and promoting ethnoracial and socioeconomic equity. His research agenda seeks to advance our understanding of how policies promoting integration can advance equity, improve intergroup relations, and promote social cohesion within and across communities around the globe. His other research interests are interdisciplinary and span urban planning; migration; the nexus between housing, health, and education policy; intergroup contact; measures of social cohesion; and community-based participatory research. Matt received his PhD in Demography and Social Policy from Princeton University in 2024 and his B.A. in Economics and Political Science from the University of Notre Dame in 2015. He received the 2023 Irving Louis Horowitz Award from the Horowitz Foundation for the overall most outstanding dissertation project.