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These are some publications that I have authored or collaborated with others:

Patient perceptions regarding alcohol use after bariatric surgery
LR Miller-Matero, LM Hecht, NP Barnett, RS Moore, KM Jackson, D McCarthy, KM Martens, A Hamann…
Surgical endoscopy 37 (5), 3669-3675, 2023
Not currently available


The impact of reducing nicotine content on adolescent cigarette smoking and nicotine exposure: results from a randomized controlled trial
RN Cassidy, JW Tidey, KM Jackson, PA Cioe, SE Murphy, S Krishnan-Sarin, D Hatsukami, SM Colby
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 25 (5), 918-927, 2023
Available at:


Acute consequences associated with co-use of alcohol and cannabis: a daily survey analysis
MM Drohan, AK Stevens, RL Gunn, AW Sokolovsky, HR White, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 84 (2), 208-213, 2023
Available at:


Real-time and next-morning correlates of subjective alcohol consequence evaluations.
JE Merrill, HK Boyle, AK Stevens, KM Jackson, R Miranda Jr, KB Carey
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 37 (2), 247, 2023
Available at:


Adolescents’ perceptions of alcohol portrayals in the media and their impact on cognitions and behaviors.
JE Merrill, G López, H Doucette, M Pielech, E Corcoran, A Egbert, TB Wray, J Gabrielli, SM Colby, KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2023
Not available anywhere


Dose-dependent Relationships of Same-day and Typical Substance Use to Sleep Duration in College Cannabis and Alcohol Users: A Multilevel Modeling Approach Using Daily Diary Data
N Muzumdar, KM Jackson, JF Buckman, AM Spaeth, AW Sokolovsky, AP Pawlak, HR White
Cannabis 6 (3), 49, 2023
Available at:


The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data.
…, T Freire, F Goodman, N Gottfredson, M Halvorson, M Haroon, AL Howard, A Hussong, KM Jackson
Psychological bulletin 149 (1-2), 1, 2023
Available at:


A qualitative examination of the decision‐making process of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: Intentions and willingness
HK Boyle, S Singh, G López, KB Carey, KM Jackson, JE Merrill
Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47 (1), 168-179, 2023
Available at:


The role of the relational context and therapists’ technical behaviors in brief motivational interviewing sessions for heavy alcohol consumption: Findings from a sample of Latinx adults
M Magill, J Walthers, V Figuereo, L Torres, Z Montanez, K Jackson, SM Colby, CS Lee
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 144, 108898, 2023
Available at:


Motives, frequency, and consequences of cannabis use among college students
A Espinosa, LM Ruglass, FN Conway, KM Jackson, HR White
Journal of Drug Issues 53 (1), 61-78, 2023
Not available anywhere


Cultural adaptations of motivational interviewing: A systematic review.
KJ Self, B Borsari, BO Ladd, G Nicolas, CJ Gibson, K Jackson, JK Manuel
Psychological services 20 (S1), 7, 2023
Available at:


Adolescent (mis) perceptions of peer alcohol posts on social media: prospective associations with alcohol attitudes and use
SN Meisel, J Nesi, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 46 (11), 2054-2067, 2022
Available at:


The role of alcohol and cannabis co‐use in drinking rate and its impact on consequences
RL Gunn, AW Sokolovsky, MM Drohan, HK Boyle, AK Stevens, HR White, K Jackson
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 46 (11), 2110-2120, 2022
Available at:


Event-level contextual predictors of high-intensity drinking events among young adults
MJ Cox, AK Stevens, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Drug and alcohol dependence 239, 109590, 2022
Available at:


Examining the heterogeneity of polysubstance use patterns in young adulthood by age and college attendance.
AK Stevens, RL Gunn, AW Sokolovsky, SM Colby, KM Jackson
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 30 (5), 701, 2022
Available at:


Nuanced relations between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use motives and negative consequences among college students: The role of multiple product use.
AK Stevens, HK Boyle, AW Sokolovsky, HR White, KM Jackson
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 30 (5), 593, 2022
Available at:


Understanding heterogeneity among simultaneous alcohol and marijuana users: latent classes derived from daily diary data
ST Lanza, AW Sokolovsky, AN Linden-Carmichael, HR White, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 83 (3), 358-363, 2022
Available at:


Unplanned versus planned simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in the daily lives of a predominantly white college student sample: What are the motives, contexts, and outcomes?
AK Stevens, RL Gunn, HK Boyle, HR White, KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 36 (3), 243, 2022
Available at:


Stress and affect as daily risk factors for substance use patterns: An application of latent class analysis for daily diary data
AN Linden-Carmichael, N Van Doren, BC Bray, KM Jackson, ST Lanza
Prevention science 23 (4), 598-607, 2022
Available at:


Understanding the motives, contexts, and consequences of unplanned versus planned drinking in daily life.
AK Stevens, HK Boyle, HR White, KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 36 (3), 223, 2022
Available at:


A qualitative examination of intentions and willingness for heavy drinking among young adult high-intensity drinkers.
AK Stevens, HK Boyle, MB Miller, K Carey, KM Jackson, NP Barnett, JE Merrill
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 36 (3), 236, 2022
Available at:


The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data
…, T Freire, F Goodman, N Gottfredson, MA Halvorson, M Haroon, A Howard, A Hussong, KM Jackson
PsyArXiv, 2022
Available at:


Cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder: prospective evidence from a longitudinal study of veterans
J Metrik, AK Stevens, RL Gunn, B Borsari, KM Jackson
Psychological medicine 52 (3), 446-456, 2022
Available at:


Discrepant Parent-Adolescent Reports of Parental Monitoring And Their Relations to Cannabis Use Among Justice-Involved Youth
L Micalizzi, N Suazo, C Paszek, L Hernández, K Kemp, KM Jackson, A Spirito
Cannabis 5 (2), 1, 2022
Available at:


Changes in cannabis consumption among college students during COVID-19
JE Merrill, AK Stevens, KM Jackson, HR White
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 83 (1), 55-63, 2022
Available at:


Comprehensive measurement invariance of alcohol outcome expectancies among adolescents using regularized moderated nonlinear factor analysis
AK Stevens, T Janssen, WCM Belzak, HT Padovano, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 124, 107088, 2022
Available at:


Patterns, consequences, and motives in simultaneous use of prescription stimulant medication with alcohol and marijuana
N Fossos-Wong, JR Kilmer, A W. Sokolovsky, HY Lee, KM Jackson, HR White
Substance use & misuse 56 (13), 1972-1981, 2021
Available at:


More reasons, more use and problems? Examining the influence of number of motives on consumption and consequences across alcohol-only, cannabis-only, and simultaneous-use days
AK Stevens, MM Drohan, HK Boyle, HR White, KM Jackson
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 82 (6), 782-791, 2021
Available at:


Trajectories of early alcohol use milestones: Interrelations among initiation and progression
KM Jackson, K Marceau, SM Colby, NP Barnett, ML Rogers, KL Hayes
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 45 (11), 2294-2308, 2021
Available at:


Forgoing plans for alcohol and cannabis use in daily life: Examining reasons for nonuse when use was planned in a predominantly white college student sample
AK Stevens, BE Blanchard, AW Sokolovsky, RL Gunn, HR White, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 45 (10), 2167-2178, 2021
Available at:


Examining client self-exploration in motivational interviewing: Preliminary psychometrics of an observational rating measure
CS Lee, M Magill, VJ Figuereo, K Jackson, SM Colby
Journal of substance abuse treatment 129, 108345, 2021
Available at:


Incipient alcohol use in childhood: Early alcohol sipping and its relations with psychopathology and personality
AL Watts, PK Wood, KM Jackson, KM Lisdahl, MM Heitzeg, R Gonzalez, SF Tapert, DM Barch, KJ Sher
Development and psychopathology 33 (4), 1338-1350, 2021
Available at:


Real-world simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: An ecological study of situational motives and social and physical contexts.
KM Jackson, AK Stevens, AW Sokolovsky, KL Hayes, HR White
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 35 (6), 698, 2021
Available at:


Contextual influences on simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in a predominately white sample of college students.
RL Gunn, A Sokolovsky, AK Stevens, K Hayes, S Fitzpatrick, HR White, KM Jackson
Psychology of addictive behaviors 35 (6), 691, 2021
Available at:


Mechanisms underlying associations between media alcohol exposure, parenting, and early adolescent drinking: A moderated sequential mediation model
KM Jackson, T Janssen, MJ Cox, SM Colby, NP Barnett, J Sargent
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50 (9), 1896-1910, 2021
Available at:


Individual and COVID-19-specific indicators of compliance with mask use and social distancing: the importance of norms, perceived effectiveness, and state response
JA Gette, AK Stevens, AK Littlefield, KL Hayes, HR White, KM Jackson
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (16), 8715, 2021
Available at:


Do alcohol-related consequences and how they are evaluated predict consumption during and days until the next drinking event?
JE Merrill, RW Carpenter, HK Boyle, M Haikalis, KM Jackson, R Miranda Jr, KB Carey, TM Piasecki
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 35 (5), 587, 2021
Available at:


Profiles of parenting in the digital age: associations with adolescent alcohol and marijuana use
MJ Cox, T Janssen, J Gabrielli, KM Jackson
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 82 (4), 460-469, 2021
Available at:


Contextual factors associated with high‐intensity drinking events among young adults: A qualitative inquiry
JE Merrill, HK Boyle, G López, MB Miller, NP Barnett, KM Jackson, KB Carey
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 45 (6), 1317-1330, 2021
Available at:


Changes in alcohol use and drinking context due to the COVID‐19 pandemic: a multimethod study of college student drinkers
KM Jackson, JE Merrill, AK Stevens, KL Hayes, HR White
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 45 (4), 752-764, 2021
Available at:


Preliminary impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on smoking and vaping in college students
AW Sokolovsky, AW Hertel, L Micalizzi, HR White, KL Hayes, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 115, 106783, 2021
Available at:


Examining Motivational Pathways from Adult ADHD Symptoms to Cannabis: Results from a Prospective Study of Veterans
AK Stevens, RL Gunn, KM Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Psychology of addictive behaviors: journal of the Society of Psychologists …, 2021
Available at:


Examining motivational pathways from adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms to cannabis use: Results from a prospective study of veterans.
AK Stevens, RL Gunn, KM Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 35 (1), 16, 2021
Available at:


Does the combination matter? Examining the influence of alcohol and cannabis product combinations on simultaneous use and consequences in daily life
AK Stevens, ER Aston, RL Gunn, AW Sokolovsky, H Treloar Padovano, HR White, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 45 (1), 181-193, 2021
Available at:


Ordering in alcohol and cannabis co-use: Impact on daily consumption and consequences
RL Gunn, A Sokolovsky, AK Stevens, J Metrik, H White, K Jackson
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 218, 108339, 2021
Available at:


The altered course of learning: How alcohol outcome expectancies are shaped by first drinking experiences
H Treloar Padovano, T Janssen, A Sokolovsky, KM Jackson
Psychological science 31 (12), 1573-1584, 2020
Available at:


Changes in alcohol consumption among college students due to COVID-19: Effects of campus closure and residential change
HR White, AK Stevens, K Hayes, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (6), 725-730, 2020
Available at:


Structured and unstructured activities and alcohol and marijuana use in middle school: The role of availability and engagement
NS Spillane, MR Schick, KT Kirk-Provencher, DC Hill, J Wyatt, KM Jackson
Substance Use & Misuse 55 (11), 1765-1773, 2020
Available at:


Longitudinal associations between negative urgency, symptoms of depression, cannabis and alcohol use in veterans.
RL Gunn, AK Stevens, L Micalizzi, KM Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 28 (4), 426, 2020
Available at:


Drinking beyond the binge threshold in a clinical sample of adolescents
KG Creswell, T Chung, CJ Skrzynski, RL Bachrach, KM Jackson, DB Clark, CS Martin
Addiction 115 (8), 1472-1481, 2020
Available at:


Factor structure of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test Revised (CUDIT-R) for men and women
MM Risi, AW Sokolovsky, HR White, KM Jackson
Cannabis (Research Society on Marijuana) 3 (2), 148, 2020
Available at:


Heaviness of alcohol use, alcohol problems, and subjective intoxication predict discrepant drinking reports in daily life
AK Stevens, AW Sokolovsky, H Treloar Padovano, HR White, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 44 (7), 1468-1478, 2020
Available at:


Alcohol and marijuana co-use: Consequences, subjective intoxication, and the operationalization of simultaneous use
AW Sokolovsky, RL Gunn, L Micalizzi, HR White, KM Jackson
Drug and alcohol dependence 212, 107986, 2020
Available at:


Complex cannabis use patterns: Associations with cannabis consequences and cannabis use disorder symptomatology
RL Gunn, ER Aston, AW Sokolovsky, HR White, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 105, 106329, 2020
Available at:


Lability in parent-and child-based sources of parental monitoring is differentially associated with adolescent substance use
K Marceau, N Nair, ML Rogers, KM Jackson
Prevention science 21 (4), 568-579, 2020
Available at:


Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: A brief measure of motives
FN Conway, A Sokolovsky, HR White, KM Jackson
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 81 (2), 203-211, 2020
Available at:


Psychological processes underlying effects of alcohol marketing on youth drinking
KM Jackson, BD Bartholow
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, 81-96, 2020
Available at:


Consequences of alcohol and marijuana use among college students: Prevalence rates and attributions to substance-specific versus simultaneous use.
KM Jackson, AW Sokolovsky, RL Gunn, HR White
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 34 (2), 370, 2020
Available at:


The consequences of friend-related stress across early adolescence
AD Benner, Y Hou, KM Jackson
The Journal of Early Adolescence 40 (2), 249-272, 2020
Available at:


Prevalence and correlates of concurrent and simultaneous cannabis and cigarette use among past-year cannabis-using US college students
LM Ruglass, A Espinosa, S Fitzpatrick, MK Meyer, K Cadet, A Sokolovsky, KM Jackson, HR White
Substance use & misuse 55 (2), 329-336, 2020
Available at:


Internet alcohol marketing recall and drinking in underage adolescents
AC McClure, J Gabrielli, S Cukier, KM Jackson, ZLB Brennan, SE Tanski
Academic pediatrics 20 (1), 128-135, 2020
Available at:


A longitudinal examination of daily patterns of cannabis and alcohol co-use among medicinal and recreational veteran cannabis users
R Gunn, K Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Drug and alcohol dependence 205, 107661, 2019
Available at:


Event‐level correlates of drinking events characterized by alcohol‐induced blackouts
JE Merrill, HK Boyle, KM Jackson, KB Carey
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 43 (12), 2599-2606, 2019
Available at:


Longitudinal associations between sleep, intrusive thoughts, and alcohol problems among veterans
MB Miller, J Metrik, B Borsari, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 43 (11), 2438-2445, 2019
Available at:


A new recall of alcohol marketing scale for youth: Measurement properties and associations with youth drinking status
J Gabrielli, ZLB Brennan, M Stoolmiller, KM Jackson, SE Tanski, AC McClure
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 80 (5), 563-571, 2019
Available at:


Improvement in therapist skills over sessions in brief motivational interventions predicts client language and alcohol use outcomes.
B Borsari, LB Hopkins, JK Manuel, TR Apodaca, NR Mastroleo, KM Jackson, M Magill, JC Norona, KB Carey
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 33 (5), 484, 2019
Available at:


Dysregulation as a correlate of cannabis use and problem use
HI Lopez-Vergara, KM Jackson, LZ Meshesha, J Metrik
Addictive behaviors 95, 138-144, 2019
Available at:


Dependence motives of young adult users of electronic nicotine delivery systems
M Chesaniuk, AW Sokolovsky, JS Ahluwalia, KM Jackson, R Mermelstein
Addictive behaviors 95, 1-5, 2019
Available at:


Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among college students: Patterns, correlates, norms, and consequences
HR White, JR Kilmer, N Fossos‐Wong, K Hayes, AW Sokolovsky, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 43 (7), 1545-1555, 2019
Available at:


Developmental considerations in survival models as applied to substance use research
KM Jackson, T Janssen
Addictive behaviors 94, 36-41, 2019
Available at:


Parental social support and sources of knowledge interact to predict children’s externalizing behavior over time
L Micalizzi, AW Sokolovsky, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 484-494, 2019
Available at:


Low self-esteem for physical appearance mediates the effect of body mass index on smoking initiation among adolescents
CM Murphy, T Janssen, SM Colby, KM Jackson
Journal of Pediatric Psychology 44 (2), 197-207, 2019
Available at:


Cannabis use and anxiety sensitivity in relation to physical health and functioning in post-9/11 veterans
KL Stewart, SG Farris, KM Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Cognitive therapy and research 43, 45-54, 2019
Available at:


Adolescent recanting of alcohol use: A longitudinal investigation of time-varying intra-individual predictors
AW Sokolovsky, T Janssen, NP Barnett, SM Colby, MH Bernstein, KL Hayes, KM Jackson
Drug and alcohol dependence 193, 83-90, 2018
Available at:


Parental drinking as context for parental socialization of adolescent alcohol use
MJ Cox, T Janssen, H Lopez-Vergara, NP Barnett, KM Jackson
Journal of adolescence 69, 22-32, 2018
Available at:


Negative urgency partially accounts for the relationship between major depressive disorder and marijuana problems
RL Gunn, KM Jackson, B Borsari, J Metrik
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 5, 1-8, 2018
Available at:


Parental restriction of movie viewing prospectively predicts adolescent alcohol and marijuana initiation: Implications for media literacy programs
MJ Cox, J Gabrielli, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Prevention Science 19, 914-926, 2018
Available at:


Adolescent smokers’ response to reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes: Acute effects on withdrawal symptoms and subjective evaluations
RN Cassidy, SM Colby, JW Tidey, KM Jackson, PA Cioe, S Krishnan-Sarin, D Hatsukami
Drug and alcohol dependence 188, 153-160, 2018
Available at:


Cognitive risk factors of electronic and combustible cigarette use in adolescents
WV Lechner, CM Murphy, SM Colby, T Janssen, ML Rogers, KM Jackson
Addictive Behaviors 82, 182-188, 2018
Available at:


Media/marketing influences on adolescent and young adult substance abuse
KM Jackson, T Janssen, J Gabrielli
Current addiction reports 5, 146-157, 2018
Available at:


Daily patterns of marijuana and alcohol co‐use among individuals with alcohol and cannabis use disorders
J Metrik, RL Gunn, KM Jackson, AW Sokolovsky, B Borsari
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 42 (6), 1096-1104, 2018
Available at:


Peer norms and susceptibility mediate the effect of movie alcohol exposure on alcohol initiation in adolescents.
T Janssen, MJ Cox, JE Merrill, NP Barnett, JD Sargent, KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 32 (4), 442, 2018
Available at:


Contingency management for college student smokers: The role of drinking as a moderator and mediator of smoking abstinence during treatment
RN Cassidy, KM Jackson, DJ Rohsenow, JW Tidey, NP Barnett, PM Monti, ME Miller, SM Colby
Addictive behaviors 80, 95-101, 2018
Available at:


The role of sensation seeking and R-rated movie watching in early substance use initiation
T Janssen, MJ Cox, M Stoolmiller, NP Barnett, KM Jackson
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 991-1006, 2018
Available at:


Medicinal versus recreational cannabis use among returning veterans.
J Metrik, SS Bassett, ER Aston, KM Jackson, B Borsari
Translational issues in psychological science 4 (1), 6, 2018
Available at:


Trajectories of in-session change language in brief motivational interventions with mandated college students.
B Borsari, TR Apodaca, KM Jackson, A Fernandez, NR Mastroleo, M Magill, NP Barnett, KB Carey
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 86 (2), 158, 2018
Available at:


Developmental relations between alcohol expectancies and social norms in predicting alcohol onset.
T Janssen, H Treloar Padovano, JE Merrill, KM Jackson
Developmental Psychology 54 (2), 281, 2018
Available at:


Sexual minority disparities in substance use willingness among youth
KE Gamarel, EH Mereish, SM Colby, NP Barnett, K Hayes, KM Jackson
Substance use & misuse 53 (1), 170-175, 2018
Available at:


Exposure to alcohol content in movies and initiation of early drinking milestones
KM Jackson, T Janssen, NP Barnett, ML Rogers, KL Hayes, J Sargent
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 42 (1), 184-194, 2018
Available at:


Parent-adolescent relationships in Hispanic versus Caucasian families: Associations with alcohol and marijuana use onset
O Moreno, T Janssen, MJ Cox, S Colby, KM Jackson
Addictive Behaviors 74, 74-81, 2017
Available at:


Parental influences on heavy episodic drinking development in the transition to early adulthood
AS Madkour, G Clum, TT Miles, H Wang, K Jackson, F Mather, A Shankar
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2), 147-154, 2017
Available at:


Alcohol consumption milestones: comparing first-versus last-reported age of onset
ML Rogers, KM Jackson
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 26 (4), 258-264, 2017
Available at:


Deviant peers as a mediator of pubertal timing–substance use associations: The moderating role of parental knowledge
K Marceau, K Jackson
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (1), 53-60, 2017
Available at:


Friends’ alcohol-related social networking site activity predicts escalations in adolescent drinking: mediation by peer norms
J Nesi, WA Rothenberg, AM Hussong, KM Jackson
Journal of Adolescent Health 60 (6), 641-647, 2017
Available at:


Social and individual-level predictors of alcohol use initiation and escalation: replicating and extending tests of differential effects
HI Lopez-Vergara, JE Merrill, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 78 (3), 452-457, 2017
Available at:


The prospective association between sleep and initiation of substance use in young adolescents
MB Miller, T Janssen, KM Jackson
Journal of Adolescent Health 60 (2), 154-160, 2017
Available at:


Forecasting disparities with early substance-use milestones
ME Roberts, NS Spillane, SM Colby, KM Jackson
Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse 26 (1), 56-59, 2017
Available at:


Explicating the conditions under which multilevel multiple imputation mitigates bias resulting from random coefficient-dependent missing longitudinal data
NC Gottfredson, SK Sterba, KM Jackson
Prevention Science 18, 12-19, 2017
Available at:


Hypothetical evaluations of positive and negative alcohol consequences in adolescents across various levels of drinking experience.
JE Merrill, HI Lopez-Vergara, NP Barnett, KM Jackson
Psychology of addictive behaviors 30 (8), 811, 2016
Available at:


Latent growth classes of alcohol-related blackouts over the first 2 years of college.
JE Merrill, H Treloar, AC Fernandez, MA Monnig, KM Jackson, NP Barnett
Psychology of addictive behaviors 30 (8), 827, 2016
Available at:


The mediating roles of coping, sleep, and anxiety motives in cannabis use and problems among returning veterans with PTSD and MDD.
J Metrik, K Jackson, SS Bassett, MJ Zvolensky, K Seal, B Borsari
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30 (7), 743, 2016
Available at:


Contextual influences on early drinking: Characteristics of drinking and nondrinking days.
KM Jackson, JE Merrill, NP Barnett, SM Colby, CC Abar, ML Rogers, KL Hayes
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30 (5), 566, 2016
Available at:


Developmental trends in alcohol use initiation and escalation from early to middle adolescence: Prediction by urgency and trait affect.
HI Lopez-Vergara, NS Spillane, JE Merrill, KM Jackson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30 (5), 578, 2016
Available at:


Progression from first drink, first intoxication, and regular drinking to alcohol use disorder: a comparison of African American and European American youth
CE Sartor, KM Jackson, VV McCutcheon, AE Duncan, JD Grant, KB Werner, KK Bucholz
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 40 (7), 1515-1523, 2016
Available at:


Parental divorce and initiation of alcohol use in early adolescence.
KM Jackson, ML Rogers, CE Sartor
Psychology of addictive behaviors 30 (4), 450, 2016
Available at:


Changes in negative urgency, positive urgency, and sensation seeking across adolescence
AK Littlefield, AK Stevens, JM Ellingson, KM King, KM Jackson
Personality and individual differences 90, 332-337, 2016
Available at:


Internet alcohol marketing and underage alcohol use
AC McClure, SE Tanski, Z Li, K Jackson, M Morgenstern, Z Li, JD Sargent
Pediatrics 137 (2), 2016
Available at:


Which individual therapist behaviors elicit client change talk and sustain talk in motivational interviewing?
TR Apodaca, KM Jackson, B Borsari, M Magill, R Longabaugh, NR Mastroleo, NP Barnett
Journal of substance abuse treatment 61, 60-65, 2016
Available at:


Trajectories and correlates of reasons for abstaining or limiting drinking during adolescence
JE Merrill, S Martin, CC Abar, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 52, 1-7, 2016
Available at:


Right-sizing statistical models for longitudinal data.
PK Wood, D Steinley, KM Jackson
Psychological Methods 20 (4), 470, 2015
Available at:


Perceived discrimination and heavy episodic drinking among African-American youth: Differences by age and reason for discrimination
AS Madkour, K Jackson, H Wang, TT Miles, F Mather, A Shankar
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (5), 530-536, 2015
Available at:


Parental knowledge is a contextual amplifier of associations of pubertal maturation and substance use
K Marceau, CC Abar, KM Jackson
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1720-1734, 2015
Available at:


Prevalence and correlates of sipping alcohol in a prospective middle school sample.
KM Jackson, SM Colby, NP Barnett, CC Abar
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29 (3), 766, 2015
Available at:


Parent–child discrepancies in reports of parental monitoring and their relationship to adolescent alcohol-related behaviors
CC Abar, KM Jackson, SM Colby, NP Barnett
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1688-1701, 2015
Available at:


Adolescent alcohol use before and after the high school transition
J Burdzovic Andreas, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 39 (6), 1034-1041, 2015
Available at:


What predicts early smoking milestones?
ME Roberts, SM Colby, KM Jackson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 76 (2), 256-266, 2015
Available at:


Portrayal of alcohol intoxication on YouTube
BA Primack, JB Colditz, KC Pang, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39 (3), 496-503, 2015
Available at:


The prospective association between sipping alcohol by the sixth grade and later substance use
KM Jackson, NP Barnett, SM Colby, ML Rogers
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 76 (2), 212-221, 2015
Available at:


Cued recall of alcohol advertising on television and underage drinking behavior
SE Tanski, AC McClure, Z Li, K Jackson, M Morgenstern, Z Li, JD Sargent
JAMA pediatrics 169 (3), 264-271, 2015
Available at:


In-session processes of brief motivational interventions in two trials with mandated college students.
B Borsari, TR Apodaca, KM Jackson, NR Mastroleo, M Magill, NP Barnett, KB Carey
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 83 (1), 56, 2015
Available at:


Personality disorders and the persistence of substance use disorders: A reanalysis of published NESARC findings.
A Vergés, KM Jackson, KK Bucholz, TJ Trull, SP Lane, KJ Sher
Journal of abnormal psychology 123 (4), 809, 2014
Available at:


Common and unique parenting predictors of adolescent tobacco and alcohol use
CC Abar, KM Jackson, SM Colby, NP Barnett
Addictive behaviors 39 (10), 1528-1532, 2014
Available at:


Reciprocal relations between perceived parental knowledge and adolescent substance use and delinquency: The moderating role of parent–teen relationship quality.
CC Abar, KM Jackson, M Wood
Developmental psychology 50 (9), 2176, 2014
Not available anywhere


Sustain talk predicts poorer outcomes among mandated college student drinkers receiving a brief motivational intervention.
TR Apodaca, B Borsari, KM Jackson, M Magill, R Longabaugh, NR Mastroleo, NP Barnett
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 28 (3), 631, 2014
Available at:


Point and click, carefully: Investigating inconsistent response styles in middle school and college students involved in web-based longitudinal substance use research
JD Wardell, ML Rogers, LJ Simms, KM Jackson, JP Read
Assessment 21 (4), 427-442, 2014
Available at:


Willingness to drink as a function of peer offers and peer norms in early adolescence
KM Jackson, ME Roberts, SM Colby, NP Barnett, CC Abar, JE Merrill
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 75 (3), 404-414, 2014
Available at:


Personality disorders and the persistence of anxiety disorders: Evidence of a time-of-measurement effect in NESARC
A Vergés, MG Kushner, KM Jackson, KK Bucholz, TJ Trull, SP Lane, KJ Sher
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28 (2), 178-186, 2014
Available at:


Towards the characterization and validation of alcohol use disorder subtypes: Integrating consumption and symptom data
KM Jackson, KK Bucholz, PK Wood, D Steinley, JD Grant, KJ Sher
Psychological medicine 44 (1), 143-159, 2014
Available at:


Refining the notion of maturing out: Results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions
A Vergés, AM Haeny, KM Jackson, KK Bucholz, JD Grant, TJ Trull, PK Wood, KJ Sher
American journal of public health 103 (12), e67-e73, 2013
Available at:


Feasibility and acceptability of a pediatric emergency department alcohol prevention intervention for young adolescents
JG Linakis, J Bromberg, J Baird, TD Nirenberg, TH Chun, MJ Mello, KM Jackson, A Spirito
Pediatric emergency care 29 (11), 1180-1188, 2013
Available at:


Alcohol use during the transition from middle school to high school: national panel data on prevalence and moderators.
KM Jackson, JE Schulenberg
Developmental psychology 49 (11), 2147, 2013
Available at:


Sex differences in college student adherence to NIAAA drinking guidelines
BB Hoeppner, AL Paskausky, KM Jackson, NP Barnett
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37 (10), 1779-1786, 2013
Available at:


Escaping the snare of chronological growth and launching a free curve alternative: General deviance as latent growth model
PK Wood, KM Jackson
Development and psychopathology 25 (3), 739-754, 2013
Available at:


