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Aligned with our core value of scholarship, TIIP actively conducts research. Below are several areas within our research agenda and select scholarly publications by members of our team.

Inclusive, equitable teaching practices and student outcomes

Addy, T.M., Kang, T., Laquintano, T., Dietrich, V. (2023). Who Benefits and Who is Excluded? Transformative Learning, Equity, and Generative Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Transformative Learning 10(2), 92 – 103.

Addy TM, Mitchell KA, Dube D. (2021). A Tool to Advance Inclusive Teaching Efforts: The “Who’s in Class?” Form. J Microbiol Biol Educ. 22:e00183-21.

Addy, T.M., Dube, D., Mitchell, K.A. (2021). Chapter 14: Measuring the Impact of Pedagogical Efforts for Equity & Inclusion. In Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching, Edited by R. Kumar and B. Refaei. University of Cincinnati Press.

Addy, T.M., Dube, D., SoRelle, M., Mitchell, K.A. (2021). What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching. Routledge.

Student voice and pedagogical partnerships advancing inclusive teaching

Addy, T.M., Dube, D., Mitchell, K.A. (2024). Enhancing Inclusive Instruction: Student Perspectives and Practical Approaches to Advancing Equity in Higher Education. Routledge.

Addy, T. M., Berkove, E., Borzone, M., Butler, M., Cham, F., deSaussure, A., Exarhos, A., Mancuso, M., Rizk, M., Rossmann, T., Ruebeck, C., & Younas, H. (2022). Student pedagogical partnerships to advance inclusive teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal for Students As Partners, 6(1), 81–89.

Cook-Sather, A., Addy, T.M., DeVault, A., Litvitskiy, N. (2021). Where Are the Students in Efforts for Inclusive Excellence?: Two Approaches to Positioning Students as Critical Partners for Inclusive Pedagogical Practices. To Improve the Academy, 40(1). DOI:

Observation of inclusive teaching and instructor reflection

Addy, T. M., Younas, H., Cetin, P., Rizk, M., Cham, F., Nwankpa, C., and Borzone, M. (2022). The development of the protocol for advancing inclusive teaching efforts (PAITE). Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 12(0), 1-2.