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Since 2023

30. P. K. Sahoo†, N. Hanovice, P. Ward, M. A. Agrawal, T. P. Smith, H. SiMa, J. N. Dulin, L. S. Vaughn, M. Tuszynski, K. Welshhans, L. Benowitz, A. English, J. D. Houle, J. L Twiss. Disruption of Core Stress Granule Protein Aggregates Promotes CNS Axon Regeneration (2024). bioRxiv: 2024.06. 07.597743. † Corresponding author.

29. M.L. Fisher, E.R. Prantzalos, B. O’Donovan, T. Anderson, P.K. Sahoo, J.L. Twiss, P.I. Ortinski, J.R. Dynamic effects of ventral hippocampal NRG3/ERBB4 signaling on nicotine withdrawal-induced responses (2024). Neuropharmacology 247: 109846.

28. S. Alber, P. Di-Matteo, M.D. Zdradzinski, L. Marvaldi, R. Kawaguchi, K.F. Medzihradszky, E. Doron-Mandel, N. Okladinikov, I. Rishal, R. Nevo, P.K. Sahoo, A.L. Burlingame, G. Coppola, J.L. Twiss, and M. Fainzilber. PTBP1 Regulates Injury Responses and Sensory Pathways in Adult Peripheral Neurons (2023).  Science Advances 9(30).

Postdoctoral research

27. N. Samra, P.K. Sahoo, A. Di-Pizio, I. Rishal, C. Buchanan, J.A. Oses-Prieto, L. Marvaldi, N. Okladnikov, H. Reisin-Tzur, O. Abraham, M. Terenzio, A.L. Burlingame, J.L. Twiss, M. Fainzilber. Multiple localization motifs in mTOR UTRs control local translation and neuronal functions. Manuscript under preparation.

26. A.N. Kar, S.M. Randolph, J. Money, H.E. Holt, M. Moss, H. Kim, J.L. Twiss, P.K. Sahoo†. Stress Granules as a drug target in neurodegenerative diseases. Manuscript under preparation. † Corresponding author.

25. P.K. Sahoo, T. Smith, N. Hanovice, S. Miller, O. Mistretta, H. Gilbert, J. Ward, A.W. English, L. Benowitz, J. Houle, and J.L. Twiss. Targeting axonal mRNA storage depots promotes CNS axon regeneration. Manuscript under preparation.

24. M.L. Fisher, E.R. Prantzalos, B. O’Donovan, T. Anderson, P.K. Sahoo, J.L. Twiss, P.I. Ortinski, J.R. Turner. Dynamic Effects of Ventral Hippocampal NRG3/ERBB4 Signaling on Nicotine Withdrawal-Induced Responses (2023). bioRxiv. Jan 20, 2023.

23. P.K. Sahoo†, J.L. Twiss. Profiling locally translated mRNAs in regenerating axons (2023). Methods in Molecular Biology, Axon Regeneration: 145-161. † Corresponding author.

22. P.K. Sahoo†, D.E. Willis†, J.N. Sleigh†. Editorial: Pathways and Processes Underpinning Axonal Biology and Pathobiology (2022). Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 15: 883244. † Corresponding author.

21. P. Patel*, C. Buchanan*, M.D. Zdradzinski, P.K Sahoo, A.N. Kar, S.J. Lee, L. Vaughn, A. Urisman, J.A. Oses-Prieto, M.D. Orco, D.E. Cassiday, I. Dalla Costa, S. Miller, E. Thames, T.P. Smith, A.L. Burlingame, N. Perrone-Bizzozero, J.L. Twiss. Intra-axonal translation of Khsrp mRNA slows axon regeneration by destabilizing localized mRNAs (2022). Nucleic Acid Research 50(10): 5772–5792,. * co-first authors.

