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June-August 2023

We have been very busy this summer!


Summer Graduate Intern Program

In June and July three graduate student participated in the summer internship at the Archivo General de Puerto Rico. Rutgers Graduate Student Rosa Cordero returned for a second summer of work helping organize nineteenth century trials.  Jaden Morales, a Ph.D. in American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California also participated for five weeks, working with Abigail Vazquez, a graduate student in Communications at the University of Maryland.  Jaden and Abigail worked one of the many sections produced by US Governors known as the “Fortaleza” collection.  The guide has been added to the list of PRAC supported guides on this website. Funding was secured by participants at their own institutions.  Archivist Pedro Roig coordinated and supervised their work.

Jaden Morales offered this goodbye message at the end of their five weeks of work: “¡Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de trabajar e investigar en AGPR! La experiencia fue increíblemente útil para mi investigación y desarrollo académico. Quedo a la espera de mantener en contacto con todos.”

We will soon have blogs by participants in the Summer Program.

Survey of Uncatalogued Collections

20230623 142226Prof. Lauria Santiago completed the core work surveying the uncatalogued and semi-organized sections of the AGPR (not including distinct sections like audiovisual and others).  Archivist Pedro Roig’s help in explaining legacy, technical and local practices has been critical to this effort.  A rough draft of the inventory should be available in January 2024 but in the meantime this work has served as the basis for explorations of current intern work and potential expansion of the work organizing collections. The goal of the survey is also to highlight, clarify and make visible the many guides and organized collections that the AGPR already has as well as its ongoing efforts to digitize materials.


Rutgers PRAC Supported Interns

Nashaly began work in June.  Sofia has continued inventorying the massive Junta de Planificación collections with the support of Rutgers Prof. Zaire  Dinzey Flores.  A preliminary report on her work has been added to the Guides Section.

Sofia at Work at the AGPR

Yaromy Rosado Aviles joined our project as a Rutgers supported intern in July and will be working with Nashaly with portions of these collections:

  • Servicios Sociales
  • Departamento del Trabajo
  • Comercio y Agricultura
  • Autoridad de Tierras
  • Comision de Servicio Publico
  • CRUV
  • Hacienda

Yaromy also worked producing a guide for the new Autoridad de Energia Electrica materials brought by AGPR librarian Juan Roman and now available in the Sala de Referencia.  This guide has also been posted to our Guides and Catalogs section.  Thanks to his efforts the AGPR will soon be acquiring a major collection of records from the Autoridad de Energia Electrica.

As with all this work, Pedro Roig coordinates the work of the interns and helps Prof. Lauria Santiago develop planning, proposals and goals with all this work.



Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades Grant

Group photo May 2023The four interns working at the AGPR through the FPH grant have been encouraged to increase their work hours during the summer.   They have been working on the various components indicated in the grant and preparing materials for digitalization.

After doing a survey of the massive and uncatalogued “government publications” deposit of the Biblioteca Nacional, Director Hilda Ayala and PRAC Director Aldo Lauria Santiago decided to replace work with this collection for the digitization of the Robert Junghanns  collection which are used frequently and are well organized.


  1. Recortes de periódicos de varias agencias públicas:
    a. Administración de Fomento Económico
    b. Departamento de Agricultura y Comercio
    c. Departamento del Trabajo
    d. Periódico “La Democracia”
  2. Documentos de la Oficina de Estabilización Económica, 1940-1955
  3. Colección de documentos Junghanns
  4. Libros de novedades de la policía para los principales municipios cañeros, 1932-1934.
  5. Cerro Maravilla
    a. Gobernador Carlos Romero Barceló
    b. Colección Particular de Manny Suarez

20230621 151406Professors Juan Giusti and Lauria Santiago carried out a survey of well-organized police records from the 1930s for selective digitization that is part of the grant.  Patricia, Alondra, Edan and Kayra have been doing an outstanding work with these materials.





Coleccción Puertorriqueña-UPR

At the Colección Puertorriqueña interns Jean Bonilla and Paola Rivera have continued work with periodicals and reference materials. More recently they scanned items for our digital library including articles from the 1970s from Revista Horizontes and special transcriptions/guides for Spanish Governors, Diputación Provincial, Obras Publicas and other collections.  An initial delivery has been posted to the website.

