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Thakuriah, P., C. Boididou and J. Hong (2023). Physical distancing and its association with travel behavior in daily pre-pandemic urban life: An analysis utilizing lifelogging images and composite survey and mobility data. In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.

Chen, L., J. Wang, and P. Thakuriah (2023). Quality-Guaranteed and Cost-Effective Population Health Profiling: A Deep Active Learning Approach. In ACM Transactions for Computing in Healthcare (August 2023).

Thakuriah, P. (2023). Exploring Car-Ownership and Declining Carlessness in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Transport Findings. March.

Venkatasubramanian, A., L. Evers, P. Thakuriah and K. Ampountolas (2023). Functional distributional clustering using spatio-temporal data. In Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 50(4), pp. 909-926


Chen, L., Thakuriah, P.V. & Ampountolas, K. (2021). Short-Term Prediction of Demand for Ride-Hailing Services: A Deep Learning Approach. In Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation, Vol 3, pp. 175-195

Wu, G., J. Hong, and P. Thakuriah (2021). Investigating temporal changes in the relationship between time spent on the Internet and non-mandatory activity-travel time use. In Transportation, pp. 1-23.

Sun, Y. and P. Thakuriah P (2021). Public transport availability inequalities and transport poverty risk across England. In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. February.


Hong, J., P. Thakuriah, P. Mason, C. Lido (2020). The role of numeracy and financial literacy skills in the relationship between information and communication technology use and travel behavior. In Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 21, pp. 257-264.

Thakuriah, P., K. Sila-Nowicka, J. Hong, C. Boididou, M. Osborne, C. Lido, A. McHugh (2020). Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): A Composite Survey and Sensing Approach to Understanding Urban Living and Mobility. In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

Wu, W., W. Liu, P. Thakuriah and J. Wang (2020). The Geography of Human Activity and Land Use: A Big Data Approach. In Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 97, 102523.

Chen L., Sun Y., Thakuriah P. (2020) Modelling and Predicting Individual Salaries in United Kingdom with Graph Convolutional Network. In: Madureira A., Abraham A., Gandhi N., Varela M. (eds) Hybrid Intelligent Systems. HIS 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol 923, pp. 61-74.


Chen, L., K. Ampountolas and P. Thakuriah (2019). Predicting Uber Demand in NYC with Wavenet. Proc. SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2019: The Fourth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments, pp. 1-5.

Wu, G., J. Hong and P. Thakuriah (2019). Assessing the Relationships Between Young Adults’ Travel and Use of the Internet over Time. In Transportation Research – Part A, Vol 125, pp. 8-19.

Anejionu, O. C. D., P. Thakuriah, A. McHugh, Y. Sun, D. McArthur, P. Mason, and Rod Walpole (2019). Spatial urban data system: A cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics. In Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 98, pp. 456-473.

Anejionu, O. C. D., Y. Sun, P. Thakuriah, A. McHugh, P. Mason (2019). Great Britain Transport, Housing, and Employment Access Datasets for small-area Urban Area Analytics. Journal Data in Brief, Vol. 27, Article 104616.

Sila-Nowicka, K. and P. Thakuriah (2019). Multi-sensor movement analysis for transport safety and health applications. In PLoSONE 14(1):e0210090.


Paule, J. D. G., Y. Sun and P. Thakuriah (2018). Beyond Geo-Tagged Tweets: Exploring the Geo-Localization of Tweets for Transportation Applications. In Transportation Analytics in the Era of Big Data, Complex Networks and Dynamic Systems, Vol 4. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-21.

Hong, J. and P. Thakuriah (2018). Examining the relationship between different urbanization settings, smartphone use to access the Internet and trip frequencies.
In Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 69, pp 11-18.


Paule, J. D. G., Y. Moshfeghi, J. Jose and P. Thakuriah (2017). On Fine-Grained Geo-Localization of Tweets. Proc ACM SIGIR conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 313-316.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun and M. Zellner (2017). Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Edited volume of selected papers presented in workshop sponsored by National Science Foundation on Big Data and Urban Informatics. Springer, NY.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun and M. Zellner (2017). Introduction to Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. In Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics, Springer, NY, pp. 1-9.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun and M. Zellner (2017). Big Data and Urban Informatics: Innovations and Challenges to Urban Planning and Knowledge Discovery. In Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics, Springer, NY, pp. 11-48.