20. E Doron-Mandel*, I. Koppel*, O. Abraham, I. Rishal, T.P. Smith, P.K. Sahoo, J. Kadlec, J.A. Oses-Prieto, R. Kawaguchi, S. Alber, P. Di-Matteo, A. Si-Pizio, D. Song, N. Okladnikov, G. Coppola, A.L. Burlingame, P. Jungwirth, J.L. Twiss, M. Fainzilber. The glycine argininerich domain of the RNA-binding protein nucleolin regulates its subcellular localization (2021). EMBO J e107158. * co-first authors.

19. A.N. Kar, S.J. Lee, P.K. Sahoo, E. Thames, S. Yoo, J. Houle, J.L. Twiss. MicroRNAs 21 and 199a-3p regulate axon growth potential through modulation of Pten and mTor mRNAs (2021). eNeuro ENEURO.0155-21.2021.

18. J.L. Twiss, A.L. Kalinski, P.K. Sahoo, I. Dalla Costa, R.J. Giger. Neurobiology: Resetting the axon’s batteries (2021). Current Biology 31(14): R914-R917.

17. S.J. Lee*, M.D. Zdradzinski*, P.K. Sahoo, A.N. Kar, P. Patel, R. Kawaguchi, B.J. Aguilar, K. D. Lantz, C.R. McCain, G. Coppola, Q. Lu, J.L. Twiss. Selective axonal translation of the mRNA isoform encoding prenylated Cdc42 supports axon growth (2021). J. Cell Science 134(7): jcs251967. * co-first authors.

16. S. Van Erp, A.V. Berkel, E. Feenstra, P.K. Sahoo, L. Wagstaff, J Verhaagen, J.L. Twiss, J. Fawcett, R. Eva, C. ffrench-Constant. Age-related loss of axonal regeneration is reflected by the level of local translation (2021). Experimental Neurology, 339: 113594.

15. I. Dalla Costa*, C.N. Buchanan*, M. Zdradzinski*, P.K. Sahoo, T.P. Smith, E. Thames, A.N. Kar, J.L. Twiss. The functional organization of axonal mRNA transport and translation (2021). Nature Reviews Neuroscience 22: 77-91. * co-first authors.

14. P.K. Sahoo, A.N. Kar, S.J. Lee, S.M. Randolph, M. Terenzio, N. Samra, P. Patel, E. Thames, B. Jones, M. Fainzilber, J.L. Twiss. A Ca2+-dependent switch activates axonal Casein Kinase 2α translation and drives G3BP1 granule disassembly for axon regeneration (2020). Current Biology 30: 1-14.

13. P. Patel, P.K. Sahoo, A.N. Kar, J.L. Twiss. Regulation of mRNA Translation in Axons (2020). The Oxford Handbook of Neuronal Protein Synthesis: doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190686307.013.13.

12. T. Smith*, P.K. Sahoo*, A.N. Kar, J.L. Twiss. Intra-axonal mechanisms driving axon regeneration (2020). Brain Research, CMT volume 1740: 146864. * co-first authors.

11. S.J. Lee, J.A. Oses-Prieto, R. Kawaguchi, P.K. Sahoo, A.N. Kar, M. Rozenbaum, D. Oliver, S. Chand, H. Ji, M. Shtutman, S.M. Randolph, R.J. Taylor, M. Fainzilber, G. Coppola, A.L. Burlingame, J.L. Twiss. hnRNPs interacting with mRNA localization motifs define axonal RNA regulons (2018). Mol. & Cell Proteomics 17(11):2091-2106.

10. P.K. Sahoo, S.J. Lee, P. Jaiswal, S. Alber, A.N. Kar, S.M. Randolph, T. Smith, B. Singh, T.S. Yu-Ho, A. Urisman, A. Burlingame, C. Woolf, M. Fainzilber, A.W. English, J.L. Twiss. Inhibiting G3BP1 increases axonal mRNA translation and accelerates nerve regeneration (2018). Nature Communications 9(1):3358.

9. P.K. Sahoo, D. Smith, J.L. Twiss. Axonal mRNA transport and translation at a glance (2018). J Cell Science 131(8):1-8.

