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New publication – Behavioral phenotypes and comorbidity in 3q29 deletion syndrome: Results from the 3q29 registry

Our study “Behavioral phenotypes in 3q29 deletion syndrome: Results from the 3q29 registry” is now published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders! In this paper we analyzed data from the Achenbach Child and Adult Behavior Checklists from a cohort of individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome. We also compared the data from our study subjects to a cohort of typically developing control individuals we recruited from the general population. We found that individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome have substantially elevated behavioral challenges relative to typically developing individuals, and individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome reported a high degree of psychiatric comorbidity. We also found that the preschool form of the Child Behavior Checklist is an accurate screening tool for autism spectrum disorder in individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome. These results expand our understanding of the behavioral phenotype of 3q29 deletion syndrome, and may help to inform clinical care for affected individuals. Read the full study here: