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February 2024 Update

Puerto Rico Summer Graduate Intern Program 2024–Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration

The Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration Summer Graduate Intern Program will be held again in 2024. This year’s dates are from June  10 to July 19.  This year graduate students may chose between the Colección Puertorriqueña of the Lazaro Library at the UPR and the Archivo General de Puerto Rico. For more details.

Pa’Fuera–Publicacion Oficial de la Comunidad de Orgullo Gay–1975

As part of the work of the PRAC Interns working with Javier  Almeyda at the UPR Library, we now have the 1975 issues of Pa’Fuera, the monthly newsletter of the gay community in Puerto Rico.  Visit the issues here.

The University of Connecticut’s Puerto Rican Studies Initiative for Community Engagement and Public Policy (PRSI) will co-sponsor PRAC’s Libros Perdidos series

Professor Charles Venator Santiago, Director of the PRSI will join the PRAC in supporting the Libros Perdidos Collection.  Prof. Lauria Santiago has been identifying and acquiring permission to re-publish dissertations and masters thesis from long ago that constitute important contributions to the historiography of Puerto Rico.  Lauria Santiago serves as editor of the series and manages the transfer from various formats to a clean word file.  the PRSI will help us manage the costs of typesetting and basic covers for the books.  We have ten texts in process.  Suggestions welcome!

Documenting the Narratives of Puerto Rican Migration, 1945-1980

PRAC manager Prof. Ismael Garcia Colon (CUNY) and Prof. Lauria Santiago received an award to organize and digitize documents related to Puerto Rican migration at the Archivo General de Puerto Rico. The funding received from the US Latino Digital Humanities Center of Arte Publico Press will support 18-20 weeks of work recovering the stories and documentation of Puerto Rican emigration held at the AGPR.  For more details.

Documents of the Puerto Rico Insular Civil Courts, 1844-1900

We have cross-posted a valuable collection held at the University of Connecticut and reproduced in the Internet Archive.  For more details.

Historians of Puerto Rico Working Group

The Working Group of Historians of Puerto Rico has begun a new year of workshops.  Please write us if interested in reading and discussing manuscripts in workshop format.

Coleccion Gerardo Selles Sola (Universidad de Puerto Rico) Update

As part of our collaboration with the Coleccion Puertorriquena of the University of Puerto Rico Library our interns digitized sections of the Selles Sola Collection.  La Colección Gerardo Sellés Solá contiene documentos originales y transcripciones relacionados a la educación en Puerto Rico para los siglos XIX  y XX. Visit the collection here.

Catalogo en Fichas de los Documentos Historicos del Fondo Diputacion Provincial/Gobernadores Españoles/Obras Publicas–AGPR

We have posted a major collection of guides to AGPR materials scanned by our interns at the University of Puerto Rico Library.  They are now part of the Special Collection section of our Digital Library.

Puerto Rico Public Health Reports, 1918-1947

These digitized reports were provided by Prof. Brian Marein of Wake Forest University.  They are now part of the Special Collection section of our Digital Library.

Directorio y Censo de Historiadores/as de Puerto Rico

We continue growing the Census and will make a major release to journals and publishers in the US, Mexico and Spain and create a website directory in April.  To signup for the Census.

Additions to the Digital Library

New titles are added to the Digital Library constantly.  Recent additions include:

  • Actuaciones Union Tabaqueros 1914               142.62 MB          2024-01-26
  • Misceláneas Históricas 1924        45.50 MB         2024-01-26
  • Military Registration Selective Draft Porto Rico 1924            71.64 MB            2024-01-26
  • La Klave 1988     346.38 MB          2024-01-26
  • NUEVO PACTO sanchez vilella (discurso 1970)    1.41 MB              2024-01-26
  • Sued Badillo–Caribe taíno Ensayos históricos sobre el siglo XVI          16.11 MB         2024-01-23
  • Political Theses of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party–NACLA– 9.48 MB               2024-01-22
  • Goodsell–Administration of a Revolution–1965    9.14 MB              2024-01-22
  • Quintero Rivera et al–Puerto Rico Identidad Nacional y Clases Sociales-Conferencia Princeton–1979       5.56 MB               2024-01-22
  • Capo Garcia–Monuments to mestizaje and the commemoration of Racial Democracy in Puerto Rico            31.98 MB         2024-01-22

The Most Popular Bibliographic Resource

The two files of the Bibliografia Puertorriquena de Ciencias Sociales is one of our most popular downloads.  It is not surprising.  It’s a 500+ page index of articles published in Puerto Rico before the 1970s.  For this and more please visit our Bibliographies and Guides for Research on Puerto Rico History.