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New publication – Adaptive behaviour deficits in individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome

Our study “Adaptive behavior deficits in individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome” is now published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research! In this paper we analyzed data from the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition, from a cohort of individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome. We also compared the data from our study subjects with 3q29 deletion syndrome to previously published data on individuals with several phenotypically similar genomic disorders, including 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and 16p11.2 duplication syndrome. We found that individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome have global deficits in adaptive behavior that are not solely due to intellectual disability, and that adaptive ability in this population is significantly related to executive function, identifying an area that may be amenable to therapeutic interventions. Read the full study here: