Julien’s scientific work also takes a public dimension and explores the implications of cognitive science for a range of issues of broader societal importance.While at Rutgers, Julien has appeared on national television, participated in public debates, his work has been discussed in popular magazines, and he has been a guest on radio and podcast programs in the United States and abroad.
Watch the interview here.
Julien on free will and moral responsibility. Watch the podcast here.
Listen to Julien’s closing remarks here.
Watch Julien’s public lecture here.
Watch Julien’s full interview here.
Watch Julien’s public address here.
Q&A with Julien Musolino. Watch here.
Q&A with Julien Musolino (French version). Watch here.
Watch Julien Musolino’s “60 seconds sermon” here.
What the presentations and discussion here.
- Center for Inquiry Canada: Julien Musolino speaks about free will and moral responsibility.
- University of Geneva: Julien gives a public lecture on the mystery of the human soul
- Sacred Science: Gleaning wisdom from science and religion. June 29th Episode: Julien Musolino.
- CSUCI Presents about education, Santa Barbara live radio talk show, CSUCI Presents: Julien Musolino
- Featured speaker, roundtable “Cognition et Société: Exercer son esprit critique a l’ère informationnelle”, public discussion on the question of fake news, University of Geneva, April 13.
- Featured speaker, Fifth International Vatican Conference, Exploring the Mind, Body, & Soul – May 6-8.
- Is the belief in the soul a fallacy? Cognitive Scientist Julien Musolino stops by the Superlongevity Institute, February 21, 2021.
- Julien Musolino discusses Idealism and Panpsychism with Tom Jump, February 19, 2021.
- Where do we find meaning in Life? A conversation between an Atheist and a Christian, Friday, January 22, 2021
- How to think well in challenging times: A cognitive scientist offers tips for sharpening your critical thinking in 2020. Interview with Guy P. Harrison on Psychology Today, posted August 24, 2020
- What does it mean to be human? Ghosts and Machines. Virtual public lecture given in Tübingen, Germany, May 07.
- Essay on Transcendance, Interview with Vogue Magazine (Portugal), November issue, p. 305-307.
- What does it mean to be human ? Ghosts and Machines. Public debate, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, January 25.
- Radio interview on Provocative Enlightenment with Eldon Tayler, October 25.
- Science and the soul. Public lecture. Tokyo, Japan, August 02.
- The Soul Fallacy. Public lecture. Atltanta Skeptics, Roswell, Georgia, July 20.
- Science and the Soul. Public lecture. University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy, June 21.
- Renewing our Commitment to Enlightenment Values. Philadelphia, 2018 Rally for Science, April 14.
- Science and the Soul. Public lecture. LogicalLA, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 09-11.
- The search for the human soul. Public lecture and book signing, The College of New Jersey, October 27.
- Do we have an immaterial soul (or mind)? Public lecture and debate, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, Philosophy Club, & Honors College, Monday, October 23.
- The American War on Science. Public lecture, 7ème Congrès international de l’AILP Paris, September 21-24.
- Religion and science: could Bill O’Reilly have been right? Public lecture, DragonCon 2017, Atlanta, GA, September 1-4.
- The science of the soul: with Dr. Julien Musolino. Interview with Seth Andrews for The Thinking Atheist.
- The Soul Fallacy. Public lecture, Imagine No Religion 7, Toronto, CA, June 2-4.
- Science and the soul. Public lecture and book signing. Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia, Willow Grove, PA. Sunday, March 26.
- A conversation with Robert Wright. Public lecture, Rutgers University, March 03.
- The Soul Fallacy. Public lecture, NYC Atheists, New York City, January 26.
- How to popularize science. Humanist Haven, Yale University, January 08.
- The soul fallacy. New Perspectives on faith, Goshen, Indiana, November 20.
- Science and the soul. Public lecture, DragonCon convention, Skeptrack, Atlanta, GA, Sunday, September 04, Hilton Hotel, 204-207.
- Skeptrack Kick-off panel, Public discussion, DragonCon convention, Atlanta, GA, Friday, September 02, Hilton Hotel, 204-207.
- Do you have a soul? Cognitive scientist Julien Musolino says “no” Hear why. Public lecture, Freethought Society, Bryn Mawr, PA, August 24.
- The Soul Fallacy, public lecture, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County, NJ, April 17.
- What Should I believe? Christian and Atheist Science Professors Discuss Their Conflicting Views in A Pluralistic World, The Veritas Forum, Rutgers University, February 09.
- The Soul Fallacy, public lecture and book signing, Red Bank Humanists, Red Bank, NJ, January 10!The-Soul-Falacy/cxlm/5678207d0cf203da56e713d8
- Expert blogger for Psychology Today
- David Yaden speaks with Julien Musolino on, October 27
- Finding meaning in a meaningless world, Public lecture, Common Ground 2015, Rutgers University, October 08
- The Soul Fallacy, ticketed event, WASHCON15, The Freethought Renaissance, Lynchburg, VA, Oct 02-04.
- The Soul Fallacy, public lecture and book signing, Capital District Humanist Society, Albany, NY, July 12, 2015.
- The Soul Fallacy, public lecture and book signing, New Jersey Humanist Network, Somerset, NJ, May 17, 2015.
- Interview on Point of Inquiry with Josh Zepps and Lindsay Beyerstein, February 09, 2015.
- Interview on Moncrieff Newstalk, Irish radio show, January 28th
- Interview of Skepticality, the official podcast of Skeptic Magazine, January 20, 2015.
- You don’t have a soul: The real science that debunks superstitious charlatans, Salon, January 25, 2015.
- Guest on The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, December 16, 2014.
- Science and Faith: A Christian linguist and a secular cognitive scientist discuss their perspectives, Veritas Forum, Rutgers University, November 19.
Applied Sentience interview with Rutgers professor and author Julien Musolino, posted on YouTube August 26, 2014.
- A tale of two juries: why we all trust science. Posted on Applied Sentience, July 29, 2014.
- Mind, Science, and Superstition in 21st Century America. Public lecture, University of Geneva, March 04.
- “Il n’y a aucune raison valable de penser que l’âme existe”. Interview in the Swiss press preceding public lecture at the University of Geneva, Uni-Cité, Le Journal, February/March, 2013.
- “Science isn’t straight from the gut: a response to creationism.” Posted on Applied Sentience, April 19, 2013.
- “The soul on trial”. Public lecture delivered at the Rutgers Humanist Chaplaincy, April 02, 2012.
- Interview for Temple University, by Fred Rowland
- Interview in Her Campus, by Molly Prentzel
- Essay on Transcendance, Interview with Vogue Magazine (Portugal), November 2019 issue, p. 305-307. Read the full article here.
- You don’t have a soul: The real science that debunks superstitious charlatans, Salon Magazine, January 25, 2015. Read the full article here.
- Where has the soul gone? Focus Magazine, February, 2016. Read the full article here.
- Science isn’t ‘straight from the gut’: a response to creationism. Read here.
- A tale of two juries: why we all trust science. Read here.
- The Soul Fallacy: an interview with Psychology Professor Julien Musolino. Read and listen here.
- Reason vs. religion at Rutgers: Julien Musolino debates Mark Baker. Read here.