Antonio Hernandez Matos also produced an inventory of the uncatalogued holdings at the Colección Puertorriquena of the Diario de Nueva York.



We also have the great news that our UPR intern Jean Gabriel was hired as a full time digital camera operator by the AGPR! Congrats Jean!

Jean Bonila at work at the AGPR




Guides and Transcriptions of AGPR Spanish Governors and Spanish Military Documents Produced by the CPR

Our interns at the CPR have begun scanning a set of guides and document transcriptions produced in the 1990s by the UPR Library.  The materials focus on three collections

  • Spanish military records
  • Spanish Governors documents
  • Diputacion Provincial–Municipal and other documents

We have an initial delivery off these guides here.  Others will be posted as soon as they are processed.

Bibliography of MA Theses

Our colleague Antonio Hernández Matos also secured an inventory of Masters Theses in History presented at the UPR and held at the Colección Puertorriqueña and the Centro de Investigaciones Históricas.

Censo de Historiadores de Puerto Rico

In an effort to identify historians of Puerto Rico we launched the Directorio and Censo in the Spring and already have information for dozens of historians.  Rutgers Instructor, Antonio Hernandez Matos, helped launch that initiative and will be promoting more responses this fall.

Visit to the Special Collections of the Escuela de Planificación Library

Prof. Lauria Santiago visited the  Rafael Pico Library of the Escuela de Planificación at the Universidad de Puerto Rico where he met with Prof. Angeliz Encarnacion Burgos, manager of the Rafael Pico papers and urban planning document collections.  As soon as resources are available the PRAC will recruit an intern to help digitize Pico’s private papers.



Historical Digital Library

Over a hundred new titles have been added to the historical digital library.  Many of these items are harvested carefully from Hathi Trust library but most are scanned at our own CLAS/LatCar scanning lab at Rutgers.  Last year Daria coordinated the work of Alexander, Hely and Cheyenne with the specialized scanning during the last year and incoming work study students will help continue the work in the 2023-2024 academic year, coordinated by Hely Dodia.  We use a CZUR book scanner.

Among the items is the first volume of the valuable El proceso abolicionista Puerto Rico…Documentos -Volumen I-LA INSTITUCION DE LA ESCLAVITUD Y SU CRISIS 1823-1873–1974. 

Lately the titles added to the library relate to the 1860-1940 period. Soon we will be including more mid-20th century items carefully curated from the materials we are identifying through the work at the AGPR.

Other additions to the Digital Library have come from our interns at the Colección Puertorriquena, including the critical Revista del Cafe work by Jean and Paola.

Digital Bibliography of Historians of Puerto Rico

We have updated and expanded the content for the historians of Puerto Rico page, including new content for Fernando Pico, Francisco Scarano, and others.  This project is ongoing and Antonio Hernández Mátos will be helping acquire publishing life histories of historians as well as the PDFs of rare or forgotten publications.  Antonio Hernandez Matos will also be helping develop this material in the 2023-2024 academic year.

People of the Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration

We have a new directory of people who have participated in the PRAC.

Coming Soon

Standby for news about these efforts in the 2023-2024 academic year:

  •  Scans of selected AGPR documents found through the work of the Collaboration
    • Colegio de Abogados
    • Movimiento Obrero Dominicano
    • Others
  • Video Interview with AGPR Archivist Pedro Roig
  • Inventory of card catalogues found within the AGPR
  • Digitization of reference materials and documents found in the Sala de Referencia of the  AGPR
  • Labor movement periodical and document digitization at the CPR
  • Review of “special” and “private” collections held with the Biblioteca Nacional
  • Video interview with AGPR Director Hilda Ayala focusing on document recovery work in Spain and the US National Archives.
  • Updates and samples of the FPH Grant Digitization Work
  • A report on the massive San Juan Municipal Archive with Pedro Roig.
  • An inventory of uncatalogued materials from the Coleccion Puertorriquena.

How can you help the Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration?

  • Discuss a digitization project with us.
  • Support your own or other graduate students in the summer graduate program.
  • Support additional interns at the AGPR, CPR or the other FIVE sites that have asked for assistance already.
  • Spend some time with these collections. We can help you negotiate access and a public-access contribution to the local sites
  • Write and publish a blog with us based on any of the materials.
  • Help us develop these web pages in Spanish
  • Put in some labor for any of the sections that are compatible with remote work
  • Ask us a question.

