Amy Banko, MS, CPRP is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions at Rutgers University. In addition to providing SEd and SE course instruction, Ms. Banko serves as a lead trainer and consultant at the Integrated Employment Institute of Rutgers. Ms. Banko co-developed the first freestanding, mobile outreach, SE program for individuals with mental health conditions in the state of New Jersey. She provided support in overseeing the first merger of SEd and SE in New Jersey to create a fully comprehensive Career Services model. Ms. Banko was a clinical contributor on three NIDILRR funded SEd and SE research projects. Ms. Banko will utilize her knowledge and competencies from her lived experience of a mental health condition to inform the development of the manual for this project. This peer perspective is leveraged to bring a consumer voice to this novel treatment modality in the current proposal.