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Canvas is a web-based learning management system (LMS) used by Rutgers University to access and manage online learning.  It allows faculty to create and present online learning materials and assess student learning.  It allows students to participate in courses and receive feedback about skill development and learning achievement.

Canvas Features

Canvas includes a variety of customizable built-in course construction and management tools.  These tools allow instructors to create and share content using Assignments, Discussions, Modules, Quizzes, and Pages.  It allows for collaborative instruction using Collaborations, Conferences (BigBlueButton, Zoom, and WebEx) and Groups.

Instructors can provide feedback on assignment and quiz submissions and manage grade reporting in the Canvas Gradebook.  The Chat feature provides real-time course interactions, and Announcements allow communication of course news and updates.

Canvas Access

By default, all Rutgers faculty and students have access to Canvas.  All active RSDM courses in Banner have a respective Canvas course.  Courses become available in Canvas approximately 6-8 weeks before the start of a trimester. RSDM faculty listed in Banner as primary faculty in a course have access to their course.  Students are enrolled in their Canvas courses through their Banner enrollment in the course.  Additional students and faculty can be added to a course manually.