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Thank you to all who have applied.    Awards will be announced by May 26, 2023.



RBHS Joy at Work grants support projects that promote a culture of well-being in the work environment. This includes community, collegiality, peer-support, respectful/supportive teamwork, a place where people get to know each other as people, feel heard when they voice concerns or suggestions, where they feel like they belong and where leadership is supportive of such a culture.


1.  Only applications submitted through Red Cap will be accepted. We will not accept applications submitted by e-mail.

2.  You may add supporting documentation if it applies to your proposal (e.g., support from school or department leader).

3.  RBHS faculty and staff are eligible to apply. The work environment for the grant can include faculty, staff, team members and/or learners. Interprofessional activities are encouraged. The work environment can be clinical, academic, research, and/or administrative.

4.  Grants from $500 to $1,500 will be awarded. Please provide descriptive justifications for each budget item. We will not consider application with sparse or vague budget justification. Refreshments can be included but must not be the main focus of the application. Rather, the emphasis should be on the process or program. Funding will not cover personnel, travel, and conference fees.

5.  All qualified applications will be evaluated by a committee using the following criteria:

a. Target audience: The project should impact a culture or a group of individuals in their work together (not solely support individual wellness activities)

b. Creativity

c. The need for the project

d. The potential effect/impact of the project and meaningful evaluation of impact      

e. Reasonableness and justification of the budget     

f.  Sustainability of the project (possibility of incorporating project activities in your future workplace)

6.  Here is a preview of the proposal questions and word count limits that you will find on the Red Cap application- remember to only use the Red Cap form to apply.

Preview of proposal questions, click link below:

7.  Grant Application: Click on the REDCAP link or scan QR code: