Realizing that power and energy systems are infrastructure + institutions, the Reliability, Operation and Planning of Power and Energy Systems (ROPES) Lab has two central missions: Advancing the technical and economic tools to ensure sustainable, reliable, and accessible electricity supply. Illuminating the status-quo and trajectory of our power and energy systems in the context of climate change and in an effort to educate current and future decision-makers.
(last update 11/20/2024)
- [Nov. 2024] Our paper Managing Risk using Rolling Forecasts in Energy-Limited and Stochastic Energy Systems has been published in the Proceedings of the 56th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2024).
- [Nov. 2024] Gejia presented work on distribution system reliability modeling at the .
- [Nov. 2024] Robert was happy to give an invited guest lecture on electricity pricing at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy for the course Energy, Sustainability, and Policy.
- [Oct. 2024] Robert was honored to host and moderate the flash talk session on Wind Power System Integration the NAWEA Wind Tech 2024 conference.
- [Oct. 2024] Mehrnoush gave a talk on “Evaluating task-based forecast for power systems with wind energy” and presented a poster on “Data value in distribution system operations” at the NAWEA Wind Tech 2024.
- [Oct. 2024] ROPES Lab made an appearance the the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting:
- Robert gave an invited talk on “Learning context-aware security prescriptions for optimal power flow”.
- Mehrnoush gave a talk on “Data value in distribution system operations”.
- Gejia gave a talk on “Reliability-Aware Active Distribution System Operations”.
- [Sept. 2024] Vaibhavi Borra, an undergrad researcher supported by the Douglass Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Project SUPER presented her research on energy procurement in a future electrified steel industry at the Project Super Symposium.
- [Aug. 2024] Our paper Managing Risk using Rolling Forecasts in Energy-Limited and Stochastic Energy Systems led by Thomas Mortimer was accepted to the 56th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2024).
- [Jul. 2024] New preprint: Managing Risk using Rolling Forecasts in Energy-Limited and Stochastic Energy Systems led by Thomas Mortimer. We study an exemplary energy-system with limited and stochastic resources to investigate the efficacy of learning a deterministic equivalent for stochastic forecasts that can achieve pre-defined risk and reliability targets, e.g., buffered probability of exceedance.
- [Jul. 2024] Funding: Our proposal for the NAWEA / WindTech 2024 Graduate Student Symposium at Rutgers: Wind Energy Workforce Engagement and Training was funded by NSF. Robert is a Co-PI on this interdepartmental proposal.
- [Jul. 2024] Our paper Data-Valuation from Data-Driven Optimization has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
- [Jul. 2024] Our paper Prescribed Robustness in Optimal Power Flow has been published in Electric Power Systems Research.
- [Jul. 2024] Funding: ROPES Lab will contribute to research studying the impact on improved offshore wind simulation and forecasting on PJM grid operations. This is in collaboration with the Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership.
- [Jul. 2024] Robert co-chaired the session “Data Valuation from Data-driven Optimization” together with Juan Miguel Morales at EURO 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark. He also gave a talk entitled “Data Value at the Grid Edge” in the same session.
- [Jun. 2024] Funding: ROPES Lab will contribute to a project funded by the NJ Board of Public Utilities on modeling grid-edge flexibility in grid expansion planning models. This is in collaboration with the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the Rutgers Business School.
- [Jun. 2024] Gejia Zhang presented her poster “Optimizing Active Distribution Grids with Weather- and Decision-Dependent Uncertainty” at the Princeton Workshop on Optimization, Learning, and Control. Robert was happy to serve on the poster competition committee at the same workshop.
- [Jun. 2024] New preprint: Data Value in Distribution System Operations led by Mehrnoush Ghazanfariharandi. We propose a method that internalizes data quality into a decision-making tool for active distribution systems and imputes the value of data sets as a function of their quality.
- [Jun. 2024] Robert presented our paper Prescribed Robustness in Optimal Power Flow at the XXII Power System Computation Conference (PSCC 20204) in Paris, France.
- [May 2024] Mehrnoush Ghazanfariharandi was selected for the Wind Institute Offshore Wind (OSW) Fellowship Program, sponsored by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Congrats!
- [May 2024] Robert talked to Epicenter NYC — a local NYC news page — about energy equity and grid transformation (link to article). Thanks Ambar Castillo for the interesting discussion.
- [Apr. 2024] Gejia Zhang was selected into the Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute Student Support Program. Congrats!
- [Mar. 2024] Our paper Data Valuation to Data-Driven Optimization was accepted for publication in the Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
- [Mar. 2024] Our paper Prescribed Robustness in Optimal Power Flow was accepted to the 2024 Power System Computation Conference.
- [Mar. 2024] Robert gave a talk at the IEEE CSS Seminar Series at NJIT on “Managing Risk Exposure in Renewable-Dominant Power System Operations and Electricity Markets” (thanks Joshua Taylor for the invitation).
- [Mar. 2024] Robert chaired a session “Advanced Optimization for Future Power and Energy Systems” (thanks Bartolomeo Stellato for the invitation) at the 2024 IOS Conference.
- [Mar. 2024] Robert gave talk “Adaptive Robust Sets for Optimal Power Flow” at the 2024 IOS Conference.
- [Feb. 2024] ROPES Lab is now affiliated with the Center for Urban Policy Research. We will contribute to research efforts on power system resiliency and reliability and AI-driven grid-edge management and control.
- [Nov. 2023] New preprint: “Risk-Aware Security-Constrained Unit Commitment“.
- [Oct. 2023] Robert gave a talk “Data Value and Interpretability in Data-Driven Power Systems Operations” at the Rutgers ISE Fall Seminar Series (thanks Aziz Ezzat for the invitation) and at the Data and Dynamics Seminar at the University of Arizona (thanks Robert Ferrando for the invitation).
- [Oct. 2023] Robert became a member of the Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative.
- [Oct. 2023] New preprint with collaborators from Princeton University: Prescribed Robustness in Optimal Power Flow.
- [Oct. 2023] Robert became an inaugural member of the Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute.
- [Sept. 2023] Our paper “Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Electricity Markets: A NYISO Case Study“, led by Robert Ferrando, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation and is now available in early-access.
- [Sept. 2023] Welcome to ROPES Lab