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Our research is concerned with mathematical models and computational tools for future power systems. We define power systems as the combination of physical infrastructure (wires, generators, transformers, solar panels, etc.) with institutions (markets, regulatory frameworks, business models, etc.). These systems are overwhelmingly complex (consider that each outlet of each US home is technically connected through a continuous electrical connection) and the backbone of our economy (what doesn’t depend on electricity?). Every aspect of managing and planning these systems therefore requires a set of reliable decision-support tools. Unfortunately, the properties of current and future power systems are changing and often do not match the underlying assumptions and models of some of the tools that are in use today. Our research addresses this mismatch.

What are the properties of future power systems? When power systems were designed in the past century, their purpose was to burn fuel most efficiently (meaning in large plants) and then transporting the generated electricity to commercial and household loads. This centrally controlled and one-directional paradigm is being replaced by the following four power system properties:

  • ☀️ Renewable: Today wind and solar are economically competitive forms of electricity generation and they align with targets to reduce carbon emissions. However, wind and solar works very differently than fuel-burning generators because their generation is virtually free but depends on uncertain and variable weather-patterns.
  • 🌍 Decarbonized: Economy-wide decarbonization does not only affect the generation side through the deployment of wind and solar, but also the demand side though the electrification of transportation, buildings, and industry processes. This “electrify everything” approach to decarbonization changes load patterns and alters the economics of electricity through its entire supply chain.
  • 📡 Digitalized: New data collection and processing technologies enables new business models and better real-time decision making. But it raises questions on data privacy and cybersecurity.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Democratized: Electricity consumption and production will go hand-in-hand. The majority of residential electricity consumers will have roof-top solar panels and batteries. Industrial consumers will be able to make an additional revenue from providing flexibility to the grid.

What are the resulting high-level research questions?

  • How can power systems be safely operated in the presence of stochastic generation and demand?
  • How will “electrify everything” shape the future power system and how can we ensure reliable and equitable access?
  • How can costs and benefits be allocated transparently and fairly to all agents in the system?
  • What are good models and abstractions for the complex cyber-physical PES of the future?


Ropes Research Overview


Methods, Theory, and Tools

We use methods from electrical engineering (to understand and model physical power flow, grid stability, and aspects of control engineering) and operations research (optimization, machine learning, data science, and economics). Our lab explores the development of new tools and relevant quantitative models for power systems.

Learning + Optimization

Machine learning complements traditional optimization. Classic optimization is often too slow or requires too much approximation for practical purposes. Machine learning models can create computationally efficient model-free surrogates of complex physical behavior that bridge this gap.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Prescribed robustness in optimal power flow [paper]
    Robert Mieth, H Vincent Poor
    Electric Power Systems Research 235 (PSCC Special Issue) (2024)
    [We developed decision-aware adaptive robust set that uses context information.]
  • Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Electricity Markets: A NYISO Case Study [paper]
    Robert Ferrando, Laurent Pagnier, Robert Mieth, Zhirui Liang, Yury Dvorkin, Daniel Bienstock, Michael Chertkov
    Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation (2023)
    [We use neural networks to predict marginal generators and compute electricity prices in milliseconds.]
  • Operation-adversarial scenario generation [paper]
    Zhirui Liang, Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    Electric Power Systems Research (PSCC Special Issue) (2022)
    [We use decision-aware generative networks to produce critical wind scenarios for system reliability enhancement.]

Data and forecast coordination

Data and predictions are becoming a central resource in a power system that is shaped by more uncertainty and more real-time decision making. This thrust focuses on developing methods to analyze the value of data and how energy market stakeholders can find consensus on predictions/forecasts used by the system operator.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Data valuation from data-driven optimization [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Juan M. Morales, H. Vincent Poor
    IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2024)
    [We propose a novel modification of Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization that considers data quality imputes its value.]
  • Risk trading in a chance-constrained stochastic electricity market [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Matt Roveto, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Control Systems Letters (2020)
    [Electricity market participants may disagree on renewable forecasts. We show that complementary financial trading can create an equilibrium solution.]

Quantitative Models

We have developed tools and data for large-scale real-world case studies.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Modeling 100% Electrified Transportation in NYC [paper]
    Jingrong Zhang, Amber Jiang, Brian Newborn, Sara Kou, Robert Mieth
    2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (2023)
    [We create a model to estimate the load from an electrified transport sector in NYC with different mode mix scenarios.]
  • Power Market Tool (POMATO) for the analysis of zonal electricity markets [paper]
    Richard Weinhold, Robert Mieth
    SoftwareX (2021)
    [We develop an open-source tool and data set for comprehensive analyses of the European electricity market.]

Operations and Markets

The electric power grid is highly complex and is operated with the highest expectations on reliability and efficiency. Electricity markets link grid operational feasibility and economic adequacy. However, market designs and utility business models are lagging behind in adapting to variable renewable power injections, the consequential requirement for more flexible resources, and the emergence of distributed resources.

Risk-aware electricity markets

Current electricity market designs are solved by assuming that renewable generation forecasts are perfectly accurate. This is not the case and leads to inefficiencies and inaccurate price signals that ultimately lead to higher cost for electricity for end consumers. We propose an augmented electricity market that internalizes forecast inaccuracy.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Risk-Aware Security-Constrained Unit Commitment: Taming the Curse of Real-Time Volatility and Consumer Exposure [paper]
    Daniel Bienstock, Yury Dvorkin, Cheng Guo, Robert Mieth, Jiayi Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation (2024)
    [We develop an augmented unit commitment problem that reduces price volatility caused by renewable stochasticity.]
  • Uncertainty-aware capacity allocation in flow-based market coupling [paper]
    Richard Weinhold, Robert Mieth
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2023)
    [With a minor modification of existing market-clearing processes, our method reduces required control actions due to renewable forecast errors.]
  • Inertia pricing in stochastic electricity markets [paper]
    Zhirui Liang, Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2022)
    [We compute prices for (virtual) inertia considering uncertain wind power injections.]
  • Risk-and variance-aware electricity pricing [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Jip Kim, Yury Dvorkin
    Electric Power Systems Research (PSCC Special Issue) (2020)
    [We develop an AC-complete chance-constraint electricity markets that also values reactive power supply for voltage support.]

Distribution system operations and DER integration

Distributed energy resources (DERs) complicate the operation of low-voltage distribution systems because they can lead to voltage profiles and power flows for which the existing physical system was not designed. Also, their small scale but high numbers complicates their integration in centrally organized operations and markets.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Cyber insurance against cyberattacks on electric vehicle charging stations [paper]
    Samrat Acharya, et al.
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2021)
    [We compute insurance-augmented electricity tariffs that consider damages from cyberattacks on EV charging stations]
  • Online learning for network constrained demand response pricing in distribution systems [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2019)
    [We propose an approach to learn demand response behavior and protect the system against imperfect learning.]
  • Distribution electricity pricing under uncertainty [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019)
    [We propose a risk-aware pricing scheme for distribution systems based on locational marginal prices.]
  • Data-driven distributionally robust optimal power flow for distribution systems [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Control Systems Letters (2018)
    [We propose a chance-constraint approach to operate active distribution grids.]

Planning and Resiliency

Power systems require long-term planning horizons due to the long lead times and high capital requirements for energy infrastructure investments. Power system planning must meet complex requirements from the perspective of technical, economic, and political feasibility and the perspective of future reliability and resiliency given a projection of increasingly extreme future weather events.

Reliability and Resiliency

Power system failures are rare but impactful. Much effort is put into ensuring that power systems are reliable on a day-to-day normal operation and resilient against extreme scenarios with internal (uncommon load patterns, equipment failure, etc.) or external (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) events.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Managing Risk using Rolling Forecasts in Energy-Limited and Stochastic Energy Systems [paper]
    Thomas Mortimer, Robert Mieth
    2024 56th North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (2024)
    [We propose an approach to certify resource adequacy during the operation of an energy-limited system.]
  • Risk-aware dimensioning and procurement of contingency reserve [paper]
    Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin, Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2022)
    [We propose an algorithm to learn efficient security margins for transmission lines that ensure deliverability of emergency power.]
  • Operation-adversarial scenario generation [paper]
    Zhirui Liang, Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    Electric Power Systems Research (PSCC Special Issue) (2022)
    [We use decision-aware generative networks to produce critical wind scenarios for system reliability enhancement.]
  • Fast security-constrained optimal power flow through low-impact and redundancy screening [paper]
    Richard Weinhold, Robert Mieth
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2020)
    [We propose an algorithm to speed up optimal power flow with preventive security by 98% without reducing optimality.]

Long-term planning and resource adequacy

The growing dependence on fluctuating wind and solar resource in combination with new flexible and energy-dense technologies like hydrogen, batteries, and small-scale nuclear complicates long-term power system planning. The absence of firm resources (load and generation that request and produce a predefined stable amount of power) and the blurring of the boundary between power consumption and generation obstructs certifying resource adequacy, i.e., ensuring that future available generation capacity is sufficient to meet future demand. New metrics and innovative planning tools are needed for policy-makers and investors to ensure a future security of supply.

Selected papers from this thrust:

  • Modeling 100% Electrified Transportation in NYC [paper]
    Jingrong Zhang, Amber Jiang, Brian Newborn, Sara Kou, Robert Mieth
    2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (2023)
    [We create a model to estimate the load from an electrified transport sector in NYC with different mode mix scenarios.]
  • Computing a strategic decarbonization pathway: A chance-constrained equilibrium problem [paper]
    Jip Kim, Robert Mieth, Yury Dvorkin
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2020)
    [We propose a model and solution technique for strategic generation investment planning with external emission targets.]