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Core Cluster Faculty
Area of Study/Expertise
Homelessness, Housing, Poverty, Income insufficiency

Dan Treglia


Dan Treglia, PhD is an Instructor at the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy. Dr. Treglia is a social policy researcher with a focus on housing and income instability and homelessness, with experience in government and nonprofits to connect his research to on the ground policy and action. His research has focused on homelessness, housing, poverty, and income insufficiency more broadly. This work has offered a window into related and often intersecting systems, like child welfare, veterans affairs, and health care. Dr. Treglia’s research has appeared in a wide range of peer-reviewed publications, including Public Administration Review, Health Affairs, the American Journal of Public Health, and Psychiatric Services. Prior to joining the Center, he served as the Deputy Director of Research and Evaluation for New York City’s Department of Homeless Services and as an Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Arts and Sciences. He has a PhD in social welfare from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice and a master’s in public policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Dr. Treglia is currently a Senior Research Fellow for United For ALICE, an Expert Contributor with the COVID Collaborative, and the Research and Evaluation Whaler for Whole Whale. 



Treglia, D., Byrne, T., Tamla Rai, V. (2023). Quantifying the Impact of Evictions and Eviction Filings on Homelessness Rates in the United States. Housing Policy Debate. 

Treglia, D., Cassidy, M., Bainbridge, J. (2023). Improving School Attendance among Homeless Children: Evaluating the Attendance Matters Program. Children and Youth Services Review.