244 Materials
Matt Charnley’s Youtube Channel
As of late, I have been working a lot to improve the Differential Equations experience in Math 244. On the Youtube Channel, there are two different lists of Math 244 videos, a flipped classroom version where the videos cover the entirety of the course content from Summer 2017, and a set of introductory videos that were initially used before a synchronous online class in Spring 2021. This list has been updated frequently since then and has videos on a wide range of topics. Since other videos have been added later, these are likely not all in course-order anymore, but there is a lot there.
Math 244: Flipped Playlist Math 244: Introductory Videos
In addition, there is another playlist of example videos from the various sections of 244, as well as some extra topic videos from random sections where more videos were merited. These have also grown over the last years.
Math 244: Example Videos Math 244: Topic Videos
The notes (blank and filled) from both the Introductory Videos and the Topic Videos can be found at the website here.
Finally, I have been revising the MATLAB assignments for this course to make them simpler and more useful to the students in future semesters. A help page for students can be found here.