Summer Graduate Intern Program

In June and July three graduate student participated in the summer internship at the Archivo General de Puerto Rico. Rutgers Graduate Student Rosa Cordero returned for a second summer of work helping organize nineteenth century trials.  Jaden Morales, a Ph.D. in American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California also participated for five weeks, working with Abigail Vazquez, a graduate student in Communications at the University of Maryland.  Jaden and Abigail worked one of the many sections produced by US Governors known as the “Fortaleza” collection.  The guide has been added to the list of PRAC supported guides on this website. Funding was secured by participants at their own institutions.  Archivist Pedro Roig coordinated and supervised their work.

Jaden Morales offered this goodbye message at the end of their five weeks of work: “¡Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de trabajar e investigar en AGPR! La experiencia fue increíblemente útil para mi investigación y desarrollo académico. Quedo a la espera de mantener en contacto con todos.”

We will soon have blogs by participants in the Summer Program.

Survey of Uncatalogued Collections

20230623 142226Prof. Lauria Santiago completed the core work surveying the uncatalogued and semi-organized sections of the AGPR (not including distinct sections like audiovisual and others).  Archivist Pedro Roig’s help in explaining legacy, technical and local practices has been critical to this effort.  A rough draft of the inventory should be available in January 2024 but in the meantime this work has served as the basis for explorations of current intern work and potential expansion of the work organizing collections. The goal of the survey is also to highlight, clarify and make visible the many guides and organized collections that the AGPR already has as well as its ongoing efforts to digitize materials.


Rutgers PRAC Supported Interns

Nashaly began work in June.  Sofia has continued inventorying the massive Junta de Planificación collections with the support of Rutgers Prof. Zaire  Dinzey Flores.  A preliminary report on her work has been added to the Guides Section.

Sofia at Work at the AGPR

Yaromy Rosado Aviles joined our project as a Rutgers supported intern in July and will be working with Nashaly with portions of these collections:

  • Servicios Sociales
  • Departamento del Trabajo
  • Comercio y Agricultura
  • Autoridad de Tierras
  • Comision de Servicio Publico
  • CRUV
  • Hacienda

Yaromy also worked producing a guide for the new Autoridad de Energia Electrica materials brought by AGPR librarian Juan Roman and now available in the Sala de Referencia.  This guide has also been posted to our Guides and Catalogs section.  Thanks to his efforts the AGPR will soon be acquiring a major collection of records from the Autoridad de Energia Electrica.

As with all this work, Pedro Roig coordinates the work of the interns and helps Prof. Lauria Santiago develop planning, proposals and goals with all this work.




Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades Grant

Group photo May 2023The four interns working at the AGPR through the FPH grant have been encouraged to increase their work hours during the summer.   They have been working on the various components indicated in the grant and preparing materials for digitalization.

After doing a survey of the massive and uncatalogued “government publications” deposit of the Biblioteca Nacional, Director Hilda Ayala and PRAC Director Aldo Lauria Santiago decided to replace work with this collection for the digitization of the Robert Junghanns  collection which are used frequently and are well organized.


  1. Recortes de periódicos de varias agencias públicas:
    a. Administración de Fomento Económico
    b. Departamento de Agricultura y Comercio
    c. Departamento del Trabajo
    d. Periódico “La Democracia”
  2. Documentos de la Oficina de Estabilización Económica, 1940-1955
  3. Colección de documentos Junghanns
  4. Libros de novedades de la policía para los principales municipios cañeros, 1932-1934.
  5. Cerro Maravilla
    a. Gobernador Carlos Romero Barceló
    b. Colección Particular de Manny Suarez

20230621 151406Professors Juan Giusti and Lauria Santiago carried out a survey of well-organized police records from the 1930s for selective digitization that is part of the grant.  Patricia, Alondra, Edan and Kayra have been doing an outstanding work with these materials.





Coleccción Puertorriqueña-UPR

At the Colección Puertorriqueña interns Jean Bonilla and Paola Rivera have continued work with periodicals and reference materials. More recently they scanned items for our digital library including articles from the 1970s from Revista Horizontes and special transcriptions/guides for Spanish Governors, Diputación Provincial, Obras Publicas and other collections.  An initial delivery has been posted to the website.

Antonio Hernandez Matos also produced an inventory of the uncatalogued holdings at the Colección Puertorriquena of the Diario de Nueva York.



