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Science Reference and Instruction Librarian
Area of Study/Expertise
science information; science communication; research methods; addiction information; alcohol studies history, bibliotherapy
Office Location
Chang Library
Alcohol Studies

Judit Hajnal Ward

Judit H. Ward is a research librarian (Librarian I, equivalent of Full Professor) with a strong interest in multidisciplinary and cross-cultural topics throughout her career. Her current scholarly activities cover broad but related fields with the main focus of facilitating research, publication, and education in addiction science. Her practice and research are directed to key areas of information science, providing a crucial part of the research infrastructure and assisting researchers with interpreting trends and identifying evolving needs. She has been instrumental in discovering and recommending resources and tools emerging in technology and scholarly communication, such as the latest opportunities scholarly social media provides. Currently, Judit focuses on the digitization of the Rutgers Alcohol Studies Archives and promoting reading in various settings.

Judit H. Ward earned her doctoral degree in linguistics at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, after completing her master-level studies in English and Hungarian literature and linguistics. She received her MLIS at Rutgers.

Awards & Distinctions