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Meet Our Team

Qiong Zhang

Principal Investigator

Dr. Zhang is an assistant professor in the Psychology Department and the Computer Science Department and directs the Memory Optimization Lab.


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Hemali Angne

Graduate Student, CS Department  

Hemali is funded by NSF through the Rutgers Robotics SOCRATES program. They completed their bachelor’s in Computer Engineering and an M.S. in Computer Science. They use computational modeling to study human memory by placing it in realistic settings, including studying it as people interact with each other and studying it with naturalistic stimuli. They also like musical theatre, board games, and reading high fantasy.

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Charlotte Cornell 

Graduate Student, Psychology Department

Charlie received her B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from Loyola University Chicago. Her research focuses on how one’s surroundings influence their memory and how this may vary for different individuals. Outside the lab, Charlie enjoys kayaking and playing the piano.

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Si Ma

Graduate Student, Psychology Department

Si earned her bachelor’s in Geographic Information Systems and then entered NYU’s Psychology M.A. program. She is interested in understanding how motivation influences memory. Specifically, she focuses on exploring how reward affects memory with the help of computational modeling and EEG. In her free time, Si enjoys spending time with her friends and reading.

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Nikolaus Salvatore

Graduate Student, CS Department 

Nikolaus earned a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Cornell University and a M.E. in Computer Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He spent 3 years working at the NSF SHREC center for reconfigurable computing, where he developed computer vision applications for space situational awareness. Now he is pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at Rutgers University where his research interest is using models of human memory to improve memory and decision-making in AI/ML architectures. In his free time, Nik enjoys video gaming, reading old sci-fi/fantasy, and tinkering with new AI/ML models.

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Eric Zeng

Master’s Student, CS Department 

Eric completed his bachelor’s in computer science and mathematics at Rutgers. He is interested in understanding memory to create more robust and intelligent machine learning agents. In his free time, Eric enjoys traveling, playing tennis, and watching soccer.

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Joe Butta
Undergraduate Student, Psychology Department 

Joe Butta is a junior at Rutgers University double majoring in Psychology and Cognitive Science and minoring in Music. He is interested in further understanding and developing computational theories and models used to describe how the human mind instantiates cognitive functions, particularly memory and perception. In his free time, Joe enjoys reading and working as a DJ and staff member for his local college radio station.

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