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Founded in May 2024 with the hiring of the inaugural director, the Institute for Teaching, Innovation, and Inclusive Pedagogy (TIIP) is a strategic initiative of the Academic Master Plan.

Pillars of the Academic Master Plan which include Scholarly Leadership, Innovative Research, Student Success, and Community Engagement

As noted in excerpts from the May 2023 report of the Institute Task Force:

“One of the strategic priorities identified in the Rutgers-New Brunswick (RU-NB) Academic Master Plan is to increase support for effective and inclusive teaching. This objective supports all four pillars of the plan: scholarly leadership, innovative research, student success, and community engagement. In conjunction with the Academic Master Plan, the University Diversity Strategic Plan highlights the promotion of inclusive scholarship and teaching as a university diversity priority. Given the decentralized nature of teaching support at Rutgers, however, there remains a need for institutional structure to provide effective expertise and guidance on these matters and create a space to acknowledge and support existing entities and individuals on campus with pedagogical expertise.”

“To pursue this priority, Chancellor-Provost Conway convened a task force in Fall 2022 to research and develop recommendations for the structure and scope of an Institute for Teaching, Learning, and Inclusive Pedagogy for RU-NB to support effective teaching. This task force concluded that there is a pressing need to develop a centralized institute that supports, connects, and further develops existing entities and individuals with expertise in research-informed pedagogy. The proposed institute will support instructors at all levels of their careers, provide a space for collaboration, experimentation, and community-building, and conduct and promote research on innovation in teaching and learning.”

View the Academic Master Plan

View May 2023 Task Force Report