We also have the great news that our UPR intern Jean Gabriel was hired as a full time digital camera operator by the AGPR! Congrats Jean!

Jean Bonila at work at the AGPR




Guides and Transcriptions of AGPR Spanish Governors and Spanish Military Documents Produced by the CPR

Our interns at the CPR have begun scanning a set of guides and document transcriptions produced in the 1990s by the UPR Library.  The materials focus on three collections

  • Spanish military records
  • Spanish Governors documents
  • Diputacion Provincial–Municipal and other documents

We have an initial delivery off these guides here.  Others will be posted as soon as they are processed.

Bibliography of MA Theses

Our colleague Antonio Hernández Matos also secured an inventory of Masters Theses in History presented at the UPR and held at the Colección Puertorriqueña and the Centro de Investigaciones Históricas.

Censo de Historiadores de Puerto Rico

In an effort to identify historians of Puerto Rico we launched the Directorio and Censo in the Spring and already have information for dozens of historians.  Rutgers Instructor, Antonio Hernandez Matos, helped launch that initiative and will be promoting more responses this fall.

Visit to the Special Collections of the Escuela de Planificación Library

Prof. Lauria Santiago visited the  Rafael Pico Library of the Escuela de Planificación at the Universidad de Puerto Rico where he met with Prof. Angeliz Encarnacion Burgos, manager of the Rafael Pico papers and urban planning document collections.  As soon as resources are available the PRAC will recruit an intern to help digitize Pico’s private papers.



Historical Digital Library

Over a hundred new titles have been added to the historical digital library.  Many of these items are harvested carefully from Hathi Trust library but most are scanned at our own CLAS/LatCar scanning lab at Rutgers.  Last year Daria coordinated the work of Alexander, Hely and Cheyenne with the specialized scanning during the last year and incoming work study students will help continue the work in the 2023-2024 academic year, coordinated by Hely Dodia.  We use a CZUR book scanner.

Among the items is the first volume of the valuable El proceso abolicionista Puerto Rico…Documentos -Volumen I-LA INSTITUCION DE LA ESCLAVITUD Y SU CRISIS 1823-1873–1974. 

Lately the titles added to the library relate to the 1860-1940 period. Soon we will be including more mid-20th century items carefully curated from the materials we are identifying through the work at the AGPR.

Other additions to the Digital Library have come from our interns at the Colección Puertorriquena, including the critical Revista del Cafe work by Jean and Paola.

Digital Bibliography of Historians of Puerto Rico

We have updated and expanded the content for the historians of Puerto Rico page, including new content for Fernando Pico, Francisco Scarano, and others.  This project is ongoing and Antonio Hernández Mátos will be helping acquire publishing life histories of historians as well as the PDFs of rare or forgotten publications.  Antonio Hernandez Matos will also be helping develop this material in the 2023-2024 academic year.

People of the Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration

We have a new directory of people who have participated in the PRAC.

Coming Soon

Standby for news about these efforts in the 2023-2024 academic year:

  •  Scans of selected AGPR documents found through the work of the Collaboration
    • Colegio de Abogados
    • Movimiento Obrero Dominicano
    • Others
  • Video Interview with AGPR Archivist Pedro Roig
  • Inventory of card catalogues found within the AGPR
  • Digitization of reference materials and documents found in the Sala de Referencia of the  AGPR
  • Labor movement periodical and document digitization at the CPR
  • Review of “special” and “private” collections held with the Biblioteca Nacional
  • Video interview with AGPR Director Hilda Ayala focusing on document recovery work in Spain and the US National Archives.
  • Updates and samples of the FPH Grant Digitization Work
  • A report on the massive San Juan Municipal Archive with Pedro Roig.
  • An inventory of uncatalogued materials from the Coleccion Puertorriquena.

How can you help the Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration?

  • Discuss a digitization project with us.
  • Support your own or other graduate students in the summer graduate program.
  • Support additional interns at the AGPR, CPR or the other FIVE sites that have asked for assistance already.
  • Spend some time with these collections. We can help you negotiate access and a public-access contribution to the local sites
  • Write and publish a blog with us based on any of the materials.
  • Help us develop these web pages in Spanish
  • Put in some labor for any of the sections that are compatible with remote work
  • Ask us a question.