8. M. Terenzio, S. Koley, N. Samra, I. Rishal, Q. Zhao, P.K. Sahoo, A. Urisman, L. Marvaldi, J.A. Oses-Prieto, C. Forester, C. Gomes, A. Kalinski, A. Di Pizio, E. Doron-Mandel, R.B. Perry, I. Koppel, J.L. Twiss, A.L. Burlingame, M. Fainzilber (2018). Locally Translated mTOR Controls Axonal Local Translation in Nerve Injury. Science 359(6382):1416-1421.

7. C. Gomes, S.J. Lee, A. Gardiner, T. Smith, P.K. Sahoo, P. Patel, E. Thames, R. Rodriguez, R. Taylor, S. Yoo, T. Heise, A.N. Kar, N. Perrone-Bizzozero and J.L. Twiss. Axonal localization of Neuritin/CPG15 mRNA is limited by competition for HuD binding. (2017). J Cell Sci 130: 3650-3662.

6. T.T. Merianda, Y. Jin, A.L. Kalinski, P.K. Sahoo, I. Fischer, and J.L. Twiss. (2017). Neural progenitor cells promote axonal growth and alter axonal mRNA localization in adult neurons. eNeuro 4(1): ENEURO.0171-16.2017.

5. R. Ben-Tov Perry, I. Rishal, E. Doron-Mandel, K.F. Medzihradszky, A.L. Kalinski, A. Lin, M. Rozenbaum, S. Alber, M. Terenzio, S. Koley, D. Yudin, C. Gomes, P.K. Sahoo, V. Shinder, W. Geraisy, E.A. Huebner, C.J. Woolf, A. Yaron, A.L. Burlingame, J.L. Twiss and M. Fainzilber. (2016). Nucleolin-mediated RNA Localization for Neuron Growth and Cell Size Regulation. Cell Reports 16:1664–1676.

4. T.T. Merianda, J. Coleman, H.H. Kim, P.K. Sahoo, C. Gomes, P. Brito-Vargas, H. Rauvala, A. Blesch, S. Yoo, J.L. Twiss. (2015). Axonal amphoterin mRNA is regulated by translational control and enhances axon outgrowth. Journal of Neuroscience 35(14):5693-706.

Doctoral research

3. M. Sahoo, S. Gaikwad, D. Khuperkar, M. Ashok, M. Helen, S. Yadav, A. Singh, I. Magre, P. Deshmukh, S. Dhanvijay, P.K. Sahoo, Y. Ramtirtha, M.S. Madhusudhan, P. Gayathri, V. Seshadri and J. Joseph. (2017). Nup358 binds to AGO proteins through its SUMOinteracting motifs and promotes the association of target mRNA with miRISC. EMBO Reports 18:241-263.

2. P.K. Sahoo, P. Murawala, P.T. Sawale, M.R. Sahoo, M.M. Tripathi, S.R. Gaikwad, V. Seshadri and J. Joseph. (2012). Wnt signalling antagonizes stress granule assembly through a Dishevelled-dependent mechanism. Biology Open 2:109-19.

Undergraduate research

1. G. Sreenivasulu, P. Sridevi*, P.K. Sahoo*, I. Swapna, W. Ge, R. Kirubagaran, A. Dutta- Gupta, B. Senthilkumaran. (2009). Cloning and expression of StAR during gonadal cycle and hCG-induced oocyte maturation of air-breathing catfish, Clarias gariepinus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, Biochem. Mol. Biol. 154 (1), 6-11. (* Co-second author) NCBI sequence submission for StAR mRNA of Clarias gariepinus: GenBank accession number FJ793811.1.



2. A.N. Kar, P.K. Sahoo, J.L. Twiss, S. McGill, E. Perlson, T. Altman, A. Razvan, I.Tal Gradus-Pery, A. Dori (2022). Targeting G3BP Aggregation To Prevent Neurodegeneration. US Patent No. 11,851,462; Issued 12/26/2023.

1. J.L. Twiss, P.K. Sahoo. (2017). Targeting G3BP Proteins To Accelerate Nerve Regeneration. USA Patent No. US 10668128 B2; Issued 06/02/2020.