Thakuriah, P., L. Dirks, and Y. Keita Mallon (2017). Digital Infomediaries and Civic Hacking in Emerging Urban Data Initiatives. In Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics, Springer, NY, 189-208.

Paule, J. D. G., Y. Moshfeghi, J. Jose and P. Thakuriah (2017). On Fine-Grained Geo-Localization of Tweets. Proc ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, pp. 313-316.


Thakuriah, P., K. S. Nowicka and J. D. G. Paule (2016). Sensing Spatiotemporal Patterns in Urban Areas: Analytics and Visualizations using the Integrated Multimedia City Data Platform. In Journal of Built Environment, Vol. 42(3), pp. 415-429.

Lido, C., Osborne, M., Livingston, M., Thakuriah, P., and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. In International Journal of Lifelong Education, Vol 35, pp. 490-508.

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P., Li, M., and Keita, Y. (2016) Transit use and the work commute: analyzing the role of last mile issues. In Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 54, pp. 359–368.

Hong, J., and P. Thakuriah (2016) Relationship between motorized travel and time spent online for non-work purposes: an examination of location impact. In International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 10(7), pp. 617-626.

Sila-Nowicka, K., and Thakuriah, P. (2016) The trade-off between privacy and geographic data resolution. a case of GPS trajectories combined with the social survey results. In: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-19 Jul 2016, pp. 535-542.


Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I., Macdonald, C., Jose, J., Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M., and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI’15: Proceedings of the ACM First International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. ACM. ISBN 9781450337861

Cottrill, C. D., and P. Thakuriah (2015) Location privacy preferences: a survey-based analysis of consumer awareness, trade-off and decision-making. In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 56, pp. 132-148.

Thakuriah, P. (2015). UBDC Data Sourcing Strategy: Framework and Operating Principles to Create a Research-Led Data Strategy, Data Governance Plan, and Related Workflow and Project Management Plans. Version 2.0.

Currier, S., P. Thakuriah, N. Bailey, D. McNulty and J. Ryall (2015). Urban Big Data Centre Governance Model and Terms of Reference. Current version 3p2 – AG and RAC/DAC, 13 August 2015, draft completed during review period.

Thakuriah, P., S. Currier, C. Wong, I. Gordon, C. Cottrill, R. Weedon, C. Carter, K. Dingwall (2015). Urban Big Data Centre Data Acquisition Strategy. Original draft 2/4/15; current version v0p5 13/08/15.


Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2014). Privacy in Context: An Evaluation of Policy-based Approaches to Location Privacy Protection. In International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol. 22 (2), pp. 178-207.


Thakuriah, P., Persky, J., Soot, S., and Sriraj, P. (2013) Costs and benefits of employment transportation for low-wage workers: An assessment of job access public transportation services. In Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 37, pp. 31-42.

Thakuriah, P. and N. Tilahun (2013). Incorporating Weather Information into Real-Time Speed Estimates: Comparison of Alternative Models. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 4, pp. 379-389.

Thakuriah, P. and G. Geers (2013). Transportation and Information: Trends in Technology and Policy. Springer, NY.

Soot. S., L. Gan and P. Thakuriah. (2013). Bicycle Crash Analysis and Trends: City of Chicago 2005-2010. Final Report to Active Transportation Alliance and Chicago Department of Transportation.


Thakuriah, P., P. Metaxatos, J. Lin and E. Jansen (2012). An examination of factors Affecting Propensity to Use Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities in Suburban Locations. In Transportation Research – Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 17, pp. 341-348.

Tang, L. and P. Thakuriah (2012). Ridership effects of real-time bus information system: A case study in the City of Chicago. In Transportation Research – Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 22, pp. 146-161.


Thakuriah, P., S. Soot. C. Cottrill, N. Tilahun, E. Blaise and W. Vassilakis. (2011). Integrated and Continuing Transportation Services for Seniors: Case Studies of New Freedom Program. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2265, pp. 161-169.

Thakuriah, P., Glenn Geers, Ouri Wolfson and Budhu Bhaduri (eds.) (2011). Proceedings of 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science. Held in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2011. ACM Press, New York. ACM ISBN: 978-1-4503-1034-5.

Tang, L. and P. Thakuriah (2011). Will the Psychological Effects of Real-time Transit Information Systems Lead to Ridership Gain? In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2216, pp. 67-74.

Thakuriah, P. (2011). Variations in Employment Transportation Outcomes: Role of Site Level Factors. In Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 90, No. 4, pp. 755-772.

Thakuriah, P. (2011). Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness of Employment Transportation Services. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2217, pp. 55-62.

Thakuriah, P., L. Tang and W. Vassilakis (2011). Spatio-Temporal Effects of Real-Time Bus Arrival Time Information. Proc. of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGSPATIAL, pp. 6-11.

Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2011). Protecting Location Privacy. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2215, pp. 67-74.

Thakuriah, P., L. Tang and S. Menchu (2011). Young Women’s Transportation and Labor Market Experiences. In Women’s Issues in Transportation, Vol. 2, National Research Council, pp. 276-287.

Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2011). Privacy and Gender: Reviewing women’s attitudes towards privacy in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Location Based Services (LBS). In Women’s Issues in Transportation, Vol. 2, National Research Council, pp. 117-126.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, N. Tilahun, W. Vassilakis and C. Cottrill. (2011). Analysis of Employment Transportation Services for the JobLinks Program. Final Report submitted to U.S. Department of Labor and Community Transportation Association of America, Washington, D.C.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, C. Cottrill, and E. Blaise (2011). Case Studies of the New Freedom Program. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C for FTA Grant Number IL-26-5001-00.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun, S. Soot, C. Cottrill and W. Vassilakis. (2011). Employment Transportation for Low-Wage Workers. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C for FTA Grant Numbers IL-26-5001-00 and IL-37-X007-00.

Thakuriah, P., J. Lin, W. Vassilakis, E. T. Blaise, L. Gan (2011). Post-Implementation Evaluation of the CMAQ Program in Northeastern Illinois. Phase 2. Final Report to Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Chicago, IL, June.

Kawamura, K., P. Thakuriah, P.S. Sriraj, L. Dirks, L. Rashidi, D. Miodonski and S. Sherburn. (2011). Understanding Freight-Land Use Interrelationships. Final Report # 02-07 to CFIRE, University of Wisconsin at Madison.


Thakuriah, P. and N. Tilahun (2010). Using Real-Time Weather Information in Traveler Information Systems and Location-Based Services: A Statistical Learning Application Under Alternative Experimental Conditions. In Proc. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010.

Thakuriah, P., S. Menchu and L. Tang (2010). Car Ownership Among Young Adults: Generational and Period-Specific Perspectives. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2156, pp. 1-8.

Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2010). Evaluating Pedestrian Crashes in Areas with High Low-Income or Minority Populations. In Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp. 1718-1728.

Thakuriah, P. (2010). Evaluation of Alternative Data Imputation Strategies: A Case Study of Motor Carrier Safety Data. In Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 199-216.

Thakuriah, P., P. Metaxatos, A. Mohammadian, C. J. Curtis and W. Vassilakis. (2010). Bus Operations on Shoulders: Analysis of a Preliminary Concept. Final Report submitted for review to Technical Review Panel of Illinois Transportation Center Project R-27-5).


Metaxatos, P. and P. Thakuriah (2009). Planning for Bus-on-Shoulders Operations in Northeastern Illinois: A Survey of Stakeholders. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2111, pp. 10-17.

Thakuriah, P., J. Lin, P. Metaxatos (2009). Post-Implementation Evaluation of the CMAQ Program in Northeastern Illinois. Final Report to Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, October.

Thakuriah, P. (2009). Transportation and Employment Accessibility in a Changing Context of Metropolitan Decentralization: The Case of Delhi, India. In Projections, the MIT Planning Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 60-80.


Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2008). GPS Adoption by Households: Evidence from a Household Travel Survey. In Proc. MobiQuitous 2008, 5th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services.

Cottrill, C. and P. Thakuriah (2008). GPS Adoption by Households: Evidence from a Household Travel Survey. Proc First International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science.

Thakuriah, P., P.S. Sriraj, S. Soot and J. Persky (2008). Economic Benefits of Employment Transportation. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, U.S. DOT and Community Transportation Association of America, June for Grant No’s DOT IL-37-X007-00 4 and DOT IL-37-5002-00.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot and P.S. Sriraj (2008). Partnerships for the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program: A Multi-Site Study of the Institutional and Coordination Processes behind Employment Transportation for Low-Income Workers. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, U.S. DOT and Community Transportation Association of America, June for Grant No DOT

Minocha, I., P. S. Sriraj, P. Metaxatos and P. Thakuriah (2008). Analysis of Transit Quality of Service and Employment Accessibility for the Greater Chicago, Illinois, Region. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2042, pp. 20-29.


Tang, L. and P. Thakuriah (2007). An Examination of Anticipated Behavioral Responses to Real-Time Transit Information Systems. Proc World Conference on Transport Research Society, Berkeley, CA.

Rashidi, T., A. Mohammadian and P. Thakuriah (2007). Effectiveness of Transit Strategies Targeting Elderly People. Final Report to the Illinois Center for Transportation.


Soot, S. and P. Thakuriah. (2006). Case Studies of Job Access and Reverse Commute Planning Partnerships. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, U.S. DOT.

Thakuriah, P., Sriraj, P.S. and K. Hoschouer (2006). An Equity Assessment of the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program. With support from Federal Transit Administration, US Department of Transportation, JobLinks Program, and the US Department of Labor. Urban Transportation Center, UIC, March 2006.

Thakuriah, P., Sriraj, P. S. J. Persky and R. Baiman (2006) An Economic Analysis of the Targeted Transportation Services for Low-Income Workers. Interim Report to the Federal Transit Administration, US Department of Transportation and the Community Transportation of America, Washington, D.C.

Thakuriah, P., P.S Sriraj, S. Soot and Y. Liao (2006). Determinants of Perceived Importance of Targeted Transportation Services for Low-Income Riders. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1986, pp. 145-153.

Sriraj, P.S., M. Minor and P. Thakuriah. (2006). Spatial Decision Support System for Low-Income Families: Relocation Tool for the Chicago, Illinois, Region. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1956, pp. 119-126.

Thakuriah, P. and Y. Liao (2006). Transportation Expenditures and Ability to Pay. Evidence from Consumer Expenditure Survey. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1985, pp. 257-267.

Sriraj, P., Minor, M., and Thakuriah, P. (2006). Impact of Information on Housing Relocation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Interactive GIS. Proc Applications of Advanced Transportation Technology of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Chicago.


Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, P.S. Sriraj, Y. Liao and G. Berman (2005). Activity and Travel Changes of Job Access Transportation Service Users: Analysis of a User Survey. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1927, pp. 55-62.

Thakuriah, P. and Y. Liao. (2005). Analysis of Variations in Vehicle Ownership Expenditures. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1926, pp. 1-9.

Thakuriah, P., Sriraj, P.S., Y. Liao, K. Hoschouer (2005). Role of Planning Partnerships in Transportation Coordination. Final Report to Federal Transit Administration, US Department of Transportation and JobLinks Program of the Community Transportation Association of America.


Lee, J. and P. Thakuriah (2004). Probabilistic Linkage of Commercial Motor Vehicle and Carrier Data. In the Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 43, No. 2, Fall, pp. 37-52.

Sinha, A. and P. Thakuriah (2004). Relationship of Occupational, Industrial, and Socioeconomic Characteristics and Job Start Times: Evidence from Current Population Survey. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1894, pp 67-74.


Ortega, J., P. Sriraj and P. Thakuriah (2003). Spatial Data Integration for Low-Income Worker Accessibility Assessment: A Case Study of the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Paper presented in the Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, August.

Thakuriah, P., Sööt, S., Sriraj, P.S., Dickson, C. (2003) Partnerships for Low-Income Employment Transportation. Final Report from a Focus Group. With Support from: Federal Transit Administration, US Department of Transportation, JobLinks Program, and the US Department of Labor. Urban Transportation Center, UIC.

Thakuriah, P. and S. Niumpradit (2003). The Analysis of the Impact of Intelligent Transportation Systems to the Economy: The Case of Electronic Toll Collection systems. Report III to the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative (METSI), August.

Thakuriah, P., J. Lee and S. Niumpradit. (2003). Development, Testing and Evaluation of Intelligent Databases for Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety. U.S Department of Transportation, BTS, Grant Number DTTS-00-B003-IL Final Report.


Niumpradit, S. and P. Thakuriah (2002). The Economic and Aggregate Productivity Benefits of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Report to the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative, University of Illinois at Chicago and Illinois Department of Transportation. Thakuriah, P., J. Lee and others (2002).

Thakuriah, P. J. Lee and others. (2002). Evaluation of Alternative Signal Control Strategies in the City of Chicago Final report to the Chicago Department of Transportation, with support from the National Institute of Statistical Sciences.

Soot, S., P.S. Sriraj and P. Thakuriah (2002). A Survey of Users of Job Access Reverse Commute Funded Transportation Services. Report to the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.

Lee, J. and P. Thakuriah (2002). An Evaluation of Alternative Signal Control Strategies. Proc 9th World Congress on ITS, Chicago.

Thakuriah, P. (2002). Commercial Motor Carrier Operations in Northeast Illinois Region: Impacts on Land Use Trends Since 1970. In “Suburban Sprawl Private Decisions and Public Policy”. Eds. Wim Wiewel and Joseph J. Persky. New York: M.E. Sharp, Inc, pp. 115-134.

Sacks, J., N. Rouphail, B. Park and P. Thakuriah. (2002). Statistically-Based Validation of Computer Models in Traffic Operations and Management. In Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-15.


Thakuriah, P. (2001). Introduction to the Special Issue on Methodological Issues in Accessibility Measures with Possible Policy Implications. In Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, Sept.-December.

Thakuriah, P., J. Lee, G. Yanos and A. Srinivasan (2001). Motor Carrier Safety: An Assessment of Enforcement Strategies. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1779, pp. 150-156.

Thakuriah, P., D. Virmani, S. Yun, and P. Metaxatos (2001). Estimation of Demand for Intercity Travel: Issues with the American Travel Survey. In the Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Conference on Personal Travel: The Long and Short of It. In Transportation Research Circular, No. E-C026, pp. 255-270.

Zhang, T., M. Jaffe and P. Thakuriah. (2001). Strategic Study for the Combined Development of Chongming, Changxing and Hengsha Insland in Shanghai. Final report to the Chinese Municipal Government of Shanghai.


Thakuriah, P.(2000). Preliminary Technology Guidelines for an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Deployment in Malaysia: Implications for a Revenue Model. Final Report to Oyster Solutions, New Delhi, India and Sinar Dian Technologies SDN BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Thakuriah, P., G. Yanos, D. Virmani, A. Sreenivasan and V. Rivas (2000). Comparison of Interstate and Intrastate Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety. Final Report No. VB-H1-98 to the Illinois Transportation Research Center.

Thakuriah, P. and P. Metaxatos. (2000). Effect of Residential Location and Transportation on Employment Opportunities. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1726, pp. 24-32.


Thakuriah, P., A. Sen and A. Karr. (1999). Probe-Based Surveillance for Travel Time Information in ITS. In Behavioral and Network Impacts of Driver Information Systems. Edited by Richard Emmerink and Peter Nijkamp. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, England, pp. 393- 425.

Sen, A., P. Metaxatos, S. Soot and P. Thakuriah (1999). Welfare reform and spatial matching between clients and jobs. In Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 195–211.

Sen, A., P. Thakuriah, X. Zhu and A. Karr. (1999). Variances of Link Travel Time Estimates: Implications for Optimal Routes. In International Transactions in Operational Research, the Journal of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies, Vol. 6, pp. 75-87.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, and P. Metaxatos. (1999) Destination Accessibility Measures for a Low-Income Group. Technical Synopsis Part B of report titled Implications of the Welfare Reform Bill on Suburban Chicago Transit Demand: Some Strategies for Pace.

Thakuriah, P. (1999). Commercial Motor Carrier Operations in the Northeast Illinois Region: Impacts on Land Use: Trends Since 1970. In Metropolitan Case Study for Chicago. Brookings Institute.


Graves, T. L., A. F. Karr, N. M. Rouphail and P. Thakuriah. (1998) Real-time Prediction of Incipient Congestion on Freeways from Detector Data. Technical Report #79, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, Research Triangle Park.

Thakuriah, P., P. Metaxatos and D. Yang (1999). Propensity for Long-Distance Travel in the United States. Final report to the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, P. Metaxatos, and others (1998). Implications of the Welfare Reform Bill on Suburban Chicago Transit Demand: Some Strategies for Pace. Final report to Pace.

Thakuriah, P., S. Soot, A. Sen, P. Metaxatos, and others (1998). Transportation and Welfare Reform. Final report to the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Soot, S., A. Sen, P. Thakuriah and others (1998). Highways and Urban Decentralization. Final report to the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.

Sen, A., S. Soot, P. Thakuriah, H. Condie. (1998). Estimation of Static Travel Times in a Dynamic Route Guidance System – II. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 27, No. 9-11, pp. 67-85.

Metaxatos, P., S. Soot, P. Thakuriah and A. Sen (1998). Transportation Planning Process for Linking Welfare Recipients to Jobs. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1626, pp. 149-158.


Sen, A., P. Thakuriah, X. Zhu and A. Karr. (1997). Frequency of Probe Reports and Variance of Travel Time Estimates. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 4, July/August, pp. 290-297.


Thakuriah, P. and A. Sen (1996). Quality of Information given by Advanced Traveler Information Systems. In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 249-266.

Thakuriah, P., A. Sen, S. Soot and E. Christopher (1996). Non-response and Urban Travel Models. In Transportation Research Record, No. 1551, pp. 82-87.

Thakuriah, P. and A. Sen (1996). Quality of Information Given by Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Working Paper # 51, National Institute of Statistical Sciences.

Thakuriah, P. (1996). Travel Time Estimation with Imputed Signal Control Information. Working Paper # 52, National Institute of Statistical Sciences.

Thakuriah, P. and A. Karr. (1996). Analysis of Probe-Based Information on Signalized Arterials. NISS Working Paper #48.

Thakuriah, P. and A. Karr. (1996). Characterization of Imperfection in Information given by Advanced Traveler Information Systems. NISS Working Paper Series.

Sen, A., S. Soot, Thakuriah, P. and A. Karr. (1996). Estimation of Static Travel Times in a Dynamic Route Guidance System – II. NISS Working Paper Series.


Sen, A. and P. Thakuriah (1995). Estimation of Static Travel Times in a Dynamic Route Guidance System. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 22, No. 4-7, pp. 83-101.

Soot, S., A. Sen, J. Marston and P. Thakuriah (1995). Multiworker Household Travel Demand. In National Personal Transportation Survey Report Series, Demographic Special Reports, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, February.


Thakuriah, P. and A. Sen (1994). Static Estimates of Travel Times in ADVANCE: Release 1.5 Algorithm Report and Detail Design Document (#8600). ADVANCE Working Paper Series #39.

Thakuriah, P. (1994). Static Estimates of Travel Time for ADVANCE. Release 1.0 SPU Algorithm. ADVANCE Working Paper Series, Task TRF-TT-31, June.


Thakuriah, P. and A. Sen. (1993) Data Fusion for Travel Time Prediction. ADVANCE Working Paper Series, Task TRF-TT-07, June.

Sen, A., P. Thakuriah and N. Liu (1993). Travel Time Prediction: Report for Phase I of the ADVANCE Project. ADVANCE Working Paper Series, Task TRF-TT-11, September.

Sen, A., P. Thakuriah and N. Liu (1993). Design of the ADVANCE Travel Time Forecasting Procedure. ADVANCE Working Paper # 31.

Thakuriah, P., A. Sen, S. Soot and E. Christopher (1993). Non-response Bias and Trip Generation Models. In Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1412, pp. 64-70.


Boyce, D., A. Sen, S. Soot and P. Thakuriah. (1991). TAMS Study on the Third Airport: A Review of the Enplanement Forecasts. Report to the Bi-State Commission on Site Selection of a Third Airport, Chicago.