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JUNE 2023

June 8, 2023: Exploring the ME in Memoir
Is there a story from or about your life you’ve been dying to tell? While your story is about you, it likely also reveals something more universal. In this workshop, we discuss what memoir writing is and how your “slice of life” story can be used to create connection, understanding, and a way forward for both you and your readers. Hosted by Paula Neves.

June 22, 2023: Writing Through Trauma
In this interactive workshop, we will look at writing as a means of facing and surviving trauma. We will discuss and apply techniques used to help us write our way through buried and frightening emotions and come out the other side closer to healing and empowerment. Hosted by Paula Neves.

JULY 2023

July 13, 2023: Blogging for Beginners
You’ve got something to say and you want to be heard! Blogging for Beginners gives you the opportunity to hone your online voice. From learning how to write catchy titles, finding the perfect tagline, and navigating the content you want to share, this workshop is designed to give you a solid foundation in blogging and to take your blogs beyond clickbait and into meaningful engagement. Hosted by Ashley Bockholdt.

July 27, 2023: Op-Eds: Learning to Write Compelling Opinion Pieces
Your bus is late again — despite constant fare hikes. You’re furious over the small print in the new Election Transparency Act. Your kids’ school is full of asbestos, and no one is doing anything about it. These are issues that need to be addressed in your community and what better way of getting the word out than writing a compelling opinion piece? This workshop will teach you to write your truths through strategies such as finding the right tone, showing your knowledge of your topic, and appealing to your audience. Hosted by Ashley Bockholdt.


August 10, 2023: The Power of Poetry
How does poetry writing provide us with a space for feeling, excavating, and dreaming? How can poetry expand our sense of self, community, and the world? In this workshop, you will explore various types of poetry and practice methods of poetry writing that allow you to put your dreams and experiences onto the page. Hosted by Rachel Han.

August 24, 2023: Songwriting and Storytelling
“Art is how we decorate space. Music is how we decorate time.” (Jean Michel Basquiat). In this workshop, we will explore what compels us to write music, why music makes us feel the way it does, and how we can write songs that map our own emotional landscapes and decorate our worlds. In this interactive workshop, we will incorporate methods of songwriting, including experimental techniques, to craft songs that unearth our voices and the narratives within. Hosted by Rachel Han.


September 14, 2023: Fiction: A Call to Adventure
With “Fiction: A Call to Adventure,” you will be introduced to the fundamental components of fiction writing, from mining an idea to conceptualizing its various parts. Through brief lectures, readings, and hands-on exercises, you will build upon an understanding of what makes fiction work. This workshop will provide you with the tools necessary for generating fictional stories and in doing so, will generate a sense of confidence among participants that writing fiction is accessible to everyone. Hosted by Matthew Broderick.

September 28, 2023: Short Stories: The Long Game
Contrary to popular belief, writing short stories does not necessarily mean the construction process is any easier or less time-consuming than writing longer works. In fact, short fiction can be difficult to master as it requires an author to not only fine-tune various elements of storytelling but to do so with brevity. Short Stories: The Long Game will provide you with a better understanding of the attention and patience required to successfully construct short fiction. Through simple instruction and hands-on exercises, you will be introduced to developing your own short fiction, the editing process, and working under various constraints. Hosted by Matthew Broderick.

OCTOBER 2023  

October 10, 2023: Writing for Your Life – Part I (Tuesday)
Using dialogue, letters, lists, and freewriting, Writing for Your Life: Part I will help you to engage with yourself, manage your fears, understand relationships, and manifest your goals. Hosted by Kevin Catalano.


November 9, 2023: Songwriting & Storytelling
This workshop explores what compels us to write music, how music makes us feel, and how we can write songs that map our own emotional landscapes and decorate our worlds.


December 5, 2023: Writing for Your Life – Part II (Tuesday)
Using writing as meditation, Writing for Your Life: Part II will help you to become more aware and curious about your mind, about consciousness, and about self. Hosted by Kevin Catalano.

December 14, 2023: The Power of Poetry
How does poetry writing provide us with a space for feeling, excavating, and dreaming? How can poetry expand our sense of self, community, and the world? In this workshop, you will explore various types of poetry and practice methods of poetry writing that allow you to put your dreams and experiences onto the page. Hosted by Rachel Han.


February 8, 2024: Humor Writing: Part 1
“Humor is the good-natured side of truth,” according to Mark Twain. In this class, we will embrace the irreverent, the absurd, and the comical to unlock our inner humorist. Hosted by Andrew Erkkila.

February 22, 2024: Humor Writing: Part 2
“You have to know where the funny is, and if you know where the funny is, you know everything,” says Sheila Heti. So, let’s find the funny in this humor workshop! Hosted by Andrew Erkkila.


MARCH 2024

March 28, 2024: Getting Started with Fiction

No one who has ever lived, or will ever live, has your voice. This is your writerly genius. Maybe you’ve got big ideas about writing but don’t know where to start, or are working on something and need a refresher of inspiration. Maybe you’ve never written anything at all and you’re simply curious about the writerly genius inside of you. This fiction workshop is for anyone who is curious and interested in exploring where their writing will take them. Through original prompts and exercises, this fun workshop will loosen up our minds and sentences to explore our most effective and unique voices. Hosted by Eliza Minot Price.