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In addition to rigorous training in a particular discipline, NIH emphasizes training programs build capacity in these complementary areas of professional development and wellness:

  • Communication
  • Leadership and Collaboration
  • Teaching and Mentoring
  • Personal Development and Well-Being
  • Career Preparation and Exploration

Resources at Rutgers include:

Rutgers Individual Development Plans – In accordance with NIH guidelines, all biomedical graduate students in the School of Graduate Studies are required to complete Individual Development Plans (IDPs). These resources are also available to postdoctoral fellows at Rutgers.

Rutgers PreDoctoral Leadership Development Academy – The PreDoctoral Leadership Development Academy (PLDA), is a one year program designed to provide doctoral students from a broad array of academic disciplines with the supplemental knowledge and skills needed for academic and administrative leadership roles.

Rutgers Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – provides advanced graduate students with the opportunity to meet monthly with faculty and administrators to review issues related to undergraduate instruction and contemporary higher education.

Communicating Science – The Rutgers SGS Communicating Science course.

Computational Courses – Include courses in Computational Genomics, working with data and Bioinformatics as examples.

Predoctoral resources (GSBS)

Biomedical Professional Development Workshops – The School of Graduate Studies offers our biomedical graduate students opportunities for professional development and workshops including manuscript and grant preparation, learning to mentor undergrads, study skills, and opportunities to mentor diversity high school students.