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For all incoming Full-Time students, you will be required to attend workshops for the first-year experience course. Also, we suggest all students participate in a case competition. Check your RU email regularly for updates.

Case Competitions:

Each year our office supports MBA students participating in selected competitions. Our office handles assembling the team and helps you secure a faculty coach. We do our best to accommodate every student interested in participating and try to put out the strongest team that can win a competition. We will email the class competitions that we feel meet our standards throughout the fall semester and ask students to apply to be selected.

Participating in a case competition during an MBA program offers numerous benefits that can contribute to your personal and professional growth. Here are five key reasons why participating in a case competition is important:

Applied Learning: Case competitions provide a practical platform to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world business scenarios. By working on a specific business problem, you can develop a deeper understanding of how concepts and strategies actually play out in practice.

Problem-Solving Skills: Case competitions challenge participants to analyze complex business challenges, develop innovative solutions, and make strategic recommendations within a limited timeframe. Engaging in this process enhances your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, skills highly valued in the business world.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Case competitions are typically team-based endeavors that require effective collaboration. Working with diverse teammates simulates real workplace dynamics, helping you hone your teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills, which are crucial in any professional setting.

Networking Opportunities: Case competitions often involve interaction with industry professionals, judges, faculty, and peers from different institutions. This exposure offers invaluable networking opportunities that can lead to mentorships, job offers, and connections within the business community.

Resume Enhancement: Participation in case competitions showcases your proactive attitude, commitment to professional development, and ability to thrive under pressure. These experiences can set you apart on your resume, demonstrating your willingness to go beyond the ordinary and engage in rigorous, competitive challenges.

In summary, engaging in a case competition during your MBA program can provide hands-on learning, foster essential skills, boost your network, and enhance your overall candidacy for future career opportunities.

Reimbursement for Competitions:

Up to $500 per student per approved event

Travel must be booked via the university website 

We will reimburse a coach if the competition requires their attendance

For questions and processing of reimbursement, please contact Jenean Wicker at 

For questions about case competitions, please contact

Case Competition Session during Orientation- you will work on this Thursday online from 9-11 am with your team. Team selection will take place during the first day of Orientation. 

Overview of Case Competitions and their Importance. We will go over this more in depth at the Kick-off. (5 minutes).

The remaining time should be spent working on this case: 

Title: Strategic Growth and Market Expansion for Target Corporation

Background: Target Corporation, a leading American retail corporation, has established itself as a key player in the retail market with a robust presence across the United States. Known for its wide range of products, including apparel, electronics, groceries, and home goods, Target has consistently focused on providing a high-quality shopping experience and competitive pricing. Despite its success domestically, Target has faced challenges in past international ventures. Now, with a renewed focus on strategic growth and innovation, Target is considering re-entering the international market.

Problem Statement: Target Corporation is looking to expand its international footprint but is cautious about selecting the right market and developing an effective entry strategy. Your team is tasked with devising a comprehensive market entry plan that will enable Target to successfully enter and thrive in a new international market over the next five years.


  1. Identify the most promising international market(s) for Target to expand into, considering factors such as market size, growth potential, competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and cultural fit.
  2. Propose a detailed market entry strategy, including mode of entry (e.g., joint venture, direct investment, franchising, partnerships), marketing plan, and operational setup.
  3. Evaluate potential risks and challenges associated with the proposed expansion and suggest mitigation strategies.
  4. Develop a financial projection and ROI analysis for the next five years, detailing the anticipated costs, revenues, and profitability of the expansion.


  1. Market Analysis Report:
    • Detailed analysis of the top three potential international markets.
    • Justification for the selected market, including market size, growth trends, consumer behavior, competitive landscape, and regulatory considerations.
  2. Market Entry Strategy:
    • Recommended mode of entry with rationale.
    • Marketing and branding strategy tailored to the new market.
    • Partnership or collaboration opportunities with local firms, if applicable.
    • Logistics, supply chain, and operational considerations.
  3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan:
    • Identification of key risks (e.g., political, economic, cultural, operational).
    • Strategies to mitigate identified risks.
    • Contingency plans for unforeseen challenges.
  4. Financial Projections:
    • Five-year financial forecast, including detailed revenue, cost, and profit estimates.
    • Break-even analysis.
    • Expected return on investment and payback period.
  5. Presentation:
    • A 5-minute presentation summarizing the analysis, strategy, and recommendations. You will be cut off at exactly five minutes, like you would be during a true competition. 
    • Visual aids (e.g., slides, charts) to support key points.
    • Q&A session to address judges’ queries.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Depth and rigor of market analysis.
  • Feasibility and creativity of the market entry strategy.
  • Thoroughness of risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  • Accuracy and realism of financial projections.
  • Clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of the presentation.

Submission Deadline: Teams must submit their reports and presentations by 9/7/24 via email, and the final presentations will take place on TBD.

Good luck! We look forward to seeing your innovative solutions and strategic insights for Target Corporation’s global expansion.

Research and Analysis (aprox. 60 minutes): Your team should conduct research on the current state of the retail industry and the challenges facing department stores such as Target and their competition in respect to international growth. Your analysis should consider factors such as changing consumer preferences, competition from e-commerce retailers, the impact of the pandemic, and technological advancements. You should also analyze Target’s current strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities for growth and innovation.

Work on Presentation (aprox. 55 minutes): Create a 5-minute (PowerPoint) presentation that outlines your team’s recommendations. You should be prepared to present specific strategies and tactics for improving the customer experience, enhancing digital capabilities, optimizing store formats and merchandise assortments, and leveraging new technologies. You should also include metrics for measuring the success of your recommendations.

You will present during the case competition kick-off on TBD. Save your presentations to a USB drive and bring it with you that day.

List of Competitions

Emotional Intelligence by Coursera:

Emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial in the workplace, impacting various aspects of professional interactions and overall success. Recognizing the emotions of oneself and others, effectively managing emotions, and displaying empathy are all essential components of EI. By developing and honing these skills, individuals can enhance their ability to build strong relationships, collaborate effectively, and navigate conflicts in the workplace.

Investing time in completing a class on emotional intelligence on platforms like Coursera can be highly beneficial. Such courses provide valuable insights into understanding emotions, improving self-awareness, and developing empathy and social skills. They offer practical techniques and strategies for managing stress, enhancing communication, and fostering positive work environments. By dedicating time to learning about emotional intelligence, individuals can gain a competitive edge, boost their leadership capabilities, and contribute to a healthier, more productive work environment.

Ultimately, emotional intelligence impacts individual performance and influences team dynamics and organizational culture. Leaders who prioritize emotional intelligence foster an atmosphere of trust, open communication, and collaboration, leading to increased employee engagement and overall productivity. Hence, investing in developing emotional intelligence through resources like the Coursera class can transform your personal and professional growth, benefiting individuals and the future organization you are a part of.

Emotional Intelligence: Cultivating Immensely Human Interactions:


EI Coaches:

Professor Sharon Hellman

Assistant Dean Marc Limata