Prospective developmental subtypes of alcohol dependence from age 18 to 32 years: implications for nosology, etiology, and intervention
MH Meier, A Caspi, R Houts, WS Slutske, HL Harrington, KM Jackson, DW Belsky, R Poulton, TE Moffitt
Development and psychopathology 25 (3), 785-800, 2013
Available at:


Effect of a significant other on client change talk in motivational interviewing.
TR Apodaca, M Magill, R Longabaugh, KM Jackson, PM Monti
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 81 (1), 35, 2013
Available at:


Role of tobacco smoking in hangover symptoms among university students
KM Jackson, DJ Rohsenow, TM Piasecki, J Howland, AE Richardson
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 74 (1), 41-49, 2013
Available at:


Coping motives, negative moods, and time-to-drink: Exploring alternative analytic models of coping motives as a moderator of daily mood-drinking covariation
AK Littlefield, AE Talley, KM Jackson
Addictive Behaviors 37 (12), 1371-1376, 2012
Available at:


Concurrent drinking and smoking among college students: An event-level analysis.
K Witkiewitz, SA Desai, G Steckler, KM Jackson, S Bowen, BC Leigh, ME Larimer
Psychology of addictive behaviors 26 (3), 649, 2012
Available at:


Daily college student drinking patterns across the first year of college
BB Hoeppner, NP Barnett, KM Jackson, SM Colby, CW Kahler, PM Monti, J Read, T Tevyaw, M Wood…
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 73 (4), 613-624, 2012
Available at:


Deconstructing the age-prevalence curve of alcohol dependence: Why “maturing out” is only a small piece of the puzzle.
A Vergés, KM Jackson, KK Bucholz, JD Grant, TJ Trull, PK Wood, KJ Sher
Journal of abnormal psychology 121 (2), 511, 2012
Available at:


Age and ethnic differences in the onset, persistence and recurrence of alcohol use disorder
JD Grant, A Vergés, KM Jackson, TJ Trull, KJ Sher, KK Bucholz
Addiction 107 (4), 756-765, 2012
Available at:


Evaluating the validity and utility of scaling alcohol consumption indices alongside AUD symptoms in treatment-seeking adolescents
BB Hoeppner, CW Kahler, KM Jackson
Drug and alcohol dependence 115 (3), 196-204, 2011
Available at:


Alcohol use trajectories and the ubiquitous cat’s cradle: cause for concern?
KJ Sher, KM Jackson, D Steinley
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (2), 322, 2011
Available at:


How good is fine-grained Timeline Follow-back data? Comparing 30-day TLFB and repeated 7-day TLFB alcohol consumption reports on the person and daily level
BB Hoeppner, RL Stout, KM Jackson, NP Barnett
Addictive behaviors 35 (12), 1138-1143, 2010
Available at:


Daily patterns of conjoint smoking and drinking in college student smokers.
KM Jackson, SM Colby, KJ Sher
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 24 (3), 424, 2010
Available at:


Progression through early drinking milestones in an adolescent treatment sample
KM Jackson
Addiction 105 (3), 438-449, 2010
Available at:


Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: A randomized controlled trial
JTP Hustad, NP Barnett, B Borsari, KM Jackson
Addictive behaviors 35 (3), 183-189, 2010
Available at:


A Rasch model analysis of alcohol consumption and problems across adolescence and young adulthood
CW Kahler, BB Hoeppner, KM Jackson
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 33 (4), 663-673, 2009
Available at:


Daily college student drinking patterns across the first year of college
BB Hoeppner, NP Barnett, KM Jackson
Samuel B. Guze Symposium on Alcoholism, 2009
Available at:


Developmental sequences and comorbidity of substance use and violence
HR White, KM Jackson, R Loeber
Handbook on crime and deviance, 433-468, 2009
Not available anywhere


Conjoint developmental trajectories of young adult alcohol and tobacco use.
KM Jackson, KJ Sher, JE Schulenberg
American Psychological Association, 2009
Available at:


Comparison of longitudinal phenotypes based on alternate heavy drinking cut scores: a systematic comparison of trajectory approaches III.
KM Jackson, KJ Sher
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 22 (2), 198, 2008
Available at:


Conjoint developmental trajectories of young adult substance use
KM Jackson, KJ Sher, JE Schulenberg
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 32 (5), 723-737, 2008
Available at:

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