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Direct Skills Teaching (DST) is a method for distilling a skill into digestible components for ease of teaching and learning of a new skill. Job retention is a complex phenomenon requiring numerous social competencies that include verbal and non-verbal fluency among others. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle with social communication and therefore are at a disadvantage in employment settings; even when otherwise qualified for the position. This pilot study tested the feasibility of a DST group intervention to assist individuals with ASD with work-related soft skills, with a particular focus on informal conversational skills.


Herrick, S.J., Oursler, J., Lu, W., & Beninato, J. (2023, February 8). Soft skills for success for job seekers with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study [Webinar]. National Association of People Supporting Employment First. Click to view webinar.

Work-related soft skills can be an important factor for successful employment outcomes, particularly for individuals with disabilities. This study conducted two focus groups with stakeholders for two state Rehabilitation Councils to identify the needs of specific work-related soft skills for employment success of transition age youth with disabilities.


Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S.J., & Beninato, J. (2023, May 24). Focus groups on employment related soft skills for transition age youth with disabilities [Webinar]. National Association of People Supporting Employment First. Click to view webinar.

Lu, W. Ourlser, J., Herrick, S.J., & Beninato, J. (2023, June 7-8). Work-related soft skills for young adults with disabilities [Conference session]. National Symposium on Rehabilitation Counseling, Madison, WI, United States.