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Prof. Javier Castro Ibaseta

Faculty Affiliates

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Rutgers–Newark. Prof. Castro Ibaseta is a historian of early modern Spanish literature and culture. His first book project, titled Beware the Poetry: Political Satire and the Emergence of a Spanish Public Sphere, 1600-1645, focuses on the circulation of satires, gossip, and political news in Late Renaissance Spain, and the ways in which these shaped a new and distinct political public, interested in the critical commentary of the political spectacle rather than in conventional political agency. His second book project analyzes libertine ideas and attitudes in Naples and Spain during the early seventeenth century. He has published articles on poetry of the Spanish Golden Age, political satire, and political publics in early Modern Spain. He is currently organizing a study abroad Field School in Río Tinto, Huelva, Spain, with Prof. Gary Farney.


  • “Sonnets from Carthage, Ballads from the Prison: Entertainment and Public Making in Early Modern Spain,” in Forms of Association: Making Publics in Early Modern Europe, ed. Paul Yachnin and Marlene Eberhart , , 2015

  • “Mentidero de Madrid: La corte como comedia,” in La ciudad de las palabras: Opinión pública y espacio urbano en la edad moderna,, , 2010

  • “Monólogo: Educación, tradición y comunicación en la historiografía académica española,” with Saúl Martínez Bermejo, in El fin de los historiadores: Pensar históricamente en una democracia pluralista, , , 2008

Awards & Distinctions

  • Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship, Wesleyan University
  • Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University. “Making Publics” project Summer Seminar Fellowship
  • European Science Foundation Exchange Grant
  • Spanish Ministry of Education FPU Fellowship