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What are soft skills?

  • Soft skills are generally defined as social, emotional, interpersonal, adaptive, and problem-solving skills
  • Work-related soft skills include presenting qualifications during a job interview, conversing with others, asking for help, and responding to feedback


Our study is looking for young people who
  • Are between age 16 to 29
  • Have a mental health condition/diagnosis (e.g., depression, anxiety) resulting in functional impairment in work, self-care, or social relationships
  • Have no hospitalizations or suicide attempts within the past 2 months
  • Speak English fluently
  • Are interested in improving work-related social skills
  • Are interested in working


Our study will provide
  • FREE work-related soft-skills assessment
  • Eligible participants will have a 50% chance of receiving 24 FREE group sessions of work-related soft-skills training
  • All sessions are via Telehealth, no travel needed
  • Participants may earn up to $100 over 16 months


  • Study participation will last approximately 16-20 months (4 month intervention + 12 months follow up), regardless of the group to which you are assigned
  • Study intervention will either be comprised of (a) 24 telehealth group sessions, lasting 60 to 90 minutes each, or (b) one informational session
  • You will also meet with a research team member prior to and after training, and for follow-up interviews at six and twelve months after you have finished the study procedures

For more information, email or text (518) 720-7087.