Gili Joseph
Ph. D. | 1992-2000 | (Immunology), Department of Human Microbiology, School of Medicine, Tel – Aviv University, Tel – Aviv, Israel. Title of thesis: The mechanism of action of the small GTP-binding protein Rac1 in activating the NADPH oxidase. Thesis advisor: Professor Edgar Pick. |
M. S. | 1988-1991 | (Physiology and Pharmacology), School of Medicine, Tel – Aviv University, Israel. Title of thesis: Interaction of opiates with voltage-dependent sodium channels. Thesis advisor: Professor Yosef Sarne. |
B. Ed. | 1988-1991 | Senior Authorized Teacher of Sport and Physical Education at the Zinnman College of Physical Education, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel. |
B. S. | 1984-1987 | Studies toward the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel – Aviv University, Tel – Aviv, Israel. |
Senior Swimming Coach | 1997-1999 | Diploma of Senior Swimming Coach, at the Net Holman School of Coaches and Instructors, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel. |
Swimming Coach | 1990-1992 | Swimming Coach Certificate at the Net Holman School for Coaches & instructors, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel. |
Electrician | 2002-2004 | Studies at the Open University towards “Licensed electrician” diploma. Licensed since 2004. |
Academic Work Experience
- 1997-2006 Lecturer with tenure at Seminar Hakibutzim College, Tel-Aviv and Lecturer at Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel.
- 2002-2006 Head of the Human Body Sciences Laboratory at Seminar Hakibutzim College.
- 1999-2006 Consultant for physical fitness and healthy nutrition.
- 1991-1997 Coach and coordinator of swimming instructor course, at the Net Holman School of Coaches and instructors, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel.
- 1991 Worked part of the year in Ecuador, in US/ Israeli project for the collection and primary analysis of tropical jungle plants used by natives for medicinal and comestible purposes.
- 1988 Technical analyst at the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. Computer analysis of LANDSAT and AVHRR satellites high resolution spectral images and comparison to in-situ surface data for the purpose of calibration of method for the remote determination of the distribution of the reflectance of the earth’s surface.
Teaching Experience
- 1997-2006 “Exercise Immunology”, “Exercise Physiology”, “General Physiology” and “Anatomy” at the Zinnman College of Physical Education, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, and at Seminar Hakibutzim college.
- 2000-2006 Seminar on “Exercise Immunology” at the Zinnman College of Physical Education, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport.
- 2000-2006 Seminar on “Posture Development” at Seminar Hakibutzim college.
- 1997-2003 “Swimming” at the Zinnman College of Physical Education, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, and at Givat Washington College for Physical Education & Sport.
- 1990-1999 “Exercise physiology” at the Net Holman School of Coaches and Instructors, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Netanya, Israel.
- 1992-1997 Teaching Assistant, “Immunology” at the Department of Human Microbiology, School of Medicine, Tel – Aviv University, Tel – Aviv, Israel.
Publications – Articles
- Joseph, G. The Influence of Lessons on Bodily Awareness on the Posture of Children in the Age Range of 3-5 years, 2006, in preparation.
- Joseph, G., Tov-Been, D., Duvdevani, A., Wexler, E. The Influence of Moderate Exercise on the Inflammatory and Immune State of Hemodialysis Patients, 2006, in preparation.
- Morozov, I., Lotan, O., Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Mapping of functional domains in p47phox involved in the activation of NADPH oxidase by peptide walking. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 15435-15444, 1998.
- Sehr, P., Joseph, G., Genth, H., Just, I., Pick, E., Aktories, K. Glucosylation and ADP-ribosylation of Rho proteins – effects on nucleotide binding, GTPase activity, and effector-coupling. Biochemistry 37, 5296-5304, 1998.
- Joseph, G., and Pick, E. Peptide Walking is a novel method for mapping functional domains in proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 29079-29082, 1995.
- Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Koshkin, V., Pick, E. Inhibition of the NADPH oxidase activation by synthetic peptides mapping within the carboxyl-terminal domain of the small GTP-binding proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 29024-29031, 1994.
- Bromberg, Y., Shani, E., Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Sperling, O., Pick, E. The GDP bound form of the small G protein Rac 1 p21 is a potent activator of the superoxide forming NADPH oxidase of macrophage. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 7055-7058, 1994.
Publications – Book Chapters
- Joseph, G, Dotan, R., Izik, S., Ganot, A. Laboratories in Exercise Physiology, Seminar Hakibutzim College, 2005.
- Joseph, G. Exercise Physiology, Textbook for Swimming Instructor course, Net Holman School of Coaches and Instructors, Wingate Institute for Physical Education & Sport, Natanya, Israel, (in Hebrew), 1998.
Publications – Abstracts
- Tovbin, D., Vexler, E., Margolis, G., Gidron, Y., Duvdevany, A., Avnon, L., Shalev, H., and Joseph, G. Pre-Session Exercise Improves Quality of life of Hospital-based Hemodialysis Patients with High Co-morbidity. ASN Renal Week, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 2003.
- Joseph, G., Lotan, O., Diatchuk, V., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Protein-protein interactions in the assembly of the NADPH oxidase from recombinant components. J. Leukoc. Biol. Supp, pp 56, 1996.
- Diatchuk, V., Lotan, O., Koshkin, V., Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase activation by 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride and related compounds. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 26 (supp1):A29, 1996.
- Joseph, G., and Pick, E. An undecapeptide corresponding to the near carboxy terminal domain of Rac1 is an inhibitor of macrophage NADPH oxidase. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 24 (supp2):A33, 1994.
Participation at Professionals Meetings
- Poster presentation at the Gordon Conference of Phagocytes (New Hampshire, USA, 1998): Morozov, I., Lotan, O., Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Mapping of functional domains in p47phox involved in the activation of NADPH oxidase by Peptide walking, 1998.
- Oral presentation (best abstract award) at the Society for Leukocyte Biology and the European Macrophage study group (Verona, Italy, 1996): Joseph, G., Lotan, O., Diatchuk, V., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Protein-protein interactions in the assembly of the NADPH oxidase from recombinant components, 1996.
- Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation in 1996: Diatchuk, V., Lotan, O., Koshkin, V., Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Pick, E. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase activation by 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride and related compounds, 1996.
- Oral presentation at the Gordon Conference of Phagocytes (New Hampshire, USA, 1995): Joseph, G. and Pick, E. Peptide Walking is a novel method for mapping functional domains in proteins, 1995.
- Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation in 1994: Joseph, G., Gorzalczany, Y., Koshkin, V., Pick, E. An undecapeptide corresponding to the near carboxy terminal domain of Rac 1 is an inhibitor of macrophage NADPH oxidase, 1994.
Educational and Professional Honors Awards
- 2005 Award for Excellence in Teaching at Seminar Hakibutzim college.
- 1996 Best Abstract Award at the Meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology and the European Macrophage study group, 1996, Verona, Italy.
- 1992-2000 Buchman Scholarship in recognition of excellence in Ph. D. studies.
- 1988-1991 Excellence in Scholarship Award for M.S. studies.
- 1985 Award for Excellence in B. S. studies at the Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel – Aviv University.