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PRAC/AGPR Inventorying and Creating Archival guides

Sofia and Monica continue to work inventorying and creating guides.  They have moved into new materials from the Comision de Servicio Publico.  In the Meantime, Pedro Roig has completed assembling the first guide of the Departamento del Trabajo collections, produced by our student workers this summer.

We have also published the first blog by a participant!  Amanda Rivera (American Studies-Yale) wrote about the ties between the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Corporation and her home state, Connecticut.

Bridging Boricuas in the Constitution State: PRIDCO and Bridgeport, Connecticut Businesses in Puerto Rico, 19

AGPR Director Hilda Ayala and CLAS Director Aldo Lauria Santiago submitted a proposal that would fund the digitalization of various important small and midsized document collections at the AGPR.


In the Reading Room Archivist Juan Roman continues to organize more items from PRIDCO’s internal library. Monica continues to develop the listing for these items.