Humanities And Arts – 2020
LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITATION Alidou Ousseina D. Larrier, R., & Alidou, O. D. (Eds.). (2019). Writing through the visual and virtual: Inscribing language, literature, and culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean. Lexington.* Behrmann Nicola Behrmann, N. (2018). Geburt der avantgarde: Emmy Hennings. Wallstein Verlag. Bender Trisha Bender, T. (2018). And all Is always now. CreativeSpace. Böröcz József Böröcz, J. (2018). Az EU és a világ. Kritikai elemzés – The EU and the world: Critical analysis. Pesti Kalligram.*
Chan-Malik Sylvia Chan-Malik, S. (2018). Being Muslim: A cultural history of women of color in American Islam. New York University Press. Cooper Brittney C. Cooper, B. C. (2018). Eloquent rage: A Black feminist discovers her superpower. St. Martin’s Press. Cooper Barbara M. Baron, C., & Cooper, B. M. (2018). La honte au Sahel: Pudeur, respect, morale quotidienne. Éditions Sépia. Cooper Barbara M. Cooper, B. M. (2019). Countless blessings: A history of childbirth and reproduction in the Sahel. Indiana University Press. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R., & Sinkoff, N. (Eds.). (2018). Sara Levy’s world: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach tradition in enlightenment Berlin. University of Rochester Press. Denda Kayo Denda, K., Hawkesworth, M. E., & and Perrone, F. (2018). The Douglass century: Transformation of the women’s college at Rutgers University. Rutgers University Press. Devlin Rachel Devlin, R. (2018). A girl stands at the door: The generation of young women who desegregated America’s schools. Basic Books. Fuentes Marisa J. Boyd, K., Fuentes, M. J., & White, D. G. (Eds.). (2020). Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945. Rutgers University Press.
Greenberg David Greenberg, D., Temkin, M., & Williams, M. B. (2019). Alan Brinkley: A life in history. Columbia University Press. Haberl Charles G. Haberl, C.G., & McGrath, J. F. (2020). The Mandaean book of John: Critical edition, translation, and commentary. De Gruyter.
Hawkesworth Mary E. Hawkesworth, M. E. (2019). Gender and political theory: Feminist reckonings. Polity Press. Hawkesworth Mary E. Hawkesworth, M. E. (2018). Globalization and feminist activism (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. Hawkesworth Mary E. Denda, K., Hawkesworth, M. E., & and Perrone, F. (2018). The Douglass Century: Transformation of the women’s college at Rutgers University. Rutgers University Press. Hewitt Nancy A. Hewitt, N. A. (2018). Radical friend: Amy Kirby Post and her activist worlds. The University of North Carolina Press Koerber Benjamin Koerber, B. (2018). Conspiracy in modern Egyptian literature. Edinburgh University Press. Larrier Renée Larrier, R., & Alidou, O. D. (Eds.). (2019). Writing through the visual and virtual: Inscribing language, literature, and culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean. Lexington. Marter Joan M. Marter, J. M. (2019). Women artists on the leading edge: Visual arts at Douglass College. Rutgers University Press Mazrui Alamin Mazrui, A., Njogu, K., & Goldsmith, P. (2018). Countering violent extremism in Kenya: Between the rule of law and the quest for security. Twaweza Communications.* Perrone Fernanda Denda, K., Hawkesworth, M. E., & and Perrone, F. (2018). The Douglass century: Transformation of the women’s college at Rutgers University. Rutgers University Press. Rendsburg Gary A. Diamond, J. S., Goldenberg, R., & Rendsburg, G. A. (2019). Scribal secrets: Extraordinary texts in the Torah and their implications. Pickwick Publications. Rendsburg Gary A. Rendsburg, G. A. (2019). How the Bible is written. Hendrickson Publishers. Rockland Michael Rockland, M. (2020). The George Washington Bridge: Poetry in steel. Rutgers University Press. Rodgers Yana Rodgers, Y. (2018). The global gag rule and women’s reproductive health: Rhetoric versus reality. Oxford University Press. Schuller Kyla Schuller, K. (2018). The biopolitics of feeling: Race, sex, and science in the nineteenth century. Duke University Press. Seijas Tatiana Schwartz, S. B., & Seijas, T. (2018). Victors and vanquished: Spanish and Nahua views of the fall of Mexican empire. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Selim Samah Selim, S. (2019). Popular fiction, translation, and the Nahda in Egypt. Palgrave Macmillan. Smith Bonnie G. Smith, B. G. (2019). Women’s studies: The basics. Taylor and Francis.
Smith Bonnie G. Smith, B. G. (2019). Gender history: Critical readings. Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd.
Smith Bonnie G. Smith, B. G. (2020). Women in world history 1450 to the present. Bloomsbury Academic. Stephens Julia Stephens, J. A. (2018). Governing Islam: Law, empire, and secularism in South Asia. Cambridge University Press. Stevens Camilla Stevens, C. (2019). Aqui and alla: Transnational Dominican theater and performance. Pittsburgh University Press. Swenson James Rousseau, J-J., Litwin, C., & Swenson, J. (2018). Affaires de Corse. Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. Synkoff Nancy Cypess, R., & Sinkoff, N. (Eds.). (2018). Sara Levy’s world: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach tradition in enlightenment Berlin. University of Rochester Press. Tamas Jennifer Tamas, J. (2018). Le silence trahi: Racine, ou, la déclaration tragique.
Droz.Townsend Camilla Townsend, C. (2019). Fifth sun: A new history of the Aztecs. Oxford University Press. Turshen Meredeth Turshen, M. (2020). Women’s health movements: A global force for change. Springer. Urban Andrew Urban, A. (2018). Brokering servitude: Migration and the politics of domestic labor during the long nineteenth century. New York University Press. Vengadasalam Sarbani S. Vengadasalam, S. S. (2019). New postcolonial dialectics: An intercultural comparison of Indian and Nigerian English plays. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ward Judit H. Ward, J. H. (2019). Tintásüveg – Ink well. L’Harmattan.
Weeks Daniel J. Weeks, D. J. (2019). Gateways to empire: Quebec and New Amsterdam to 1664. Lehigh University Press. White Deborah G. Boyd, K., Fuentes, M. J., & White, D. G. (Eds.). (2020). Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945. Rutgers University Press.
Yanni Carla Yanni, C. (2019). Living on campus: An architectural history of the American dormitory. University of Minnesota Press. -
LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITATION Adams Beatrice J. Adams, B. J., Armsted, S., Cunningham, S., & Johnson, T. (2020). The Rutgers race man: Early Black students at Rutgers College. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 72-105). Rutgers University Press. *
Armstead Shauni Adams, B. J., Armsted, S., Cunningham, S., & Johnson, T. (2020). The Rutgers race man: Early Black students at Rutgers College. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 72-105). Rutgers University Press. *
Armstead Shauni Armstead, S., & Pacatte, J. P. (2020). Race as reality and illusion: The Baxter cousins, NJC, and Rutgers University. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 132-154). Rutgers University Press. *
Cunningham Shari Adams, B. J., Armsted, S., Cunningham, S., & Johnson, T. (2020). The Rutgers race man: Early Black students at Rutgers College. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 72-105). Rutgers University Press. *
Cunningham Shari Wiesner, C., Walker, P., Sutter, B., & Cunningham, S. (2020). In the shadow of Old Queens: African American life and labors in New Brunswick from the end of slavery to the industrial era. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 39-71). Rutgers University Press. *
Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2019). History and Faust in Doctor Atomic. In L. Fitzsimmons, & C. McKnight (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Faust in music (pp. 423-448). Oxford University Press. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2019). Italy. In M. Kroll (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Harpsichord (pp. 138-164). Cambridge University Press. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2018a). Music historicism: Sara Levy and the Jewish enlightenment. In R. A. Leaver (Ed.), Bach and the counterpoint of religion (pp. 129-151). University of Illinois Press. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2018b). The musical duet in the circle of Sara Levy and the ideal of ’unity in multiplicity.’ In R. Cypess, & N. Sinkoff (Eds.), Sara Levy’s world: gender, Judaism, and the Bach tradition in enlightenment Berlin (pp. 181-204). Rochester University Press. Hewitt Nancy A. Hewitt, N. A. (2019). New women. In D. Durante (Ed.), 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage (pp. 1-16). University of Illinois Press Johnson Tracey Johnson, T., Kitada, E., Wierda, M., & Williams, J. (2020). All the world’s a classroom: The first Black students encounter the racial, religious, and intellectual life of the university. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II : Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 7-38). Rutgers University Press. *
Johnson Tracey Adams, B. J., Armsted, S., Cunningham, S., & Johnson, T. (2020). The Rutgers race man: Early Black students at Rutgers College. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 72-105). Rutgers University Press. *
Kitada Eri Johnson, T., Kitada, E., Wierda, M., & Williams, J. (2020). All the world’s a classroom: The first Black students encounter the racial, religious, and intellectual life of the university. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 7-38). Rutgers University Press. *
Magrino William Magrino, W. (2019). Is that Donald Trump’s car? On the trail of the original American psycho. In S. Hock (Ed.) Trump fiction: Essays on Donald Trump in literature, film, and television (pp.65-77). Lexington Books. *
Midlarsky Manus I. Midlarsky, M. I. (2019). Genocide and religion in times of war. In W. R. Thompson (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopedia: Politics. Oxford University Press. *
O’Brassill-Kulfan Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan, K. (2018). “Vagrant negroes”: The policing of labor and mobility in the upper South in the early republic. In M. Hild, & K. L. Merritt (Eds.), Reconsidering Southern labor history: Race, class and power (pp. 32-46). University Press of Florida. Pacatte Jerrad P. Armstead, S., & Pacatte, J. P. (2020). Race as reality and illusion: The Baxter cousins, NJC, and Rutgers University. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 132-154). Rutgers University Press. *
Sutter Brenann Wiesner, C., Walker, P., Sutter, B., & Cunningham, S. (2020). In the shadow of Old Queens: African American life and labors in New Brunswick from the end of slavery to the industrial era. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 39-71). Rutgers University Press. *
Walker Pamela Carey, M., & Walker, P. (2020). Profiles in courage: Breaking the color line at Douglass College. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 106-131). Rutgers University Press. *
Walker Pamela Wiesner, C., Walker, P., Sutter, B., & Cunningham, S. (2020). In the shadow of Old Queens: African American life and labors in New Brunswick from the end of slavery to the industrial era. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 39-71). Rutgers University Press. *
Wierda Meagan Johnson, T., Kitada, E., Wierda, M., & Williams, J. (2020). All the world’s a classroom: The first Black students encounter the racial, religious, and intellectual life of the university. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp.7-38). Rutgers University Press. *
Wiesner Caitlin Wiesner, C., Walker, P., Sutter, B., & Cunningham, S. (2020). In the shadow of Old Queens: African American life and labors in New Brunswick from the end of slavery to the industrial era. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 39-71). Rutgers University Press. *
Williams Joseph Johnson, T., Kitada, E., Wierda, M., & Williams, J. (2020). All the world’s a classroom: The first Black students encounter the racial, religious, and intellectual life of the university. In K. Boyd, M. J. Fuentes, & D. W. White (Eds.), Scarlet and Black, volume II: Constructing race and gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 (pp. 7-38). Rutgers University Press. *
Yaco Sonia Yaco, S., and Ramaprasad, A. (2018). Cultural heritage semiotics. In D. S. Jat, J. Sieck, & H. N. Muyingi (eds.), Digitisation of culture: Namibian and international perspectives (pp. 49-64). Springer Singapore.
LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITATION Casillas Joseph V. Casillas, J. V. (2019). Phonetic category formation is perceptually driven during the early stages of adult L2 development. Language and Speech, 28. Advance online publication. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2019a). Historical thinking and individual creativity: Teaching primary sources on performance. Journal of Music History Pedagogy, 9(1), 90-98. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2019b). How thorough was Bach’s thoroughbass? A reconsideration of the trio texture. Early Music, 47(1), 83–97. Cypess Rebecca Kemper, S., & Cypess, R. (2019). Can musical machines be expressive? Views from the enlightenment and today. Leonardo, 52(5), 448–454. Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R., & Kemper, S. (2018). The anthropomorphic analogy: Humanising musical machines in the early modern and contemporary eras. Organised Sound, 23(2), 167–180. Diamond Becky Diamond, B. (2018). The thousand dollar dinner. Eaten: The Food History Magazine, 3, 120–129.* Giannetti Francesca Duguid, T. C., Feustle, M., Giannetti, F., & Grumbach, E. (2019). Music scholarship online (MuSO): A research environment for a more democratic digital musicology. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 13(1). Kemper Steven Cypess, R., & Kemper, S. (2018). The anthropomorphic analogy: Humanising musical machines in the early modern and contemporary eras. Organised Sound, 23(2), 167–180. Kemper Steven Kemper, S., & Cypess, R. (2019). Can musical machines be expressive? Views from the enlightenment and today. Leonardo, 52(5), 448–454. Nachescu Ileana Nachescu, I. (December 2019). Walks in the park: On the foreignness of the socialist past. Boston review: a political and literary forum. -
LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITATION Cypess Rebecca Cypess, R. (2019) Sisters, face to face: The Bach legacy in women’s hands [Album]. Acis Productions. *
Lundeen Douglas Lundeen, D. & Gonzalez-Palmer, B. (2018). Le cor français authentique -The truly French horn. [Album]. Affetto Records.